• 2 months ago
डूंगरपुर जिले के प्रभारी और जनजाति विकास मंत्री बाबूलाल खराड़ी ने एक दिवसीय दौरे में करावाड़ा व हडमतिया पंचायत के नवनिर्मित भवनों का लोकार्पण किया.


00:00Out of 100, 45 will be women, out of which 45 will be from the Adivasi community.
00:09This is the reason why we are here.
00:11Some will be Masters, some will be Patwari, some will be Doctors, brothers and sisters.
00:15The Adivasi community has not done anything.
00:18The Adivasi community has done as much as they can.
00:21What more can they do?
00:23They understand the pain of the youth.
00:26They want to help them.
00:28But people like them, and those who do politics in the name of Adivasi,
00:33those who do politics in the name of votes,
00:36by taking revenge on us, by taking us to different places,
00:39and by creating division in the society,
00:41by dividing us.
00:43Because in this country, 36 communities can become the strength of the country.
00:47This is the strength that will break the country.
