• 2 months ago


00:00So, you know, different places in during COVID, we saw a hybrid work culture emerge and a
00:21lot of successful companies were built around that.
00:24So I think giving flexibility to people in this today's generation and new era of work
00:32is important.
00:33And if we try to, you know, challenge or try to restrict people from doing innovative work
00:41in their own space, you actually as a business will get hurt.
00:44And you might actually, I would say it might be a competitive loss to you compared to others
00:49who are getting a better work culture in other places.
00:53I would say if we see the rankings of best places to work, probably we will find that
00:58people who have good work-life balance, other companies which get better results and make
01:05better success in markets as well.
01:09Do you think there is a gap between the young entrepreneurs and those who are little, you
01:20know, around 50s, 60s?
01:22Do you think this is also a factor?
01:27I think definitely it is a factor because every generation has seen their own, you know,
01:33struggle and we should respect whatever the scenarios were of that time and whatever the
01:38situation was of the Indian market or of the companies of how, you know, what was the ease
01:44of doing business in India at that point of time.
01:48So we should respect the learnings and the experiences that people have had before and,
01:53you know, they are masters of their craft and they have seen the challenges before.
02:00So there is some insights that is helpful, but I think somewhere you need to meet the
02:05newer generations and the newer trend, newer people's expectations of work as well.
02:11And people see companies are not just the product and not just the idea that you are
02:16building, but also the people that build it.
02:19And if the people require a certain amount of flexibility in today's work culture, that
02:28is something that you need to strike a balance with the company, otherwise, you know, you
02:34are not building a good work culture in your company.
02:38What is your view or opinion on entire L&T chairman's controversy that has erupted on
02:45social media?
02:47So I would not say that it's a controversy.
02:50I think it's a matter of opinion.
02:52Everybody has got a different opinion.
02:55Everybody has got different priorities.
02:57If I think in my case, if I know that I have a schedule wherein I need to work for 13-14
03:03hours a day because that much work is required for me to achieve my end goal, I don't mind
03:10working for 13-14 hours.
03:11But honestly, if you expect me or if people think that I need to work for 13-14 hours
03:18every day and for that matter, anybody.
03:21I think for every day, we are not machines.
03:23At the end of the day, work-life balance is equally important.
03:26You need to give time to your family.
03:28You need to give time to your parents, kids, everybody.
03:31And I think eventually, once you become like a machine, if you will work like 13-14 hours
03:38every day.
03:38So it is very important to make sure that you're working but simultaneously, you're
03:43giving time to yourself.
03:44You need to give time to your body.
03:46You need to give time to your parents.
03:48So it is equally important because if you keep on working every day for 13-14 hours,
03:54eventually for the rest of the time, you're sleeping, right?
03:57And you're not able to give time to yourself or to your family.
04:00So it becomes difficult working 13-14 hours a day.
04:04How should businesses approach the work-life balance of employees?
04:12So I think for employees, every employee has got a different skill set.
04:17There are few people who can get their job done within 4-5 productive hours, right?
04:22So it's like as an employer, I would never ask my employees to work for 13-14 hours.
04:29I would always just give them a task.
04:31If they can complete it in 4-5-6-7 hours, I am absolutely fine with it.
04:35And if they think, no, that probably we are a little slow in our work and we have to work
04:41for 12-13 hours, it's up to them.
04:43For me, I'm going to give them a task and they need to achieve that particular goal
04:47within the time frame as per their schedule.
04:52What is your reaction on L&T chairman's remark?
04:55Yeah, I think there is a lot of...