• 2 months ago
In this conversation with Ravanan N., CEO of Oneindia and Executive Director of Dailyhunt, we explore Tamil Nadu’s vision for becoming the world’s next global tech talent hub. Learn about the strategic steps being taken to position the state as a leader in the technology industry, and how it plans to attract top global talent and innovation.

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00:30How do you imagine TN 2025 like events help growing Tamil Nadu's economies and technological
00:53Events like this, I mean, firstly, I'm happy to be at an event like this.
00:56I'm very impressed with the scale of the event.
01:01And if Tamil Nadu is pulling this off, I think it's largely because of the vision of the
01:04IT minister that we have right now, right?
01:08Events like these are very important for every, you know, participant of the value chain,
01:15Right from that source of talent, colleges, schools, you know, schools, colleges.
01:20The startup ecosystem is also getting very warmed up to this kind of a concept where
01:25they're able to meet people, network, pick up talent, pick up ideas, and the venture
01:30All stakeholders, I'm sorry, for all stakeholders like this, I think it's a very relevant event.
01:37And if you start doing this event at a larger scale going forward and looking at a more
01:41always on kind of a mode, I think TN could be on the map of Silicon Valley.
01:46So, even like this, how it create opportunities for a startup organization and well established
01:52So, any networking event for that matter helps in people getting ideas, getting contacts,
02:01So, this is not just another event, right?
02:03This is a specific event where there is a sizable involvement of the government, right?
02:07So, this adds a little more value to than a regular networking event that happens on
02:11a private scale, right?
02:13So now, just now, I think the minister has announced that he will do a more year-long
02:18event to a year-long activity to promote such things, right?
02:22So, very important for every stakeholder to part of it and now with the support of the
02:25government, I think this takes it to the next level.
02:27You can see a lot of youngsters and college students.
02:30How helpful for them are these kind of events?
02:33So, I was just at one of the panel discussions where we gave awards for hackathon event,
02:40And I was very impressed with the range and depth of topics that these kids have taken,
02:45And these are not small problems to solve.
02:47And I think they are thinking in the right direction.
02:50So, quite a few of them at JNAI, quite a few of them are trying to solve for real-world
02:54problems, right?
02:55And I think I am pretty happy with the way the talent is shaping up in Tamil Nadu, at
03:01least the talent that I have seen today, right?
03:03And this should serve as an inspiration for kids who have not made it here, right?
03:08And such events should happen more often.
03:10From your point of view, which skills are critical for future of tech ecosystem?
03:15See, I think people have been harping about a lot about the new gen technologies of JNAI,
03:22AI, right?
03:23And while I am not a doomsayer, I am sure JNAI would impact us in every way that we
03:31do business, right?
03:33And it would impact us in a very positive way for sure.
03:35It is about who jumps onto the bandwagon, who adopts themselves earlier will be successful.
03:42Finally, how is the event, how is the organizing going?
03:45Very nice event.
03:46I have been to quite a few events.
03:48This would be one of the top two, three events that I have attended, right?
03:52And happy to see the level and scale of which this event is going on, right?
03:57And I am sure more such events should happen in Tamil Nadu if we have to be on the map.
04:02Thank you, sir.
04:03Thank you so much, sir.
04:04Don't miss out.
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