• 2 months ago
My Vampire System Ep 14 - 23
| English Movies , English Drama, Chinese Drama,Short Drama
00:00:00The female's name was Faye Dallum. She was a sergeant at the Academy and was mostly in charge of squad training.
00:00:06Those of you who are injured go to the doctor's office to be treated immediately,
00:00:10while the rest of you head to the dorms and stay inside until you are called out again.
00:00:15Do you understand?" Faye said. After successfully attaching Vorden's arm back to his body,
00:00:21Haley, the school doctor, had gone up to check on Quinn.
00:00:24What is this? For this much blood, the wound should be a lot bigger.
00:00:28Quinn started to laugh nervously.
00:00:31Yeah, my friend has a healing ability and managed to heal me a bit before I got here.
00:00:36Oh, another healer, Haley said surprised. Well, if you get the chance, send them down here.
00:00:41Their ability is quite good, and it looks like they have done a splendid job.
00:00:45I could do it with help, and I would love to have a student of my own. Sure, Quinn replied.
00:00:51Meanwhile, inside one of the integration rooms, a large muscular man with forearms the size of thighs
00:00:57was sitting opposite the second-year student, Momo, and on his shoulder, the man had the rank of general.
00:01:02His name was Duke King, and he was head of the second-year students.
00:01:07Of all the people that had to be Faye to stop us, Momo complained,
00:01:11I did as you asked, and now I might pay for it.
00:01:14Will you relax? Nothing will come of this,
00:01:16I promise you that, Duke replied. You're only students, and these types of things happen, and I'll vouch for you.
00:01:22Really? So this won't all fall back on me then, Momo asked. Of course, as long as no one finds out about our little secret,
00:01:30Duke said with a smile. The next day had arrived, and it was a weekend for the students.
00:01:35Just like any other school, students did not have to attend classes, and were free to do as they wished around the city.
00:01:42Although the curfew still existed, they had to be back in their dorm rooms before 10 in the evening,
00:01:47and they were not allowed to leave the city.
00:01:49However, for the leaders at the school, their day was not as relaxing as the students for a meeting had been called.
00:01:56Inside the academy, on the top floor, the leaders of the academy had gathered in a fairly large meeting hall.
00:02:02Faye was the first to stand and speak.
00:02:05We are here today to conduct the meeting on what to do with the second-year students who were involved in the case
00:02:11involving primarily the first-year student known as Vorden Blade, and the students who are part of Del's class and Leo's Beast Weapons class.
00:02:19Faye then pressed a little button on a controller she held in her hand. In front of the generals and the other sergeants, a
00:02:26holographic report was being displayed to them.
00:02:29I believe you have all read the reports, but this is here just for your reference.
00:02:33I would like to ask your opinion on how these students should be punished, General Duke.
00:02:38Punished? Duke said. I see no reason for these students to be punished. If you look at the report,
00:02:43it seems like Vorden was the first to attack the others.
00:02:46They were simply retaliating. These types of things happen all the time.
00:02:50I urge the rest of the sergeant to take extra precaution, said Faye.
00:02:54It was only recently that we had the death of a student in our school.
00:02:58Unlike Brandon, Vorden is an original. If his family was to get involved in it, it would not be good for the academy.
00:03:05How is the preparation for the portal outing coming along for the first-year students? Leo asked.
00:03:10Yes, everything has been all set up, Nathan said. A green portal has been selected for the students to go through and the base has
00:03:17made preparations for their arrival. It should all go smoothly next week.
00:03:21Do you know what planet the expedition will take place on? Leo asked. Then I will be able to better prepare my students.
00:03:27It's best to ask your students to pack some sun cream and their sunglasses as they will be arriving on the planet Kaladi.
00:03:34Nathan replied.
00:03:35Planet Kaladi, a planet that was mostly covered in desert and contained low-tier beasts. Kaladi contained a 72-hour cycle.
00:03:43It was brilliant for those that loved the sunlight and heat.
00:03:47The three of them then proceeded to head into town.
00:03:50They went ahead and grabbed some food, watched a movie and had a good laugh.
00:03:54But as they were outside, Peter spotted a group of high-level first-years
00:03:58he had met before. As Peter had made eye contact with the group, they had signaled to him
00:04:03they wanted to talk.
00:04:04Hey guys, I just remembered that I promised to meet up with a few people from school tonight, said Peter.
00:04:09It was great hanging out with you guys, but I'll see you when you get back to the dorm.
00:04:14Vorden looked at Quinn, realizing that they both thought Peter's words sounded suspicious.
00:04:20No matter what, Peter didn't want an incident like last time to happen. He would deal with the problems himself.
00:04:26Took you long enough. The student standing in front of the group had a scar on his chin and his name was Earl.
00:04:32What the hell do you think you were doing calling the teacher the other day, Earl said?
00:04:36Now Momo and the others are giving us a hard time for relying on you.
00:04:40Now we have another job for you, Peter, and you better do it right this time, you understand? Just nod if you agree.
00:04:46Peter then shook his head. He had already decided that no matter what, he would never betray Vorden or Quinn again.
00:04:53What? Are you saying no? Do your thing, Jerry.
00:04:56Then Jerry placed his hand on top of Peter's and slowly a warm feeling was felt and the bones in Peter's fingers were starting to take shape.
00:05:05They reformed to what they once were and he had been healed.
00:05:08Then a big smile on Earl's face could be seen. He grabbed Peter's fingers again and repeated the process again and again.
00:05:17Eventually, after an hour had passed of breaking, hurting and rehealing Peter,
00:05:22Peter's mind had given in. Without him realizing it, he no longer wanted to feel the pain and nodded, agreeing to their request.
00:05:29Good, Earl said. Now this time you better do it right and be sure not to involve anyone.
00:05:35Hi, Quinn here. Thirsty for more action? Jump the queue and unleash all episodes.
00:05:41Click on the link here and install the Pocket FM app. Sink your teeth into the next episode of our fang-tastic journey,
00:05:48only on the Pocket FM universe.
00:05:56While the two were walking, Quinn couldn't help but think back to the fight between Vorden and Momo.
00:06:02Hey Vorden, I know you said your ability resets every day, but you never said you could wield two abilities at once, Quinn asked.
00:06:09Didn't I?
00:06:11Vorden said with an awkward smile. Well, there are some in my family that can even hold three.
00:06:16Really? So how does it exactly work?
00:06:19Well, if I told you our family secrets, Quinn, you would have to become a part of our family. Either that or I'd have to kill you.
00:06:25For a second, there was an awkward silence between the two, as Quinn wasn't sure if Vorden was joking or not.
00:06:32Relax, will you? Vorden said. But yeah, I honestly can't tell you anything. You know originals rules and all.
00:06:38Vorden belonged to one of the original families, meaning the only people that knew how to copy other abilities were the Blades.
00:06:45Yeah, sorry about that, but if you don't mind me asking, if you copy an ability you've never received before,
00:06:51how are you able to fight with them so well?
00:06:54Let me show you something, Vorden said.
00:06:57The two of them continued to walk down the high street, which was filled with shops, until Vorden eventually stopped just outside a game store.
00:07:04The two of them headed inside and there were all types of games filled on the shelves.
00:07:09Then Vorden pointed at the VR capsule. You see that thing? I grew up playing on that.
00:07:15What? Quinn thought. There's a popular game played in the outside world and within the military schools called Power Fighter.
00:07:22The game itself is used to help people train. The VR capsule can record all attributes of your body.
00:07:28Anything you do in the real world, you can do in the game. The only thing that it can't do is record your ability.
00:07:34Vorden then walked up to the capsule and touched the front of the capsule.
00:07:38Welcome user ID VB copy, the machine said.
00:07:42As Vorden logged into the game, an ability tab. The list seemed almost endless.
00:07:47Wait, I thought you said the game couldn't record your ability, Quinn asked.
00:07:51It can't, but it uploads into its database every ability that is shared out there in the world that we know today.
00:07:57Of course, only the ones that are made public.
00:08:00So original abilities and abilities that have yet to be discovered aren't on this list.
00:08:05I can select any ability I want. Even if I can't perform it in the real world, I can practice with it in the game.
00:08:12Quinn finally understood how Vorden was able to become well adverse with multiple different abilities.
00:08:18The game is actually very popular with the other military schools.
00:08:22Vorden continued to explain. So much so that the military has designed its own servers before you enter the game.
00:08:28You can even input your power level. This way it will match you with those people around the same level.
00:08:33Quinn then walked up to the capsule and started to inspect it.
00:08:36It sounded amazing and was exactly what Quinn needed.
00:08:40This way he was able to practice against other students without others realizing it was him.
00:08:46Then when Quinn lifted up the tag on it, there were more zeros on the thing than he had ever seen before.
00:08:51There was no way he could afford such a thing. Vorden started to laugh.
00:08:55Don't worry about it. You don't need to buy one yourself. The Academy has a room full of them. Really?
00:09:01Come on, let's head back and give it a go.
00:09:03The Sun was starting to set outside.
00:09:05So it was just the right time for Vorden and Quinn to head back to the Academy.
00:09:09And when they did, they immediately went over to the VR room.
00:09:12The two of them went up to the front counter that was stationed next to the small cafe.
00:09:17Hi, we would like to rent out two capsules, please. Vorden asked.
00:09:21A single capsule will cost you 10 credits per hour. The female replied.
00:09:25Hearing that number made Quinn gulp. For some reason he had expected the capsules to be free.
00:09:30But of course they would have to pay to rent them.
00:09:33With Quinn's 10 credits he received a day and most he could play the game for was an hour a day.
00:09:38All right, are you ready? Vorden asked. Huh? What did you pay?
00:09:42Yeah, don't worry about it. Come on, let's go.
00:09:45The woman behind the counter had handed Vorden two tags numbered 23 and 24.
00:09:50Here we are, Vorden said. The two of them slowly climbed into the VR capsule.
00:09:54When the machine sensed they were both comfortably inside, the capsule lid slowly started close in on both of them.
00:10:01Then, before they realized it, their minds were completely transported to another space.
00:10:06Quinn was now in a large empty white room.
00:10:09Welcome to Power Fighter. What would you like to do? Log in? Register? Play as guest?
00:10:15As Vorden had suggested for now, Quinn decided to play as a guest.
00:10:19Then he went on through the system and started to search for Vorden's gamer ID.
00:10:23Once he had selected to join the person's room, he patiently waited for Vorden to accept.
00:10:28Room invite accepted. Transporting in three, two, one.
00:10:33Then, in an instant, Quinn had been transported to another empty white space room.
00:10:38Only this time Vorden was there as well.
00:10:40He looked like a completely different person. Both his hands had been wrapped in bandages and on his face he wore a scarf.
00:10:47Uh, Vorden, is that you?
00:10:49Oh, sorry, Vorden said, and the next second he looked like the ordinary Vorden at school.
00:10:54What was that? Quinn asked.
00:10:56That the game allows you to customize your character so you can make it look like whatever you want.
00:11:01Although they cost credit, so I wouldn't worry about that. The sound of the game was just getting even better for Quinn.
00:11:07Allowing the users to create a character to be used in the game meant that no one would know it was him,
00:11:12unless they knew his username. Do you want to watch me play a few games so you know how the game works? Vorden asked.
00:11:19When an opponent was found, the two of them started out on the opposite side of the room.
00:11:23Then Quinn could see a big countdown appear over the arena.
00:11:26When the countdown reaches zero, the match immediately began.
00:11:30Vorden was going up against another Earth user.
00:11:33The match had only lasted a total of five minutes, but while watching the game, Quinn started to figure out how it worked.
00:11:40After that, Quinn continued to watch Vorden play a few more games, and before they knew it, their time was up.
00:11:46It was getting late, and it was almost time for their curfew,
00:11:49so Quinn and Vorden decided it would be best to head back to the dorm rooms.
00:11:53When they arrived, they noticed that the lights were out, and Peter was already in the room fast asleep.
00:11:58Does he look okay? Quinn asked.
00:12:01Hi, Quinn here.
00:12:02Wondering what happens next? If you want to jump the queue and unleash all episodes,
00:12:07click on the link here and install the Pocket FM app. Catch our next episode only on Pocket FM Universe.
00:12:16A few hours later...
00:12:21Yeah, he seems fine, but even if he was getting bullied, he could have gone to the doctor's office before coming here, Vorden replied.
00:12:28Well, I still think we should keep an eye on him.
00:12:30There's no way higher levels would just become friends with a lower level for no reason, Quinn said.
00:12:35Vorden cleared his throat loudly and started to look at himself.
00:12:39Of course, there are some exceptions, Quinn said smiling.
00:12:42With the other two now fast asleep, Quinn was still awake messing around with his system.
00:12:47He was busy watching the tutorial videos of the Hammer Strike.
00:12:51The next day, Quinn had woken up earlier than the other two.
00:12:54He immediately wanted to go to the game to create his character and test out the skill he had been learning all night.
00:13:00Just in case the others wondered where Quinn was, he left a note before leaving.
00:13:05When he finally arrived, the VR room was emptier than it was yesterday.
00:13:09He went up to the pretty lady who stood behind the counter and asked to rent a capsule, only this time for two hours.
00:13:15Before entering his capsule, Quinn looked around the room and noticed some students carrying their beast weapons with them.
00:13:21Not all students used one like Vorden, but after watching the games Vorden had played yesterday,
00:13:26he did see a few of his opponents have one.
00:13:29Which meant that the game was also able to recognize the power of beast weapons.
00:13:33Scan complete! The beast weapon may now be used with the capsule.
00:13:37He then hopped in and logged into the game.
00:13:40Please create a user ID.
00:13:42Quinn thought long and hard. He didn't want anything that could give his real identity away,
00:13:46but at the same time he wanted a name that would express his newfound self.
00:13:50Something like Vampire God just wouldn't work and gave too much information. Finally, he had settled on a name.
00:13:57User ID created, Blood Evolver. The next step was to design his character.
00:14:02The body proportions of his character were the same as him,
00:14:05but he was able to choose what hairstyle and simple clothing he wanted on it.
00:14:10Quinn had always been born with black curly hair and wanted to change it, but never got the chance to.
00:14:15After going through all the options, he finally decided on a red spiky haired character who wore simpler villager clothing.
00:14:22It looked like a farmer from an old fantasy world.
00:14:25Once the character had been completed, Quinn was once again teleported to the large white empty room.
00:14:31That's when Quinn noticed something.
00:14:33While in the room, Quinn was able to walk around freely and move his body just like he could outside.
00:14:39He was currently dressed as the character and even had his gauntlets on.
00:14:43Then when Quinn tried to open up his system to his surprise, it appeared like usual showing all of his current stats.
00:14:50Quinn looked down at his gauntlets and immediately wanted to test something out.
00:14:54Blood swipe! And in that instant, a red claw-like line left Quinn's hands and scratched the ground.
00:15:00For whatever reason, it seemed like Quinn's system and abilities still worked inside the game.
00:15:07Just in case, Quinn opened up the game system and check, and right next to his name where there was a section to fill in your ability,
00:15:13there were the words written none in the box.
00:15:16But the fact that Quinn was able to use these abilities in the game made him think.
00:15:21Was his system really an ability?
00:15:23At first, he assumed so. After all, he had received the power from what had looked like an ability book.
00:15:29Of course, he had never heard of an ability like this before,
00:15:32but there were many abilities in the world that originals had hidden and kept for themselves.
00:15:37Then he thought back to his status change.
00:15:40Next to race, it stated he was no longer human.
00:15:43Perhaps his abilities were more a side effect of changing race rather than an ability itself.
00:15:49That's why the skills that he unlocked through the system didn't really follow a pattern.
00:15:53If Quinn's theory was right, did this mean he could also learn an ability?
00:15:58Before going into his first game, Quinn wanted to test out the hammer strike.
00:16:02He had been watching the video all last night and felt like he was ready.
00:16:06Place your foot forward like this and at the same time rotate your body. The energy should flow through your toes upwards.
00:16:12Then as you pull back your hand, stomp on the ground and at the same time release the energy through your fist.
00:16:18Quinn mumbled as he went through the steps. He could feel the energy rising from the bottom of his feet into his fist.
00:16:25The powerful strike left his hand and a loud bang was heard. A small shockwave in the air was created.
00:16:31I did it, Quinn said. For his first match, Quinn wanted to go against the same power level user as him.
00:16:37She just wanted to make sure of a few things.
00:16:39The game had found him an opponent and he was immediately teleported to an arena.
00:16:54Quinn got in close to the student and was ready for whatever was to come.
00:17:08That's when the student had shapeshifted his hands into a claw-like shape and scratched at Quinn's body.
00:17:14The attack was slow and Quinn was able to block but chose not to and allowed the attack to scratch against his chest.
00:17:21HP is currently full, unable to use blood bank.
00:17:24It was as he had suspected. Although he took damage in the game, nothing had happened to his real body outside.
00:17:30He dashed forward and when he was close enough, he threw out a blood swipe.
00:17:34The student lifted his claws to block but the second the blood swipe made impact,
00:17:39his claws had shattered and followed up behind the first blood swipe was a second one.
00:17:43Quinn got in closer to the student. By now, the student's claws had already regenerated.
00:17:48The student swung again, but this time Quinn ducked underneath the attack and threw out a punch to the student's stomach
00:17:54followed by another punch to the student's face and finished him off with a cross-shaped dual blood swipe with both hands.
00:18:01Winner bloody Bolvar.
00:18:02Opponent has been defeated. 25 EXP has been earned.
00:18:06305 of 400 XP.
00:18:09This was a large surprise to him as Quinn didn't expect a fight in the game to contribute to points in his system.
00:18:15But at the same time, this was great news.
00:18:18But now that Quinn was able to level up, it solved his current problem of getting stronger without the need of consuming blood.
00:18:25Quinn immediately went to search for another game.
00:18:28He set the power level to level one. That way he would be matched up against easy opponents.
00:18:33An opponent was almost found instantly and Quinn got straight to work.
00:18:37And his plan worked. His first opponent was dealt with so quickly that Quinn didn't even have time to find out what ability he had.
00:18:4425 EXP gained.
00:18:46330 of 400.
00:18:48Quinn's next three opponents were dealt with just as easy as the other two.
00:18:52405 of 400 EXP.
00:18:55Congratulations, you are now level four. Race, halfling. HP, 25 of 25.
00:19:015 of 800 EXP. Strength, 13. 3. Stamina, 12. Agility, 14.
00:19:08For the first time since Quinn had leveled up, he hadn't received a new ability.
00:19:12He somehow had expected this, but at the same time was hoping for something useful. Finally though, what Quinn had wanted had arrived.
00:19:19The reason why he wanted to level up so fast was because of the free stat point received after every level up.
00:19:26Agility, 15.
00:19:27He immediately put the point into his agility stat and now he could finally learn the flash step from the tutorial.
00:19:34After several minutes of Quinn practicing the flash step, he finally had a stroke of success.
00:19:40Yes! Quinn shouted.
00:19:42However, what Quinn did notice was while he was in the white room on his own, his body would never feel tired.
00:19:48It meant the white room acted like some type of training room where they were unaffected by their physical body's restraints.
00:19:55With the flash step learned, Quinn finally wanted to experience a fight with a tougher opponent.
00:20:00In the real world, you wouldn't be able to choose who you went up against,
00:20:03so it was important for Quinn to have experience fighting in all sorts of situations.
00:20:08Then a few moments later, a match was found.
00:20:11This time when Quinn entered the arena floor, he could see his opponent standing opposite him.
00:20:16He was wearing a long red cape and by his side were two daggers.
00:20:20Quinn also realized they weren't alone either.
00:20:23No, don't worry about him, the cape man said. He's just my senior. He's watching me fight so he can give tips.
00:20:29Quinn then tried using his inspect skill on his opponent to see what power level or ability they had, but there was no luck.
00:20:36But before the match began, Quinn made sure to open up his status screen and decided to leave it open and off to the side.
00:20:42When both of them were ready, the countdown started over their heads.
00:20:50The cape man took out his daggers and swung them out fast.
00:20:53Two wind blades followed. The attack was similar to Quinn's blood swipe, only the distance the attack could be used was far greater and faster.
00:21:02Quinn then decided to attack with his own blood swipe.
00:21:04The two lines of power clashed in the middle and cancelled each other out.
00:21:09A red color? What ability is that?
00:21:11The cape man was wondering. This time Quinn charged forward. The caped man, seeing this, threw more wind strikes out.
00:21:17But Quinn just replied back with his own blood swipes, but this time sending out four of them.
00:21:22When the first two cancelled out the wind strikes, the next two carried on moving forward.
00:21:27That's when the caped man lifted his cape and spun around. The blood strikes smacked into the cape,
00:21:32but there was no effect and not even a scratch left on the cape.
00:21:36Is that beast armor and a high level one at that? Quinn thought.
00:21:40The caped man swung his daggers out fast.
00:21:43Quinn lifted his hands and managed to grab onto the daggers, allowing the blade to just come out from his fingertips.
00:21:49Then suddenly the aura around the daggers grew and the wind forming around dagger
00:21:53allowed the ends of the blade to grow and act more like a sword, piercing Quinn in both shoulders.
00:21:59The capped man pulled back and went for another strike.
00:22:02I don't know what your ability is, but it's over, the caped man said.
00:22:06But then suddenly his dagger had hit nothing but empty air and space and no one could be seen.
00:22:12As he turned around, a sharp claw penetrated the man's stomach.
00:22:16Then another attack after attack at great speed was tearing his stomach apart and to finish him off, two more blood swipes.
00:22:2325 experience gained.
00:22:2530 of 800 experience.
00:22:28The man watching in the arena stood up on his feet as he saw his friend lose the match.
00:22:32The two of them so far had been on a winning streak.
00:22:35Taking it in turns facing opponent after opponent, the sudden loss had come as a shock to them.
00:22:41That skill at the end, what was that?
00:22:43Then just as Quinn was about to log out and go find another match, he heard someone call out to him.
00:22:49Wait! The man in the seat shouted. Please fight me!
00:22:52Quinn had no problem with this and accepted, but unknown to him,
00:22:56the man he was about to face was one of the strongest students from another military school.
00:23:02Hi, Quinn here. Thirsty for more action? Jump the queue and unleash all episodes.
00:23:08Click on the link here and install the Pocket FM app.
00:23:11Sink your teeth into the next episode of our fang-tastic journey,
00:23:15only on the Pocket FM Universe.
00:23:22The student who had been sitting up in the stands and watching the fight between Quinn and his friend was known as Nate Snell.
00:23:29He was a second year from another academy, and in his academy,
00:23:32he was well known for being one of the strongest second years. After asking Quinn for a battle,
00:23:37he was overjoyed that he accepted. For the two of them to start their match,
00:23:41they needed to add each other to their friend's list first.
00:23:44Hard Steely has sent you a friend request.
00:23:47Quinn accepted the friend request and was happy to fight. Blood Evolver has accepted your friend request.
00:23:52Blood Evolver? Does his ability have something to do with blood?
00:23:56That would explain those red lines coming out from his hands, but was there such an ability in the system? Nate thought.
00:24:02There were thousands of different abilities in the system,
00:24:04so Nate wasn't sure of all of them,
00:24:06but he had fought many battles in the game, and this was the first time seeing someone with this type of ability.
00:24:12Before the match was about to begin, Nate had asked if he could speak to his friend Sam for a few moments.
00:24:18Quinn agreed as he wanted to check a few things out himself.
00:24:21You are such a fool, Nate said. I know, I'm sorry, Sam replied.
00:24:26Nate looked at the flapping cape that Sam was wearing and started to shake his head.
00:24:30We just got this incredible thing and you didn't even use it properly in the fight.
00:24:34When he went out from your view, if you had turned around, your back, it would have been protected,
00:24:38or you could have turtled up with the cape.
00:24:41It's hard to get used to having something on your back. If someone vanishes in front of you,
00:24:45and you know they're behind you, you naturally turn around, wouldn't you? Sam replied.
00:24:50Sam then started to look at the ground as he was saddened remembering how he had lost the match.
00:24:54My win streak, Sam cried.
00:24:57Nate proceeded to pat Sam on the shoulder with pity before walking to his fighting spot.
00:25:02You know the deal. If I win against him, then that means I win our bet, and you'll owe me those credits.
00:25:08As Sam headed back to the arena stands, he was praying for Quinn to kick his friend's ass.
00:25:13He had lost too many bets recently and was running low on credits.
00:25:17Three, two, one, and the match had begun.
00:25:21Surprisingly, both of them at the same time had decided to charge in.
00:25:25And as soon as Quinn was within five meters, he threw out two blood swipes.
00:25:29Suddenly, Nat's speed dropped dramatically, his skin started to turn into a shiny material, and his footsteps were heavy.
00:25:36As the blood swipes reached and hit his body, the sound of metal clanging against each other was heard.
00:25:42For the first time when Quinn's attack had hit an opponent's body,
00:25:45it had done zero damage whatsoever.
00:25:48The metal shine from Nate's body seemed to shift and now was concentrated in his arm.
00:25:52It allowed Nate to move a lot faster and close the distance.
00:25:56He pushed his hand forward and out came a long metal silver pole.
00:26:00It was too fast for Quinn to react and the pole dug into his stomach and continued to push him back.
00:26:05Quinn then grabbed onto the pole with both hands and using all his strength managed to stop its momentum.
00:26:11Wow, looks like you're strong as well, Nate said surprised.
00:26:14Not only did his opponent have a ranged attack, but seemed to have super strength now as well.
00:26:19Quinn was in front of him ready to strike,
00:26:21but Nate remained calm and shifted the metal over his body to the exact spot where Quinn was aiming for his head.
00:26:28The punch landed, but Nate's head didn't even move a single inch, and again, the game had recorded no such damage.
00:26:34Nate then grabbed Quinn's fist and with his other hand formed the pole, whacking him to the ground.
00:26:39Come on, you should be better than this, Nate said. It had been a while since Quinn felt like this, weak.
00:26:45Come on, Nate said as he shifted the metal pole back into his body and into one of his fists.
00:26:51Quinn once again charged forward and threw out a blood swipe.
00:26:55Nate blocked the attack easily lifting his arm and knocking it away,
00:26:58but it was only meant to serve as a distraction in the first place.
00:27:02When Quinn got close enough, Nate threw out his fist and at the same time he responded with flash step.
00:27:08Avoiding the strike and appearing behind Nate,
00:27:11Quinn then lifted his foot off the ground, let the energy go through from his toes up to his fist.
00:27:16As he stomped down with one foot, he pulled back one hand and let out another fist.
00:27:21Nate's eyes grew in shock as he saw the attack bring his health down by nearly half.
00:27:26Damn it again, how is he so fast?
00:27:28As Nate turned to look at where his opponent was, he was surprised to see Quinn collapsed on the ground.
00:27:33Quinn was breathing heavily, he could no longer move, he had pushed his body way beyond its limits.
00:27:39Let's do this again sometime, Nate said as he stabbed Quinn on the ground, ending the game.
00:27:44Although the match had ended in Nate's victory, he was more excited than ever.
00:27:48Looks like the military tournament is going to be a fun one this year.
00:27:52With that in mind, Quinn had set up an important meeting with Layla today.
00:27:56There was one thing he needed to learn about more than anything,
00:27:59especially if he wanted to get stronger in the future.
00:28:02It was a Sunday, so Quinn still had the rest of the day off,
00:28:06before having to go back to the standard military lessons for a week.
00:28:10The sun was out bright and early, and Quinn was standing outside the school gates, patiently waiting for Layla.
00:28:16This damn sun, Quinn said while his body was covered in sweat.
00:28:20All current stats have been halved.
00:28:22Ever since he had evolved from a human into a halfling, the sun seemed to bother him even more.
00:28:27Finally, after waiting a while, Layla arrived.
00:28:30She was wearing a beautiful red dress that showed off her long legs nicely, along with her short hair.
00:28:35You ready? Layla asked, smiling.
00:28:38Quinn looked at the large bag on her back. It must have been heavy, he thought.
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00:29:03Do you want me to carry that for you? Quinn asked, although with his stats halved and his strength draining from his body,
00:29:08he was hoping she would say no.
00:29:10It's okay. The bag is lighter than you think. I'm using my ability to make it lighter, Layla replied.
00:29:16The two of them walked out of the school's premise and carried on walking until they eventually reached a nice quiet park.
00:29:22Peaceful, isn't it? Layla said. Yeah, it's kind of nice.
00:29:26Layla placed the heavy bag on the ground and it seemed like it was a weight off her shoulders.
00:29:31Even if she was using her ability, it would be tiring for someone to keep it up on the whole walk here.
00:29:36That's when Layla started to empty out all the contents in her bag.
00:29:40There were all sorts of things inside. There were several items of thick clothing such as hats.
00:29:45Scarves, sunglasses, and most of it seemed to be black in color.
00:29:49Did it cost a lot? Quinn asked, worried after seeing how much she had bought.
00:29:53Don't worry about it. My family sent me the credits and I used up what the academy gave me, Layla replied.
00:29:58Besides, I got it all from the marketplace, so it was dirt cheap.
00:30:02The marketplace was an online store that was used all around the world.
00:30:06It sold your everyday items such as food, clothes, utilities, and other things.
00:30:11So what do you want to try first? Layla said, holding the sun cream in her hand.
00:30:16The whole purpose of today was to find out if there was any way to either
00:30:19reduce the effect that the sun had on the system or even temporarily stop it altogether.
00:30:24And there was no one better than Layla for the job.
00:30:27She knew everything about vampires having grown up reading about them.
00:30:31She ordered whatever she thought might have been effective.
00:30:34Quinn looked at all the items that she had brought over. He then noticed a few more things on the ground with her.
00:30:39There was a metal shaped cross, a clove of garlic, and even a piece of silver jewelry.
00:30:44Oh, those are for later, Layla said embarrassed, noticing Quinn staring at her stuff.
00:30:50We should also try to find out if you have any other weaknesses of normal vampires as well.
00:30:55All right, why don't we just try the umbrella first, Quinn said as he knelt down to pick it up.
00:31:00He then stood still and popped open the umbrella.
00:31:02It was solid black in color to make sure that most of the light didn't penetrate or get through it.
00:31:08Quinn then adjusted the umbrella a few times to make sure his body was completely covered in the shadow. Then to his surprise,
00:31:15stats have returned to normal.
00:31:17While Quinn was fully covered under the shade, his stats had returned.
00:31:21Then he lifted his hand and placed it outside the shade zone ever so slightly.
00:31:25And as soon as the tiniest part of his finger was outside, the same usual status screen had appeared.
00:31:30You are being affected by direct sunlight. All stats will be halved.
00:31:34Well, Layla asked, it works, but even if a little bit of my body is in the sun, then I start to feel weak.
00:31:41This wouldn't do. Holding the umbrella, although it would return his stats, it would be difficult to use in a fight.
00:31:47But at last he found out that if he just carried an umbrella with him, he would no longer feel weak.
00:31:52That's a special umbrella, Layla said. It's one used to block out the UV from the sun.
00:31:57Although at most it can block out about 90%, it's not perfect. To be honest, I'm surprised it worked.
00:32:04Is the UV rays why I feel weak then?
00:32:06Not necessarily. I mean, vampire lore is all over the place, but these myths had to be grounded somewhere, right?
00:32:13Layla then looked at the ground and picked up the sun cream.
00:32:16If the umbrella really worked because of the UV, then some sun cream should have some effect.
00:32:21Layla then walked up to Quinn, squirting some of the cream onto her hand. You ready?
00:32:26Quinn then went a little red, thinking about Layla applying the cream onto his body.
00:32:31Looking at Layla now out of her school uniform, he realized that she was kind of cute.
00:32:36After making sure everywhere she could see covered in cream, to finish it off, she placed sunglasses over Quinn's eyes.
00:32:42Although we can stop the UV on your eyelids, we can't on your eyeballs, Layla said. Well, anything?
00:32:49This time there was no such result. When opening up his status, the UV cream hadn't even made a little bit of impact.
00:32:55Quinn still felt incredibly weak and his stats were still halved.
00:32:59So it looks like it's not to do with the UV then. Although the umbrella worked,
00:33:03it can only block so much of the UV and same with the cream.
00:33:06So I was hoping it would have some effect, but this means it's most likely some other property in the sun that we don't know about.
00:33:13Finally, it was time for the last test. This one Quinn was dreading the most, the clothes test.
00:33:18He was already sweating and feeling hot as it was and couldn't imagine putting on a load of black clothing.
00:33:24First, Quinn placed a sweater over the top of his body, then a pair of black thick trousers on his feet.
00:33:29Instead of trainers, he changed to black boots. Then on his hand, a pair of leather black gloves.
00:33:35Finally, on his head, he had a large back top hat.
00:33:39Looking at him, Layla could barely hold in her laughter. He looked absolutely ridiculous.
00:33:44Breathe, breathe, Layla, she mumbled. Well, anything?
00:33:48No, not yet anyway. Well, we might as well try the rest.
00:33:52Layla then continued to place clothes onto Quinn.
00:33:55This time she had covered his face with a balaclava and even where his eyes were, she had put a sleeping mask on.
00:34:02More hats were placed on and now every inch of his skin was covered. Anything?
00:34:06No, Quinn shouted, but it sounded muffled through the clothes. Wait, it's working, Quinn said.
00:34:12Although the clothes had worked, Quinn was around three inches thick in black clothing.
00:34:18Well, you can't go out like that, Layla said. You couldn't move in that thing.
00:34:22Agreed, but at least we know that the most important thing is to stop the sun hitting me.
00:34:26Suddenly, a thought had entered Quinn's mind. When he had gone against Sam,
00:34:30he had used a cape that was able to block his blood swipe. The material was not only flexible, but strong as well.
00:34:37The cape was most likely made from some type of beast from one of the portals. If Quinn could get enough of this material,
00:34:43maybe he could make a suit of some kind that could not only protect him from the sun,
00:34:47but also be strong enough to be used in combat.
00:34:50A smile started to appear on his face. He now couldn't wait to be transported to hunt some beasts.
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00:35:12only on the Pocket FM Universe.
00:35:20Layla was eager to try out a few of the other things she had brought along with her.
00:35:24Do I really have to worry about something like this? Quinn said as he picked up a clove of garlic.
00:35:30A clove of garlic. Due to your heightened senses, the piece may test extremely bad. Safe to consume.
00:35:37Quinn had actually expected this result before even using his inspect skill.
00:35:41The taste of food had slightly changed ever since his evolution. The only thing that still tasted fine for him was meat.
00:35:47Before touching any of the other items, Quinn made sure to use his inspect skill on each one. First was the metal cross.
00:35:55A religious symbol that has no effect. Then the chain. A silver chain that is made up of 92% silver.
00:36:01Wearing the item can be used as a fashion accessory. Quinn asked,
00:36:06I kind of get the cross, but what about the silver? And they're just for werewolves?
00:36:10Suddenly, Layla's eyes started to sparkle up.
00:36:13The first vampire was said to be cursed by the god Apollo, to be burnt by sunlight.
00:36:17Then when the man tried to touch Artemis Bao, she cursed the human further to be affected by silver. Layla explained, then with the cross,
00:36:25vampires have always been seen as workers of the devil, a creature that needed to suck blood to live,
00:36:30and of course god in the eyes of many is a fighter of evil, and the cross is a symbol of the god.
00:36:36The only vampire weakness it seems you have so far is sunlight. Although I have to admit that's a pretty big one.
00:36:42Do you feel like you're not getting older yet?
00:36:44What? Quinn said confused. How would I even know? It's only been a few days.
00:36:49Then a dreaded thought had entered Quinn's mind. If it was true that he would no longer age,
00:36:54did that mean his appearance would stay the same as it did now?
00:36:57Would he look like a young teenage boy for the rest of his life?
00:37:01With the test over, it was time for the two of them to head back to their dorm rooms.
00:37:05But when he entered the room, once again, neither Vorden or Peter was there.
00:37:10He couldn't help but shake the feeling that these new friends of Peter weren't actually friends of his and was wondering what to do.
00:37:17On Monday morning, they were to attend a morning class with their teacher Del.
00:37:21The three of them sat in the back of the class as usual, while Layla sat at the front with Erin by her side.
00:37:27All right class, I have an important announcement to make. The preparations for your first portal outing have been completed.
00:37:33It's time for you kids to go explore the universe a bit more.
00:37:36They were often used to travel to other planets.
00:37:38The technology was obtained when humanity managed to take down their first Dalki ship and discovered a portal inside.
00:37:45In today's world, there were generally three different groups of people who had and owned portals. The military was the first group.
00:37:52Next were private corporations.
00:37:54They usually had powerful originals backing them.
00:37:57Many of these companies would also form a faction, a group of powerful travelers, just for exploring other planets.
00:38:03And lastly was the group known as Pure, a group that didn't believe in the use of abilities.
00:38:09There were three types of portals, each different in color.
00:38:12There was green, orange, and red. Green meant that the planet it led to had already been explored,
00:38:18and there were human shelters that had been built.
00:38:20The next was orange. This meant that the planet hadn't been fully explored yet.
00:38:25There were some shelters in place, but the level of the beast could be too high in certain areas,
00:38:30or they just hadn't explored everywhere yet.
00:38:33And finally, the red portals. These were unexplored planets.
00:38:37There were no shelters for regular humans to live in. Only travelers or military personnel would usually go into these portals for exploration.
00:38:45And the worst thing about them was they didn't know if the Dalki were on the planet as well.
00:38:50A student then raised his hand while seated in the center of the class.
00:38:54What about the beasts that were discovered on those planets? Will we learn about them?
00:38:58For now, that's all you need to know about the portals.
00:39:00Yes, this also led us to discover beasts on these planets, and they are what we use to create our beast weapons.
00:39:06But you will be told more detail about that when you arrive, Del explained.
00:39:10Now for the important part. The portal expedition will take place next week,
00:39:14but before even that, you will be required to form your own team of five.
00:39:19The same student once again raised his hand, and Del had a look on his face like it was starting to get annoying.
00:39:24Do you know where we will be going?
00:39:26That information will be revealed to you on the day.
00:39:29Many of you here have family members who, if they knew where you were, would send guards out to protect you on these planets.
00:39:35But that wouldn't be fair, especially since we will also be assessing you on this.
00:39:39Now, if there aren't any more questions, your combat classes for today are cancelled.
00:39:44Today, you are to form a team of five and report back to us by the end of the day.
00:39:48Vorden then turned his head immediately.
00:39:51Hey, Quinn, you want to be on the-
00:39:52But standing by Quinn's side already was Layla, who had sprinted from the front of a class to the back.
00:39:58Hey, do you want to make a team with me, Quinn? Layla said smiling.
00:40:01Uh, sure, Quinn answered.
00:40:04Truthfully, Quinn wanted to ask Layla to be on the same team.
00:40:07They didn't know how long their first assessment was going to take, and if he was to get hurt or injured,
00:40:12he was going to need a blood source of some type.
00:40:15Even if Vorden didn't like it, he knew this was going to happen.
00:40:18Hey, Quinn, do you mind if I join as well? He said, smiling, trying to hide his annoyance.
00:40:23Of course, and Peter as well.
00:40:25Peter's face was a little shocked at hearing the sound of his name, and at the same time his feelings were confused.
00:40:31Yeah, that would be good, Peter said.
00:40:34Then, when the others were just thinking about who the fifth member should be,
00:40:37Aaron had approached Vorden of all people in the room.
00:40:41I want to make a team with you.
00:40:42Hi, Quinn here.
00:40:43Wondering what happens next? If you want to jump the queue and unleash all episodes,
00:40:48click on the link here and install the Pocket FM app. Catch our next episode only on Pocket FM Universe.
00:41:10Not only were Quinn and the others shocked that Aaron had approached Vorden, but so was the whole class.
00:41:15I'm sorry, Vorden said, but I've already decided to make a team with these guys.
00:41:20Vorden's response to Aaron seemed to be even crazier to everyone else as well.
00:41:24Aaron then looked at the group of people who Vorden pointed at. Who are they? Aaron said.
00:41:29What? We took the test together. I even helped you out at the assembly hall. Layla complained.
00:41:34Why would you stay with these weak people?
00:41:36Surely you can get a better grade if you join me and a few others, Aaron said.
00:41:40I don't care about the grades. I just want to have fun while I'm still in school, Vorden replied.
00:41:45Fine, I can accept the girl and the strangely strong boy, but I can't accept him, Aaron said, pointing at Peter.
00:41:52Peter's heart suddenly started to thumb louder.
00:41:55If he didn't get in Vorden's and Quinn's team, he would be in huge trouble.
00:42:00Why do we need you anyway, Vorden said. Wait a minute, Layla interrupted.
00:42:04I think she would make a good addition to the team. Besides Vorden,
00:42:07doesn't your ability rely on those around you to be strong as well?
00:42:11Layla, I understand what you're saying, but for once I agree with Vorden, Quinn replied.
00:42:16I don't care how strong she is. She can't just come in and kick one of us out.
00:42:20She can join the team, but only if Peter stays.
00:42:22Fine, I will join, but I wish for the five of us to have a retesting to see where we stand, Aaron asked.
00:42:28Perhaps we can go visit the training center, display what we can do to the rest.
00:42:32Well, what do you want us to do? Vorden asked.
00:42:35I've already seen your powers, but I can't remember too much about the girl and the other two.
00:42:39Perhaps the girl can go first on the strength machine.
00:42:42Damn it, same as last time. Looks like I haven't improved much, Layla complained.
00:42:47For a level two, that's a quite weak strength score, but judging by the bow, you're a ranged user anyway.
00:42:52It will be quite handy to have someone like you on the team, Aaron said.
00:42:56Well, I'm hoping that both of you can at least get the same score as her.
00:43:00Looks like he's still level one then, Aaron said. As Peter went to punch the machine,
00:43:04the earth around from the pole started to form around his fist.
00:43:08Well, what are you waiting for? Aaron said, looking at Quinn.
00:43:12As Quinn walked up to the strength machine, all he wanted to do was punch the machine as hard as he could.
00:43:17He wanted to shut up the arrogant Aaron who felt like she was better than everyone else.
00:43:22But Quinn couldn't reveal himself here, especially in front of the others.
00:43:26He readied his fist and redid his footwork. The gauntlets were equipped on his hands and Quinn let his fist out.
00:43:34Hey, man, didn't you get stronger? Vorden said surprised. I thought you got a five on the test last time.
00:43:39You've been working out or something? Actually, it was thanks to that game you showed me, Quinn replied.
00:43:44I met someone who really helped and showed me how to activate the beast weapon strength properly.
00:43:49I worked hard hoping I wouldn't be useless for you guys. This was a lie, but Quinn felt like it was quite convincing.
00:43:56Didn't the second year say you needed to treat it like activating your ability though? I thought you didn't have one.
00:44:02Apparently that isn't a requirement, but just to help you visualize activating your beast weapons, Quinn replied back.
00:44:08Well, a score of 10 isn't that impressive.
00:44:10The only reason we are talking about it is because you're a level one, Aaron said. Is this okay then? Layla asked.
00:44:17Yes, Aaron replied. I still wish to join your team.
00:44:20I believe even with the extra luggage we have on board, with me and Vorden, we can come out as the top team during this assessment.
00:44:27Well, if combat classes have been canceled for the day, is there anything you wanted to do? Vorden asked.
00:44:32Actually, I was planning to head to the VR capsules, Quinn replied. You can go ahead.
00:44:37Vorden said. I know I showed you how to play the other day, but to be honest, I'm sick and tired of that game.
00:44:43With Quinn heading off to the VR room, that left Peter and Vorden all on their own.
00:44:47Hey, so do you want to practice a bit more with your ability?
00:44:50I know you're saving up so you can buy a few more skill books.
00:44:53Maybe we can get you to a level two before heading off into the portal. Sure, that sounds like a good idea, Peter replied.
00:45:01But Peter's strange actions didn't go unnoticed, and Vorden had a feeling it had something to do with those students
00:45:07he went to hang around with a few days ago. Quinn had finally arrived at the VR center.
00:45:12He decided while inside the capsule, he would split his session into two halves. For the first 30 minutes,
00:45:17he would spend it facing against level ones. Then for the second half of the session,
00:45:22he would use it searching for quick matches, battling against opponents of all different strengths.
00:45:27Quinn entered the game and started his first match with his plan.
00:45:31That's when Nate noticed that the ID Blood Evolver was online.
00:45:34Nate then was suddenly transported into the arena, and all that he witnessed was Quinn defeating weak level ones in a matter of minutes.
00:45:42Let the grinding begin, Quinn said as he took down his next opponent.
00:45:46170 of 800 EXP.
00:45:49Nate continued to observe Quinn and his fighting style, and wondered just why he didn't fight the same as when he fought against him.
00:45:56Finally, 30 minutes had passed. That's when Quinn noticed that he had a spectator. Nate, who was sitting in the seats, gave a wave back.
00:46:03Oh, it's him. I wonder what he's doing here.
00:46:06Then a thought came to Quinn's mind.
00:46:08He then went on to the game system and sent out a party invite to Nate. Nate was too curious
00:46:13and wanted to know what Quinn wanted and decided to accept. Hey, how are you doing?
00:46:18I hope you're not planning some type of revenge, are you? Nate said as he proceeded cautiously towards Quinn.
00:46:24No, actually, I wanted to ask you something. The person who I fought with before, your friend,
00:46:29I wanted to know more about his cape and where he had received it from.
00:46:34Oh, Sam's cape. That's why you wanted to talk to me.
00:46:37Nate then looked at Quinn standing in front of him. In his hands, he wore his gauntlets.
00:46:42Wait a minute. Are you a first year? Nate said.
00:46:48Hi, Quinn here. Thirsty for more action? Jump the queue and unleash all episodes.
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00:47:08Um, yeah, I will be going on my first portal outing.
00:47:12I thought if you could tell me what type of beast you got it from, I would be able to look for it.
00:47:17Nate was suddenly a little surprised.
00:47:19He thought about how Quinn was able to damage his solid body, even though no one had done such a feat before.
00:47:25He was sure the person would have been at least a second year.
00:47:29Let me give you a piece of advice then. On your first outing, they always use the green portals.
00:47:34You have the chance of going to one of three places.
00:47:36Kaladi, Almpen, and Bartani. Out of these three planets, you want to go to Kaladi. There in the desert,
00:47:42there's a winged creature. I can't remember the name, but there aren't many in the desert,
00:47:47so I'm sure if you see one, that will be it. That beast core is what we made the cape out of.
00:47:52Wait, did you say a desert? Quinn asked.
00:47:55Yeah, what's wrong with that? Don't worry. Thank you so much for the information. You've been a big help.
00:48:00I'm going to play a few more games now before my time is up.
00:48:03Oh, sure. Go ahead. Do you mind if I watch? Nate asked.
00:48:07Quinn thought about it for a while. He was just fighting people.
00:48:10It wasn't like he was doing anything that suggested he was a vampire. Sure, go ahead.
00:48:15Quinn only had 20 minutes left inside the machine. His first match,
00:48:19he was against a level 4 user who had a transformation ability.
00:48:23His body was made of a rubber-like material, and he was able to stretch it as far as he liked.
00:48:28Quinn struggled against this opponent. The fighting style of the rubber man was strange,
00:48:33and when Quinn wasn't expecting it, he would be hit at an incredible speed.
00:48:37In the end, Quinn managed to get a few blood swipes in and hurt the man, but still ended up losing.
00:48:43Quinn's time in the game was up, and he had to leave.
00:48:46Nate, after watching Quinn for the whole time, had a strange thought lingering on his mind.
00:48:51Just what was Quinn's ability?
00:48:54After their battle, Nate had decided to check out the ability list to see if there was anything similar,
00:48:59and he could find no such thing. What Quinn didn't realize, though, was that all the opponents
00:49:04he had faced that day were thinking the same thing as Nate. They were wondering just what ability Quinn had.
00:49:11The user Quinn had just fought was as so frustrated, he decided to go onto the online forums and make a post.
00:49:17He shared a video of the match between himself and Quinn titled,
00:49:21What ability is this? Is he a hacker? The online forum had started to post comments just below about the video.
00:49:28Yeah, I fought against him too, and he used those red lines on me. I lost in an instant.
00:49:33Is there really an ability like that in the game? It looks like Winslash, but why are the lines red?
00:49:38The video started to ping the creators. One of the admin staff for the game came along and checked the video,
00:49:44but this person wasn't any ordinary admin. Logan Green was the son of the creator of the game,
00:49:50and was one of the head coders. He often visited the forum to check for bugs while still attending school.
00:49:56Logan immediately could tell that the video was real.
00:49:59He searched up the two user IDs and then decided to look at the match information.
00:50:03After searching them up, he noticed that the player in the video had selected no ability.
00:50:09No, it couldn't be. Did he really manage to hack the system?
00:50:13Logan then began to dig in deep into the match and checked everything about it.
00:50:17He checked the log of the game and everything that had been written down as the match went on,
00:50:22but there wasn't a single thing he could find that was wrong.
00:50:25The next day, combat classes had resumed back to normal.
00:50:29Layla, the other day, had gone to register the team with Dell. The group became the talk of the class. After all,
00:50:34they were the only ones with such a huge difference in power levels between the team.
00:50:39Something that hadn't happened in the school before.
00:50:42Inside the second year's office, a group of first years had been called into the General Duke's office.
00:50:48Standing at the front of the first years was Earl,
00:50:50the same boy who had recently been hanging around with Peter as well as the one who had broken his fingers.
00:50:56"'I've made sure that the room will be empty for you tomorrow. Make sure you do as I asked.
00:51:00I need you to get rid of them,' Duke said.
00:51:03"'Yes, sir, we promise.' "'Good,' Duke replied as he threw over a couple of beast crystals as well as a skill book.
00:51:10"'You should be able to progress to level four with that skill. Carry on working hard and there will be more.'"
00:51:15The next day after combat classes had ended, Peter had messaged for Vorden and Quinn to come to the training room on the east side.
00:51:23This room was usually off-limits to students since it was also used as a room to store portals.
00:51:29"'Did you get Peter's message?' Quinn asked.
00:51:31"'Yeah, that's why I'm here. I knew those friends of his were bad news,' Vorden said.
00:51:35"'Quinn, you stay behind. I can deal with this myself.'
00:51:38"'No way. He's my friend, too. I'm going to kick those guys' asses if it's the last thing I do.'"
00:51:43The room was large and there were several large metallic objects with an oval shape in the middle.
00:51:48Each one of them had a glowing circle in the middle shining with a different color.
00:51:53These were the portals that took them to another world.
00:51:56When they had entered the room, they could see that Peter was lying on the ground badly hurt.
00:52:01Quinn and Vorden looked around the room but were unable to notice anyone. They both then rushed over to his side.
00:52:08"'What happened to you? Was it those first-year students?' Vorden shouted.
00:52:12"'Yeah, they got me pretty bad. They went out for just a moment. I don't think they're going to come back.'"
00:52:17"'All right, let us pick you up,' Vorden said as he lifted Peter's hand over his shoulder.
00:52:22As the two of them picked up Peter, Quinn had a strange feeling.
00:52:26"'Inspect. Peter Chuck. HP 8 of 8.'
00:52:30"'Vorden let go of him. It's a trap!' Quinn shouted. But before Vorden could even realize what was happening,
00:52:35Peter had broken free and immediately pushed Quinn as hard as he could. He had entered the portal.
00:52:41"'What have you done?' Vorden shouted. The color of the portal was red.'"
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00:53:06The night before the incident, while Quinn was sound asleep waiting for the other two to return,
00:53:12Peter had been called out by the group of First Years. They had added him as a friend on his
00:53:17communicator watch and was able to send a message whenever they wanted to call him.
00:53:21That night, they had asked to meet outside of the dorm room building.
00:53:24Five of the First Years were standing outside, including Earl.
00:53:28"'So I see it looks like your friends seem to still trust you, and you managed to get on their team then?'
00:53:33Earl said as he lifted his hand to look at his watch.
00:53:36"'Oh, didn't I say to meet here at 8.30? It looks like you're a couple of minutes late.'"
00:53:41Two of the First Years students then rushed over and grabbed Peter. One of them held his hand
00:53:45behind his back while the other held out his right hand. "'Two minutes late means two fingers,
00:53:50I'm afraid.' Earl then held one of Peter's fingers. "'Wait, I'm sorry, I needed to be
00:53:55careful. I had to make sure Vorden wasn't following me as you asked,' Peter cried.
00:54:00"'Fine, fine, I'll be generous,' Earl said as he pushed down and snapped Peter's finger.
00:54:05Before Peter could even cry out in anger, he bit his tongue for fear that they might do
00:54:09something much worse if someone had hurt him. The others watching flinched at the sight.
00:54:15Although they were helping Earl, even they feared him a little.
00:54:18It wasn't normal for someone to be able to hurt or break someone's bones so easily like that,
00:54:23but Earl was able to repeatedly do it easily as if it was nothing.
00:54:27"'We will only do one finger then, but you know what will happen if you're late again,'
00:54:31Earl said as one of the First Years came over and started to heal Peter's finger.
00:54:36As the student healed Peter's finger, he could feel Peter's body shaking.
00:54:40"'I called you out here because the General wants to have a meeting with you,' Earl explained.
00:54:45The group of First Year students, including Peter, then started to escort him around the school.
00:54:50That's when Peter noticed that they had left the First Year campus building
00:54:53and had gone into the Second Year buildings. Earl knocked on the door before entering,
00:54:58and only entered once he heard a voice. "'Come in,' the man said.
00:55:02As they entered the room, there was a table and two chairs opposite each other.
00:55:07Sitting in one of the seats was the General Duke, who was in charge of the Second Year.
00:55:11"'You guys wait outside. I would like to talk with Peter on his own,' Duke said.
00:55:16"'Relax. Take a seat. No need to be afraid.'
00:55:19Peter did as Duke asked and sat in the seat,
00:55:21but couldn't help but wonder why the General had asked to meet him.
00:55:25The General was one of the highest-ranking members in the whole city.
00:55:28There was only one person higher than him, and that was the Head General.
00:55:32"'It seems those people have gone too far with you.'
00:55:35Duke then placed his large hands on the table and looked Peter dead in the eye.
00:55:39"'Peter, would you like to have the power to fight back?'
00:55:43Suddenly Peter's dead eyes went slightly into life again as he heard those words.
00:55:48"'I looked at your file. You had no ability before coming here,
00:55:51and when you entered school, we gave you the Earth ability.
00:55:54Right now you're only a Level 1, but I can change that for you.'
00:55:57Duke then pulled out several Earth skill books and threw them out on the table.
00:56:02"'I know you've been saving up trying to get your hands on these.
00:56:05With this, you can finally get out of the Level 1 power range,
00:56:08and with that, your troubles would go away.
00:56:10You would be able to graduate from school with a good grade,
00:56:13join a company to go hunting, and earn a good wage for the rest of your life.'
00:56:17"'Sounds nice, doesn't it?' Duke said with a huge smile on his face.
00:56:21Peter couldn't keep his eyes off the skill books in front of him.
00:56:24These skill books were ones that only the military had a hold of.
00:56:28Now that Peter had the Earth ability,
00:56:30the only way he could improve his power was through these skill books.
00:56:34Then finally, he would no longer have to live his life in fear.
00:56:37"'Of course, these things don't come for free. The world doesn't work like that.
00:56:41Those men out there work for me. They do what I say,
00:56:44and in return, I offer them protection within the school and outside of the school.
00:56:48Not only that, but they get rewarded for doing well,'
00:56:52he said as he held up one of the skill books.
00:56:54"'You're going on your first portal outing sometime soon, aren't you?
00:56:58Let me tell you, accidents happen all the time,
00:57:00and every year a student dies on another planet.
00:57:03Now information has it that maybe this year,
00:57:05someone from that team of yours will go missing.
00:57:08You're a smart boy, so I think you can understand what I'm saying.
00:57:11Now maybe that person will be you, maybe not.
00:57:15So, what's your answer going to be?'
00:57:18His hands were now shaking as the realization had hit him.
00:57:22"'What the hell have you done?' Vorden shouted.
00:57:24"'I'm sorry,' Peter said.
00:57:26"'You don't understand. I had to do it.'
00:57:29"'What, let me guess. Because you were being bullied? Because you were being threatened?'
00:57:32Vorden shouted as he continued to walk towards Peter,
00:57:35and at the same time, Peter would walk back.
00:57:38"'Do you not think Quinn has been going through the same thing as you?
00:57:41He's a level one just like you, and you think they didn't try threatening me?
00:57:45But what have you done? You have basically sent Quinn to death.
00:57:48Did Vorden and Quinn truly know what it was like to live his life?
00:57:52All Peter wanted was a normal school life, to go through it without any troubles.
00:57:56And someone was offering that to him.
00:57:58Maybe he took the easy way out, but he didn't feel that way.
00:58:02He had already gone through his own suffering before entering the Academy,
00:58:05and even worse now that he was in the Academy.
00:58:08Why did he have to be the one targeted by Earl and the others?
00:58:12But there was one thing that Vorden said that did strike a chord with Peter.
00:58:16Did he ever try fighting back?
00:58:18He always thought it was useless.
00:58:20The outcome had already been decided, so why get hurt even more?
00:58:24Perhaps that's what made Duke and the others think he was an easy target in the first place.
00:58:29Then suddenly, Vorden started grabbing his head.
00:58:32He started moving all over the place, swinging his head like crazy.
00:58:36I can't hold him back anymore, Vorden.
00:58:38You have to try. If he takes over, who knows when I'll get control again.
00:58:42The shock is too much for him. Looking at Peter is only making his emotions stronger.
00:58:47As Vorden looked up, Peter could see his eyes filled with tears, sadness.
00:58:51Then Vorden looked towards the portal.
00:58:54No, what are you thinking? Peter shouted.
00:58:56Vorden then turned around and looked at Peter.
00:58:59Peter, this is for your own sake, but you better hope I don't come back out of here alive.
00:59:03Vorden then ran straight into the red portal, his body vanishing from the room.
