• 2 months ago
Bru chats with K-pop megastars KISS OF LIFE!


00:00What's going on, it is Brew, and it's another Odyssey check-in today with a group I'm so
00:07excited for you to get to know, and I'm excited to talk to you guys, too.
00:10It is Julie, Natty, Belle, and Hanel of Kiss of Life.
00:14Hi, guys.
00:16Hey, hey.
00:17So nice to meet you and see you in person.
00:19Nice to meet you, too.
00:20Thank you so much for hopping on the couch and hanging out today.
00:22Thank you so much for having us.
00:23Yeah, you've been so busy.
00:24You're doing shows.
00:25You just wrapped up, too, in LA, right?
00:26Yes, yes.
00:27Going down to Anaheim soon.
00:29Are you going to see the mouse at Disneyland or anything?
00:32We wish.
00:33We wish.
00:34Yeah, we wish.
00:35We really wish.
00:36We wish.
00:37Well, congrats on such a fun and busy, successful year, and being together for, you know, it's
00:42been a little over a year since you debuted.
00:45Tell me about the journey that this year has been and what you're kind of looking forward
00:48to in 2025.
00:51We really had a blast in this year.
00:55We've grown so much.
00:57We've received so much love from our loving fans, and so many grateful things happened,
01:03so we're so, so grateful.
01:05And in 2025, I think we'll widen our spectrum and widen our vision and try more new things
01:12and keep on putting out good music and contents for people.
01:16We're highly looking forward to what future we'll be holding for Kiss of Life.
01:22And your music, like you said, it's been so good and so much fun, and you blend so many
01:25different sounds, whether it's like Afrobeats or Y2K.
01:28That's right.
01:29It's been really fun to get to check out and discover your music.
01:31So how do you, when it comes to your genre versatility, how do you decide which path
01:35to go down with each project?
01:37I don't think we set any, you know, answers.
01:41I think we just go with the flow and just see what we vibe with at the time.
01:45We try to explore very, very various genres of music all the time.
01:49So whatever works within that album, we explore a little deeper and we try to make it perfect
01:55for the album.
01:57It seems like you're down for anything.
01:58So I love to keep trying new things.
01:59Of course.
02:00Let's talk about some of the music.
02:01How about Sticky?
02:02Congratulations on that song.
02:04So fun.
02:06And I love the music video so much.
02:07I know your fans did too.
02:09The one take is such a rare style, even in K-pop music videos.
02:14Take me behind the scenes of that.
02:15What was it like filming it?
02:16I'm sure there was so much preparation and practice that went into it.
02:19What were the behind the scenes like?
02:21We actually filmed that in Poland.
02:24So it was our first time going to Poland together as a group and we wanted to enhance the choreography
02:31for Sticky.
02:32So we did a one take music video with some awesome Poland dancers.
02:38We actually had only like a couple of days to actually, you know, make it all work together.
02:46We were outside in the sun for the majority of the hours, getting that all looking good
02:51in one take.
02:52But it was so much fun.
02:54We have very, very good memories in Poland.
02:56Poland people were so kind.
03:00And then scenery were so beautiful.
03:06Well, thank God the sun was out, right?
03:09It snows there pretty good.
03:11And I learned a lot of like, how can I vibe and how can I dance with Poland dancers?
03:19Because they're really hot, hotter than me.
03:23Well, two days to do that is impressive.
03:26So congratulations on such a fun video.
03:28And Poland.
03:29Shout out to Poland.
03:30We love you.
03:31Shout out to Poland.
03:32Does that get you excited to do, you know, music videos in other places?
03:36Is there any other backdrops that you think would be fun for a music video?
03:43All around the world.
03:44In the U.S.
03:47We haven't ever shot a music video in America yet.
03:57And that's something we would love to do.
03:59So hopefully we could film something cool in any of the places we've been so far.
04:04Because they're all so, so beautiful.
04:07Every continent, you should try to do it.
04:08Hit every single one.
04:09Hit everyone.
04:11Check them off the list.
04:12Poland, we got it.
04:13And Europe.
04:14Another song that's been doing so well and people love is Igloo.
04:17Congrats on that song.
04:18And it also, obviously, hit the For You page with the dance that went viral.
04:23What do you think it is that makes a song so popular that people want to emulate?
04:28The choreography itself is, I think it's very accessible to everyone.
04:33And it's very simple and easy to learn.
04:36So it's perfect for everyone to vibe to, you know, like, no matter what circumstances
04:42they're in.
04:43All you need is just one pair of sunglasses and phone.
04:46So I think it works.
05:06It's amazing.
05:28Well, congrats on doing that.
05:30And your fans, obviously, noticing it.
05:32Shout out to your fans, by the way.
05:33They're so fun.
05:34They've called you a breath of fresh air in the kpop industry. What is it you guys hope to, you know, bring to this genre?
05:43You want to keep on showing
05:46Everyone just new sides to us us just generally having fun with our music
05:51And just giving everyone confidence all the songs like sticky igloo all have that kind of energy to it
05:59Just you know, you know vibing to yourself feeling confident and just makes you kind of happy listening to this song
06:05And that's kind of like the energy that we want to continue giving to more more of the audience
06:11Yeah, and one thing all your music has in common is the choreography is so good. It's so
06:16Dedicately crafted and I'm curious about your yes. Thank you how the process is for you when it comes to that. Do you think of
06:24Building the song and music around
06:27Potentially the choreography or do you just let the music tell the story and you figure it out after?
06:53Yes, it's incredible. We'll throw it back to the kiss of life EP where you all got to do an individual, you know song and showcase those those strengths. How does having, you know, those different strengths benefit you guys as a group?
07:16So so much. I think that's what makes us kiss of life
07:19We wanted to showcase that we all have very distinct colors also very distinct skills that are very at a high level
07:26So it was a challenge for us to and also a very bold move for us to be able to come out like
07:32With solo songs from debut because it's not very common
07:36But it was a challenge that we were willing to take because we wanted to show how bold we were and also make everyone
07:44Anticipate what will come next with all of these skills and colors
07:48Guys are like a super group
07:52Speaking of bringing things to the group. What is something each of you bring to the group chat?
07:56I'm talking who brings the humor who brings memes who brings the tea
08:10The most maybe
08:25The reaction
08:27Everyone needs someone like you to like share the hearts and the laughing. Yeah, and Julie be a tick tock tick tock. Yes
08:38In your latest EP lose yourself you guys talked about losing your losing yourselves in the choreography and dancing bell
08:44You talked about losing yourself in shopping
08:48What is something each of you have trouble losing cuz you guys are always traveling. You're always on the road
08:53What do you lose? You're like, oh my gosh, I gotta replace it again. I think it's phone for me. You lose your phone
09:02Like few months ago a few weeks ago, I lost my phone in Germany
09:08If you find it ship it back, huh, Germany
09:18And the ring
09:20I have one my airpods
09:25Will you drop them and they just explode they go everywhere. Yeah
09:29Well on get loud. It's a song that infuses so many fun elements
09:32I mean just from Latin rhythms to hip-hop beats and you got to work with Tanisha Jackson on that. She's so cool
09:38She's an icon. She worked with Doja Cat. What is something you learned from a producer of that caliber?
09:43This is the first question I've got about Tanisha Jackson, so I'm so excited to talk about her
09:50Just knowing that she wrote some of those jackets songs made me very nervous and excited for the same at the same time
09:57But we had a great time having session together the way she was putting out the melodies
10:02and she was coming up with melodies and
10:05The way she makes everything looks so well put together. It was so
10:09Inspiring for me and I got to learn so many things from her. Yeah, she was such a great songwriter
10:16Yeah, it was such an honor for so many good things. She's done so many incredible things
10:22Such a cool experience to get to work with her on the flip side of it. She worked with Doja Cat
10:26Is there anybody in the performing side of music that you're like?
10:30Oh, we are sound would fit with them if a collaboration was possible. Oh, you know what this question suddenly made me
10:37Realize something that we haven't talked about before but actually our choreo. Yeah, our choreography is
10:45Forget loud a little bit of the choreo is from Isabelle
10:52Dancer that we've really really respected and love since our trainee days and I don't think we ever talked about that. So
11:00Shout out to Isabelle!
11:02Thank you so much!
11:04And also for Tanisha Jackson. Thank you. Yes
11:06Absolutely and Belle you've actually written for so many other artists and different groups
11:10How is it writing for other people compared to your own music?
11:13It's just really exciting and fun to see how the other artists interpret the songs I wrote
11:20So it's very it's just a happy thing for me
11:22And when it comes to kiss of life songs when it comes to our songs, I get a little bit of pressure
11:29because I know how good our members are and I know how to make I'm like I know what makes our members shine, so I
11:38Tend to I always tend to put some extra effort in it and making our songs
11:43Yeah, absolutely
11:44And it's those strengths that you guys talk about being like the super group working together and everything
11:49You all make it a point to have your hands and on each project, you know
11:52Make sure you are able to give your artistic touch on these things along with your creative director or producer
11:57But how do you guys work together to make sure it's all one conducive piece of art that you all you know
12:03Feel good about and that you've you know puts the best
12:07Creative image as a group forward. I
12:09Think our company plays like a very big role in that because we just pour out our hearts into
12:15giving out ideas and inspirations for what we want to do for our next songs or
12:21Visually or anything so we just kind of spill everything that we what's in our head and the company kind of comes together with
12:29the whole
12:31Mixture of everything and so that we could get a bit of everyone's color. Yes. Yeah. Well guys, thank you so much for the time
12:39I know you're so busy
12:40Congrats on a successful 2024 any last words to your fans as we head into a new year 2025
12:46What can they look forward to Wow kiss of life in 2024 have done a lot
12:51We came out with a lot of music a lot of love and support from many many different
12:57fans and people across the world
12:59hopefully in 2025
13:01We'll come out with a lot of more music a lot of more stages and many many more
13:06Opportunities to showcase what we got. So I hope you guys look forward and stay in tune for what we have in store
13:13Absolutely kiss of life odyssey check-in. Thank you guys so much. That is a rough
13:19Clap with the mic