• 2 months ago
The fires have also killed or displaced thousands of dogs, cats, and horses. JC advises people trying to find their lost pets -- the animal will likely return to the area of their former home … so set out food, water and a small camera.


00:00There is this urgent need to protect wildlife.
00:05We talked about California condors.
00:07This is a critically endangered species.
00:10There's only 350 California condors left, and a significant piece of that population
00:17lives in ground zero of where these fires have happened.
00:21The last fires, we lost condors, and it is likely with these fires, we've lost condors.
00:28So when you're a critically endangered species, everyone matters.
00:32But it's not just condors and wildlife.
00:34It's our own non-human members of our families.
00:38Thousands and thousands of cats and dogs and horses have been injured, have been killed,
00:45have been displaced.
00:47People have been separated by their pets.
00:50It is an absolutely catastrophic situation, a true dire emergency.
00:55Many beloved pets have been lost in these horrible fires.
00:59But I also believe many will survive.
01:01The tenacity and the hunger to survive is really unparalleled, paralleled with our creatures
01:06that are in our lives.
01:08And we often see these examples that out of the rubble, just yesterday, a dog emerged,
01:13and it really ignited the heart strings of everyone there, giving them that sense of
01:18But right now, we are desperate.
01:20People have lost everything.
01:23And they want to know, are there resources there?
01:25So first of all, if you have a property and you're missing your pet, your dog, your cat,
01:36it may not have been dispatched in this fire.
01:40So you need to know that this animal is likely hungry and thirsty.
01:44So if it was me, I would go back to where my property was.
01:48I would set up a feeding station and a drinking station and some shade for this animal.
01:55I would go get a trail cam, a mobile cam, and I'd set that up to see if something is
02:00coming in.
02:01Maybe it's not your cat or dog, maybe it's your neighbors.
02:04And there are organizations that want to help, but there's also many boots in the ground
02:09organizations that have been impacted.
02:12Shelters and rescue centers for wildlife and domesticated animals have been impacted by
02:17these fires.
