• 2 months ago
I'm a man, &, I'm an amateur StarCraft 2 player that's working at copying the playing-style of the SC2 LEGEND: Ms Scarlett. Of course, she's a pro; so, I got a LONG WAY TO GO--if I want to play as AWESOME as she does. I do got a group of gf's who are, maybe, playing the same way; &, we're all playing: Zerg--this 1 way, or, another. We just like: StarCraft :=).

I played: o.k--until, I spent too much mineral on making 5 Vipers, &, plus 3 Hatchery's. I had to be smarter, 'cause the enemy took my Hydras out--&, that could've been more Hydras if I did NOT spend too much mineral. I did get use of a few good Abducts--in the middle of the game :=).
