• 2 months ago


01:23the purpose was
01:30to show you
01:32how to make
01:36paper airplane
01:38that flies
01:40and flies
01:42and flies
01:44and flies
01:46and flies
01:48and flies
01:50and flies
01:52and flies
01:54and flies
01:56and flies
02:58Such kind of rumour that some firing has happened and now we have to verify whether such kind
03:26of incident has happened or not. As of now we have the vehicle with us and our Sukho
03:31officers are verifying and checking the vehicle. We will also be going to the spot and we will
03:36be verifying. What is the exact time? Exact time it happened around 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock.
03:44Exact timing as well we are not aware as of now because the victim is still under anaesthesia
03:50so as of now he is not speaking to us. Once we speak with him we will get this correct
03:54idea at what time it has happened. The victim is a rowdy cheater and recently we have also
04:02done this extermination for him and his extermination period is over and he has come back recently.
04:08So after coming back this thing has happened. He is involved in some real estate that is
04:11what has been told to me. So we have to look at all the angles what is the reason why this
04:16thing has happened. He has several cases against him and that is the reason why this extermination
04:24order was passed recently against him. So up till now he was not here in Jalgaon city.
04:29He was outside. We have passed this order against him and after this period got over
04:33he has come back to us. Still it is not confirmed that firing has happened or not? We still
04:37need some time to confirm whether firing has happened. How is the condition of the victim?
04:42He is fine. He alone came to the hospital? Yeah as of now the information is that he
04:47alone was there in the vehicle and he alone has come driving. So as of now he alone is
04:52there in the hospital. What was it? How do you know?
