• 2 months ago
गोवंश को सर्दी से बचाने के लिए पशुपालन व डेयरी विभाग विभाग ने पशु चिकित्सकों को एडवाइजरी जारी कर दी है.


00:00The Department of Animal Welfare has issued an advisory to all the cowsheds in Vrindavan
00:22and has given instructions that it is our duty to protect the cowsheds in this winter
00:30In this context, the Department of Animal Welfare has issued an advisory to all the cowsheds in Vrindavan
00:38and has given instructions that it is our duty to protect the cowsheds in this winter
00:43In order to protect the cowsheds from the cold, we have set up a tent outside the shed
00:51We have also set up firewood in the evening so that the cows don't feel the heat
00:56We have also set up firewood in the evening so that the cows don't feel the heat
01:01The Department of Animal Welfare is doing its best to protect the cowsheds
01:06The Department of Animal Welfare has issued an advisory to all the cowsheds in Vrindavan
01:11and has given instructions that it is our duty to protect the cowsheds in this winter
01:18In order to protect the cowsheds from the cold, we have set up firewood outside the shed
01:25We are also trying to provide food to the cowshed
01:30As per the instructions of Dr. Sehrao, we have set up curtains at all the places in the Gau Shala.
01:38To save ourselves from the cold, we have arranged for wood from the Gau Shala.
01:43At night, around 10 o'clock, the watchman has been instructed to light the wood at night
01:50so that the cones can be saved from the cold of this area.
