• 2 months ago
00:00I would like to thank you once again.
00:10This is the best time for farming.
00:15It is a very cold season.
00:18Those who have come from far away, from the south,
00:22or from other states where it is not so cold,
00:28this is a golden opportunity for them to sell their produce here.
00:34And those who are from Uttar Pradesh,
00:37who have come to Lucknow, the capital of the state,
00:41without the influx of this cold wind,
00:45I think it is because of the blessings of the Sun God,
00:49that in a large number,
00:53the sun was here yesterday and is here today.
00:57And the weather has become very pleasant.
01:01That is why this is your practice, your penance,
01:05and the result of that penance is visible to all of us here.
01:11When we talk about farming,
01:15it is India's pride.
01:19If you are a Swadeshi, you will be proud of yourself.
01:23And remember, the fight for the freedom of the country,
01:27reached such heights when Mahatma Gandhi
01:30created a movement for farming.
01:33And as soon as he saw this, the whole country
01:36was connected to this movement.
01:39The festival of foreign clothes was going on.
01:42It was an honor to accept the Swadeshi.
01:45And the citizens of the country, through these Swadeshi clothes,
01:50not only brought a new revolution to the Indians,
01:55but it also became a symbol of India's self-respect,
02:01and became a means of employment for lakhs of people.
02:05And with that income, the little income that was there,
02:08with that income, along with running their household,
02:11they also contributed to the national movement.
02:14And today, in independent India,
02:18many forms of this movement have emerged.
02:21There is a movement that runs manually,
02:23there is a movement that runs electrically,
02:26there is a movement that runs solarly,
02:29and there is a movement that runs electrically.
02:32We were just looking at the movement,
02:35when I asked there,
02:38they said, there is a movement that runs manually,
02:41we can cut it down to 1 kg in a day.
02:45But the electric movement,
02:48we can cut it down to 2 kg.
02:51Everyone has their own utility.
02:55And the market also has its own demand.
02:59Remember, the work that you are doing manually,
03:04it is an art in itself,
03:07it is an art in itself,
03:10it has a demand in the society,
03:13and people understand its importance.
03:20not only the employment,
03:23from the farmer,
03:27to the welder who runs this solar generator,
03:31or the technicians associated with it,
03:36to the people associated with them,
03:39and then to the traders who sell it.
03:43All of these are joined together,
03:47to create employment.
03:49This is the reason,
03:51that in the last 7 years,
03:54this department alone,
03:57has provided employment to 3.5 lakh people,
04:00through the farmer.
04:04The second is,
04:07the soil art.
04:10The soil art,
04:13they also have a manual chak,
04:17a solar chak,
04:20and an electric chak.
04:26I remember in 2017,
04:29when we used to talk to the manual chak,
04:32they had a clay pot,
04:36a glass,
04:38to drink tea or water,
04:40the price of that pot used to be,
04:44up to 60 paise.
04:47So, they could not compete with plastic or thermocol.
04:51Today, when I asked them,
04:54how much does it cost?
04:56They said,
04:58the price is 12 to 15 paise.