• 2 months ago
ସମ୍ବଲପୁର ସୁନା ଡକାୟତି ମାମଲା, ଅନ୍ତଃରାଜ୍ୟ ସୁନା ଲୁଟେରା ସୁବୋଧ ସିଂ ଗ୍ୟାଙ୍ଗର ଲିଙ୍କ ଥିବା ନେଇ ପୋଲିସ ସୂଚନା, ବିହାର ପୋଲିସ ସହ ଯୋଗାଯୋଗରେ ସମ୍ବଲପୁର ପୋଲିସ


00:00We are investigating the Mannapuram case and we know that there is a gang of looters called Subodh Singh and Pallu Singh, they are doing it all over India.
00:13Subodh Singh, Pallu Singh and Pallu Singh are involved in this case and we are investigating this case and we know that there is a gang of looters called Subodh Singh and Pallu Singh, they are doing it all over India.
00:43Subodh Singh, Pallu Singh and Pallu Singh are involved in this case and we know that there is a gang of looters called Subodh Singh and Pallu Singh, they are doing it all over India.
00:53Subodh Singh, Pallu Singh and Pallu Singh are involved in this case and we know that there is a gang of looters called Subodh Singh and Pallu Singh, they are doing it all over India.
01:23Subodh Singh, Pallu Singh and Pallu Singh are involved in this case and we know that there is a gang of looters called Subodh Singh and Pallu Singh, they are doing it all over India.
01:53Thank you so much.
