00:00On 9th, around 5 in the evening, there was an accident between two bikes, in which two couples were riding on the bike, one husband died on his 19th birthday, the wife was taken to Sadar Hospital, from there she was admitted, but at the same time, Abhibaba was brought to KS Ganga Hospital on 9th, CT scan was done, so there is a lot of pain in the head, and today on 11th, around 11 o'clock, she passed away.
00:28There were some demands of the patients, there were some allegations of the patients at the hospital, so we had to come here with that.
00:36It took a lot of time.
00:38Exactly, so for this, we also diverted the way, and because this was a confidential matter, so we tried to explain the work to Abhibaba.
00:47He has written down his demands and we are trying to send it to the right place.
00:52There was a serious allegation of hospitalization.
00:55So, for that, we are making a committee, Civil Surgeon, H.D., C.O., and all the other members will be there.
01:02Then it will be checked, and whatever report will be there, on the basis of that, we will take action.
01:07What was the matter due to which the matter got so bad? What was the allegation?
01:11The main allegation is that, it was repeatedly said by the patient's Abhibaba, that we do not want to keep her here, we want to take her to the WIMS.
01:20If you are not able to handle the situation, then you send her, refer her, but their allegation is that they have given assurance,
01:27that no, the patient will be fine here, you do not have to take her anywhere, and in the same way, the patient passed away.
01:33The doctor, Dr. Anjum Nayan, has said that, we have said at least 500 times, for the past 2 days, that if anyone wants to take the patient here, then you can take her.
01:42So, why is this happening?
01:44We have made a committee for this matter.
01:47So, they will do a thorough investigation on this.
01:51So, whatever will come, the answer will be told to you.