• 2 weeks ago


00:00The meaning of Swastik Gram Panchayat is that when the people, the residents of the village panchayat start getting all the services of Swastik and when they start behaving like this, then we will consider it as a good thing.
00:19The development of the village panchayat is seen in such a way that the development of the village panchayat is only possible when the people of the village panchayat are involved at the level of the village panchayat.
00:29And when the people understand their own needs and make their own plans, only then can the village panchayat be sustainable.
00:37For this, what kind of a plan has been made by the Piramal Foundation?
00:40For this, the people of the village panchayat at the level of the village panchayat, especially the people of the Panchayati Raj Institution, the village head, ward members, and the youth of the village panchayat, the school institutions and the local service providers are sitting together and trying to make them better.
01:03The Piramal Foundation has talked about a media fellowship. What is it? How are you executing this fellowship?
01:08Yes, in the coming summer, the Piramal Foundation wants to start a program called Blue Need, in which a media fellowship program can be run for our journalists, who can provide a better platform with the help of better mentorship and national level journalists.
