• 2 months ago


00:00What do I think about heroes?
00:04We've all seen them haven't we swanning about the place
00:07Welcome to mojo plays and today
00:09We're looking at dormant video game franchises that are about to make a comeback or at the very least make an attempt at one
00:17Nazo no Kamehameha
00:19No tobira. Oh, yeah
00:22But before we get into it we publish new content all week long
00:26So be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
00:32Grand Theft Auto series. Hey, what's up, Simeon? My dear boy. So good to see you. So good
00:39It's strange to say considering it feels like it never went away
00:43But GTA is about to make a long-awaited
00:46Comeback as you probably know the last mainline game Grand Theft Auto 5 and its online counterpart
00:53released way back in
00:552013 there have been several ports and updates to the fifth game and Rockstar has supported GTA online ever since
01:03Still what fans have obviously been craving is a new entry, which is now coming in
01:092025 Rockstar showed off the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 in December of
01:152023 and it sent the fanbase into a frenzy
01:18In fact since the trailer broke multiple viewing records on YouTube
01:23It's safe to say this comeback. We'll see one of the biggest launches in gaming history trust
01:33Perfect dark series
01:42The first perfect dark debuted to stellar reviews on the n64 in
01:472000 only a couple more games were made before it disappeared following a 2010 remaster of the original
01:54However, Microsoft is about to bring it back
01:57The publisher established a new studio called the initiative in 2018 who is working on a reboot
02:04Unfortunately, there have been a lot of issues behind the scenes including multiple staff changeovers and the impact of kovat
02:112019 in fact development restarted in
02:152022 after crystal dynamics came on to co-develop
02:18Things have reportedly been smooth since then and we finally got our first look at the project at the Xbox Games
02:25showcase of June
02:272024 it's still likely a ways off, but hopefully Joanna dark arrives. No worse for wear
02:34Once you open this door
02:36There's no going back
02:38skate series
02:47A brief window EA's skate series was a nice alternative to Tony Hawk
02:53Featuring an interesting control scheme designed around flicking both joysticks
02:57It got four games one per year from 2007 to 2010
03:02But after skate 3 the franchise vanished for 10 years fans begged for a new installment
03:09Even convincing Microsoft to add the last entry to the Xbox one's backward compatibility list in 2016
03:17EA finally listened announced a new game in 2020 and
03:21Established a new studio full circle to develop it
03:25We've glimpsed early footage and gotten several updates since then like the fact that it will be a live service free-to-play title
03:33Hopefully that won't detract from making this a positive return for those who have been waiting
03:39It's something
03:47Turok series
03:49But I see men who with the right guidance could become the best fighting machines the military has ever produced
03:55And that is exactly what I need for Wolfpack
03:58The original Turok was a great mature title for in 64 when there weren't many
04:04After a few solid sequels the series branched out to other consoles with the mediocre evolution in 2002 before a
04:12Disappointing self-titled reboot stopped it dead in its tracks in 2008 while the original trilogy was remastered by nightdive
04:20Studios and we got a cutesy spinoff in 2019's escape from Lost Valley
04:25Pretty much everyone thought the days of gory dinosaur and alien hunting were gone
04:30That is until the 2024 Game Awards where Turok origins was announced developed and published by Saber Interactive
04:37It will follow several warriors teaming up to face all kinds of deadly creatures
04:43Naturally co-op is included as long as it retains what made the series so fun in the first place
04:48We'll keep an open mind whenever it releases
04:51Professor Layton series
04:58Professor Layton series
05:08Level fives professor Layton series established itself as a must-have for puzzle fans on Nintendo's handhelds
05:15The adventures have been praised for their engaging mysteries as well as their charming characters and settings
05:21The last game was a 2017 spinoff that focused on Layton's daughter
05:25while the last mainline entry professor Layton and the Azran legacy was released in
05:312013 the studio has been busy with yokai watch and ni no kuni, but the professor will soon make a comeback
05:39Announced in 2023 professor Layton and the new world of steam is set to release sometime in
05:462025 not only will it feature a steampunk narrative
05:49But it's the first game in the series to be built for the switch
05:54Kono atarini egg muffin sonoko go girl hazunan desu go
06:00Luke Chicago news to Nikita me ninja Gaiden series
06:11From Tecmo's brutal retro platformers to team ninjas equally brutal action revival series
06:18The ninja Gaiden franchise is not for players who want an easy time team ninja said goodbye to the series in
06:242012 and we got a spinoff in 2014 ziba ninja Gaiden Z from spark unlimited
06:31Since then it's mostly faded into the background
06:34But now the game kitchen the creators of the Metroidvania blasphemous and its sequel are bringing ninja Gaiden back in
06:422025 rage bound will follow Kenji mozu an ally of series lead Ryu
06:48Hayabusa as he defends their village from a demon army the game's pixel art looks stunning and gameplay looks swift
06:56challenging and bloody the developers promise a blend of classic gameplay with the depth of the 3d games and we can't wait to
07:04See what they've cooked up
07:13Marathon series
07:20Long before its work on destiny and halo bungee developed a different sci-fi
07:25FPS series known as marathon the studio released three games from
07:301994 to
07:321996 all of which were well received despite their strong acclaim
07:36We were completely surprised to hear that bungee was returning to it during a 2023 PlayStation showcase
07:43Obviously, it won't quite be the marathon old-school fans are familiar with as this one will be a PvP
07:50Extraction shooter details are a bit scarce at the moment
07:54We don't have a release window as the game is reportedly still in early development
07:58But since the last game was almost 30 years ago. It's an unprecedented return
08:04We'll have to keep an eye on
08:13Ani musha series
08:15there are several Capcom franchises that fans have been dying to see return and
08:22Thankfully the company has promised to make good on reviving them in terms of games that have actually been announced
08:28Ani musha way of the sword was revealed at the 2024 Game Awards and is set to release in
08:352026 the series is beloved for its hack-and-slash gameplay and its blend of Japanese history with the supernatural
08:42But it hasn't seen a mainline release since
08:462006 is dawn of dreams. So a new game has been a long time coming
08:55Isn't a whole lot known about the upcoming entry, but just the fact that it exists is enough to get fans excited
09:07Okami series
09:16Like we said Capcom is making good on reviving its dormant franchises
09:21Although news of this one was a lot more unexpected
09:25Even than Ani musha Clover Studios. Okami is renowned for its gorgeous
09:31watercolor visuals engaging mechanics and
09:34Adaptation of figures in Japanese mythology while it reviewed extremely well
09:39it also sold horribly and Clover closed soon after release a
09:44Spiritual successor was released on the DS in 2010 Okami den
09:48But no one expected a full-fledged sequel to ever come
09:52but again at the 2024 Game Awards Capcom surprised all of us a sequel has entered a development with
10:00Original director Hideki Kamiya and several other key staff members
10:05Returning the fact that it's being made is about all we know so fans will have to be a bit more patient
10:20Fable series Oh
10:27Well, I hear that's lucky with its signature style of humor and heavy focus on playing as heroically or
10:34Villainously as you wanted fable set itself apart from other fantasy action RPGs in its era
10:40Sadly things didn't stay that way the series branched out through several spinoffs that weren't so well received
10:47Causing Microsoft to cancel fable legends and closed developer lionhead studios in
10:532016 however
10:54The publisher has since realized its mistake a new fable was revealed in 2020 with developer playground games known for the Forza
11:02Horizon series we've gotten several trailers since as well as news that Eidos Montreal is supporting playground
11:09And the new installment looks to be keeping the humor and player choice intact
11:14Here's hoping that's true when it launches in 2025 and no one is going to stand in my way
11:25Franchises upcoming return are you most excited about?
11:28Share your thoughts in the comments and be sure to subscribe to mojo plays for more great gaming videos every day