अब बात करते हैं अमेरिका में लगी बड़ी आग की.. कैलिफोर्निया में फैली आग ने पूरे जंगल को अपने आगोश में लेने के साथ अब रिहायशी इलाकों में तबाही मचाना शुरू कर दिया है.. लॉस एंजेल्स में धधकती जंगल की आग से बड़े इलाके में हुई तबाही को देखा जा सकता है.....तेज हवाओं की वजह से आग और भी तेजी से फैल रही है.. इस आग में 5 लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है.. और हजारों बेघर हो चुके हैं.. आग में हज़ारों एकड़ में फैले इस जंगल का बड़ा हिस्सा बर्बाद हो गया..आग इतनी भयानक लगी थी कि इसकी लपटें कई किलोमीटर दूर से दिखाई दे रही थीं.
Now let's talk about the big fire in America.. The fire in California has engulfed the entire forest and has now started wreaking havoc in residential areas.. The devastation caused by the blazing forest fire in Los Angeles can be seen in a large area..... Due to strong winds, the fire is spreading even faster.. 5 people have died in this fire.. and thousands have become homeless.. A large part of this forest spread over thousands of acres was destroyed in the fire.. The fire was so terrible that its flames were visible from several kilometers away.
Now let's talk about the big fire in America.. The fire in California has engulfed the entire forest and has now started wreaking havoc in residential areas.. The devastation caused by the blazing forest fire in Los Angeles can be seen in a large area..... Due to strong winds, the fire is spreading even faster.. 5 people have died in this fire.. and thousands have become homeless.. A large part of this forest spread over thousands of acres was destroyed in the fire.. The fire was so terrible that its flames were visible from several kilometers away.