• 2 months ago
দেশের প্রথম জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন বিষয়ক স্থায়ী গ্যালারি সায়েন্স সিটিতে ৷ উদ্বোধন করলেন কেন্দ্রীয় সংস্কৃতি মন্ত্রী গজেন্দ্র সিং শেখাওয়াত ৷


00:27In Kolkata, for the first time in the history of science,
00:32a special center for water change has been established in Kolkata.
00:36This center was established by Central Minister Gajendra Singh Sekhawat.
00:40Today, he is establishing this center.
00:43In this center, he will talk about how water change is taking place
00:48in the digital medium and in the hands of different groups,
00:51and what can happen due to it.
00:54Or, how can the political parties be stopped in this water change?
01:00All this is being taken up by this center.
01:04A new permanent gallery was inaugurated from Science City Kolkata.
01:09The gallery is on climate change.
01:12The name of the gallery is On The Edge.
01:15In a recent Nature magazine, it was found that the temperature of 1.5 degrees,
01:22which the IPCC said that if we touch the temperature,
01:25the earth may go towards destruction,
01:27has been touched by the earth for the past two years.
01:31And this is a terrible sign.
01:34Scientists say that if we do not take a step at this time,
01:40we may go towards a world that no one knows about.
01:44And everyone is skeptical about what we will give to the next generation.
01:49So, we built this gallery so that people develop an awareness.
01:55In this awareness, people understand that
01:58what are the proofs that climate change is really happening.
02:02But for that, they do not need to know about science.
02:05Here, we have built a lot of facilities through games,
02:10using digital technology,
02:12through which an ordinary person will understand
02:15that in different parts of the earth, it can be arctic,
02:18or it can be Kedarnath, or it can be Sundarbans.
02:21Climate change has started its own drama in every place.
02:26The reason for this drama has also been said here.
02:30And it has also been said beautifully that
02:32what did the scientists of the world find?
02:35What is the reason for this?
02:36What is the reason for this?
02:37And it proves that the reason for this is only one person.
02:41It is very important to know what we can do.
02:44Because statistics say that
02:46if everyone on earth does their own work,
02:49then global warming can be reduced by 25%.
02:53So, what can I do?
02:55In the end, we have kept it.
02:57In which, on the one hand,
02:59we have understood what we can do in our homes or
03:02what we can do to change our behavior.
03:04And on the other hand,
03:06the steps that have already been taken in different parts of the world,
03:10like how Sonam Wangchuk has built his own snow mountain,
03:15and through which he is storing 150,000 liters of water,
03:20or what is called the Ahmedabad Heat Action Plan,
03:23those can be seen here by our viewers.
03:28Climate change is the biggest challenge for the world today.
03:31It has emerged as such.
03:33And the whole world is seeing it as a crisis
03:37in the form of climate change.
03:41There is only one way to stop it,
03:44that all of us, all the people living on earth,
03:48to overcome this global challenge, this crisis,
03:51all of us should work together.
03:54This is not the responsibility of any government,
03:56of any country, of any community.
03:59This is the collective responsibility of the 9 billion people of the world.
04:03And the next generation,
04:05in order to raise awareness on this topic,
04:07is going to work under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture.
04:11This Science Museum has made an excellent exhibition here.
04:17Using technology,
04:19in a way that ordinary people can understand this topic,
04:22and in that we can generate a sense of responsibility.
04:26From this perspective,
04:28this exhibition will definitely be very important.
04:32On behalf of the Science Museum,
04:34I invite all of you to visit this exhibition centre.
04:39This is Manojit Das, ETB Bharat, Kolkata, with camera Dhiman Hallar.
