• 2 months ago
বৰপেটা: শনিবাৰে বৰপেটাৰ চেঙাত উপস্থিত হৈ বিজেপি চৰকাৰক তীব্ৰ সমালোচনা কৰে ধুবুৰীৰ সাংসদ ৰকিবুল হুছেইনে । বৰপেটা জিলাৰ চেঙা সমষ্টিৰ মুছলমান গাঁৱত শনিবাৰে সন্ধিয়া দলীয় কৰ্মকৰ্তাক সংগ দিয়াৰ উদ্দেশ্যত উপস্থিত হয় সাংসদগৰাকীয়ে । সাংসদগৰাকীয়ে কয়,"অসমৰ চৌদিশে এতিয়া কেৱল মাত্ৰ ছিণ্ডিকেট আৰু কয়লা, পান-তামোল, গৰু, কাঠ সকলো সামগ্ৰীৰে ছিণ্ডিকেট চলি আছে, সেয়া জল জল পট-পট হৈছে । এইখন চৰকাৰ ছিণ্ডিকেটত সম্পূৰ্নভাৱে জড়িত তাত কোনো সন্দেহ নাই আৰু সেই কথা উমৰাংছৰ কয়লাখনিত শ্ৰমিকৰ মৃত্যুৱে উদঙাই দিছে ।"ইয়াৰোপৰি সাংসদ হুছেইনে কয়,"পঞ্চায়ত নিৰ্বাচন সঠিক সময়ত অনুষ্ঠিত কৰিব নোৱাৰাটো চৰকাৰৰ ব্যৰ্থতা । নীতি নিয়ম নামানি জধে মধে কেবিনেটত অস্বাভাৱিক সিদ্ধান্ত গ্ৰহণ কৰি আহিছে বিজেপি চৰকাৰে । ২০২৬ চনৰ আগতে অসমৰ বিজেপি চৰকাৰ পতন হ'ব সেয়া নিশ্চিত আৰু ইতিমধ্যে মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰীয়ে সেই কথাৰ উমান পাইছে যাৰ কাৰণে শংকিত হৈছে ।"লগতে পঢ়ক: কয়লা ছিণ্ডিকেটৰ চৰ্দাৰ কোন ? সত্যৰ সন্ধানত প্ৰদেশ কংগ্ৰেছ - UMRANGSO COAL MINE TRAGEDYব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰত চীনৰ বৃহৎ নদীবান্ধ নিৰ্মাণৰ সিদ্ধান্তৰ বিৰোধিতা কংগ্ৰেছৰ - CHINAS RIVER DAM IN BRAHMAPUTRA


00:00It is very clear that there is a lack of government support for this kind of work.
00:06It is very dangerous, and that is why we have come to this meeting today.
00:10There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:12There is talk of Chinchukya, there is talk of Bankasa, there is talk of Guluganj.
00:19There is a lot of talk going on.
00:23There is talk of coal, there is talk of pan.
00:28There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:30There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:31There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:32There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:33There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:34There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:35There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:36There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:37There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:38There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:39There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:40There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:41There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:42There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:43There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:44There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
00:58There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
01:19There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
01:47There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
02:15There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
02:43There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
03:11There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
03:39There is a lot of talk going on in all directions.
