• 2 months ago


00:00As different rivers come out of different springs and meet in the sea, in the same way,
00:20as different interests come out of different paths, people come to you in the end.
00:30This gathering, which is one of the most sacred assemblies ever organized,
00:37is itself a declaration of this wonderful teaching of the Gita and its world.
00:44Whoever comes to me, no matter how he is, I receive him.
00:51People come to me in the end, working through different paths.
00:58Communism, stubbornness, and its divisive classism have ruled this beautiful earth for a long time.
01:10They have filled the earth with violence.
01:14They have repeatedly bathed it with the blood of humanity.
01:19They have destroyed civilizations and have put the whole country in a state of despair.
01:28If it had not been for this divisive classism,
01:31the human society would have advanced much more than it is today.
01:38But now their time has come.
01:41And I sincerely hope that the bell that has rung in honor of this morning's assembly
01:50is not only the bell that has rung in honor of this morning's assembly,
01:57but also the bell that has rung in honor of all the sufferings of humanity
02:03that have been caused by all the violence, sword, or writing,
02:07and that have been directed towards the same goal.
02:40© BF-WATCH TV 2021
