• il y a 2 mois
Attention à elle en 2025... La jeune Mirra Andreeva a été convaincante pour son entrée en lice à l'Open d'Australie ce dimanche contre Marie Bouzkova 6-3, 6-3. Huitième de finaliste à Melbourne l'an passé, la Russe compte bien faire mieux cette année et vise haut. Du haut de ses 17 ans, la 15e mondiale rêve bien entendu d'un premier sacre en Grand Chelem et suivre les traces d'une certaine Martina Hingis, sacrée à Melbourne à seulement 16 ans. La comparaison ne s'arrête pas à la précocité d'ailleurs. "Je vois des similitudes entre nous", a déclaré Andreeva en conférence de presse.


00:00Merci, oui, c'est toujours très spécial, la première victoire au Slam, donc je suis juste super contente de la façon dont j'ai joué aujourd'hui et je suis super contente de jouer plus de matchs à Melbourne.
00:17Does it feel very different to be winning your first round here now to a year ago?
00:26I would say no, I still have the same emotions, I'm very happy that I won the match and I think that these emotions are always going to be the same, I think I'm always going to be the same happy after each match I win, so for me it's pretty much the same if we compare to last year.
00:49Where do you feel you've improved as a player in terms of the last 12 months?
00:54Well, I would say that I've improved everywhere, but everywhere for a little bit. We improved my serve, we improved my forehand, my backhand, I now also like to step in and finish the point at the net and I'm not afraid to step in the court and to go forward and to try to be even more aggressive.
01:17So we've improved everywhere I would say because we've been working hard on those elements of my game so I can see the difference and I hope that you can see it as well.
01:34How do you feel pre-match, during match, do you have meals, the same meals you always eat?
01:42Yes, it's actually pretty complicated to work with me because if I start the tournament eating chicken and rice, well I cannot change after, I cannot take pasta or I cannot take anything else, I will always take chicken and rice and I have a pretty special thing, I like to eat rice with a bit of parmesan cheese on top, so I don't know, I've never seen anyone doing that but I really like it.
02:10Since the start of the tournament, if I start like this, I've got to continue like this even if I'm tired, I have no choice but I have to eat it.
02:20What about during a match?
02:21During a match now I try to eat dried fruits and then if the match is longer I also have some gels, ezo gels but I always start with dried fruits and sometimes just normal foods like melon or watermelon, it just depends on what I want but as I said today I start with dried fruits so it is dried fruits for Melbourne this year.
02:50Is that superstition?
02:51Yes and I've been, well we've been talking with Conchita about it and she said well this year no more, we stop and you know in Brisbane there was a moment I won my first match and she was doing the recovery shake for me and she spilled the powder all over the player's desk and since then she was coming there after each match I won she was coming there and she was peeling the powder and I didn't know about this
03:21and so the girl from the player's desk she told me and I was like ok but you told me we stop this and you do it by yourself so I guess it's the moment to stop it is not here yet, we're going to continue, maybe next year we'll try to avoid it but not for now.
03:37When I spoke to you in Paris you said Conchita was very good at separating the on court from the off court, that she can be serious when she needs to in practice but that she's good for a laugh off the court, how important is this distinction and how important is it that she gets your jokes?
04:08I don't really like to be very serious, I always try to smile and laugh and it's just easier like this and I'm actually, I was surprised in the beginning that she's also pretty much like me and since we first started working together I've noticed that she's always also trying to you know say a joke or just you know laugh sometimes
04:34and I've actually discovered it since the beginning and I really like the way our relationship is now you know improving day by day and I also like that she's still separating those things when we're on court, we try to be serious, we try to work but then as soon as we get off the court we always try to joke around and laugh and so our atmosphere is not you know very serious and not strict.
05:04You've spoken previously about your admiration for past players such as Martina Hingis and Steffi Graf, what aspects of their games really live out to you?
05:35I think that the difference is that she was never afraid to you know come in and finish the point and be more aggressive and now I'm just starting to learn how to do it and I'm just you know the first matches of the year I'm starting to, I'm trying to force myself to finish the point at the net or to go, to step in the court and I would say that when I've watched her play she would always,
06:02as soon as she has an opportunity she would always come in and try to finish the point even more aggressive and Steffi Graf I would say that she's a tricky player with that slice and she actually plays I would say pretty much like Conchita with the slice and then she would turn around to her forehand so that is a bit different so I'm not using a lot of slices and that but I can see a bit of similarities with me
06:32Do you still feel new on the tour or do you feel like this is all regular and usual?
07:03I belong here, I'm gonna play with you and this is my place and now I feel like everyone already knows that and I also feel like well I'm a WTA player so I'm here I'm doing my job and I like what I'm doing and I feel like yes now I do belong here at the end
07:27How soon do you learn who your next opponent is going to be and obviously you have to find out who wins but when do you want to know?
07:57Usually I just I like to see my first and second round opponents and then after I just I find out who I play next after the match and I try to take it slow and easy like this
