• 2 months ago
00:00This is the first bath of the year and before this, Maulana Shahuddin Naseer Barelvi gave a controversial statement about Kumbh, but now his skin seems to be softening, he is very much praising all the arrangements that have been made here. How do you see this?
00:24See, this is a changing India and to increase our Sanatan culture, the way the young people of the country have played their role in changing India, under the leadership of the Prime Minister and under the leadership of our Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath.
00:40Maulana Shahuddin Rizvi may have remembered that two or three generations ago, we were Sanatani, our ancestors were also Sanatani. He may have realized this and that is why his voice has changed.
00:55I would like to request the Muslims of the country through your channel to remember your ancestors. If you go back three or four generations, you will see your ancestors bathing in the Ganges and doing Kalpavasa.
01:13Therefore, if you are of the soil of India, if you consider yourself of India, then have faith in the Sanatan culture of India and remember your ancestors.
01:28Those Mughals who committed atrocities against your ancestors and forced your ancestors to convert to Islam, do not be led by them today, because they misbehaved with your ancestors, insulted them, beat them up, forced their mothers and sisters.
01:53Therefore, I would like to say to Maulana Shahuddin Rizvi and many other people who have strong views, I would like to say to them to bring change in their views and accept Sanatan because Sanatan wishes for the welfare of the whole world and this Kumbh Mela is also about the welfare of humanity.
02:12What do you think, sir, when you started praising this village?
02:42I think they understood this and that is why they changed their tune.