• 2 months ago
India-Bangladesh Border: নিশ্চিন্তে থাকুন, বিএসএফ আছে: সুকান্ত মজুমদার



00:00BSF is in high alert. There is no need to worry.
00:09Bangladesh is a farm. We should not give up.
00:13The growth of Bharat Bars, the growth of the field economy, the third economy,
00:19the growth of the target, the growth of the target,
00:22this growth will stop. This is what I think.
00:25And Bharat Bars' Home Ministry,
00:31is looking at the whole issue in detail.
00:36There is no need to worry. There is no need to fear the Indians.
00:39They will do what is best for India.
00:44So someone can try to stop it in a timely manner.
00:48There is no need to worry.
00:53There is no need to fear the Indians.
00:58There is no need to fear the Indians.
01:03There is no need to fear the Indians.
01:08There is no need to fear the Indians.
01:13You are moving towards the third economic power.
01:16Fifth economic power.
01:18In the case of this economic power,
01:21is Bangladesh using an inter-ethnic mechanism?
01:25Look, I will not open my mouth too much on this issue,
01:29as it is an inter-ethnic issue.
01:32But whatever I say, I have said it in my speech.
01:34It is a farm. It is good to have a farm.
01:37And the developmental journey of Bharat Bars is going on at this time.
01:41Bharat Bars is moving from the fifth economic power to the third economic power.
01:46Bharat Bars will not be able to do anything like this.
01:51And you all know where is the situation of Bharat Bars,
01:54and where is the situation of Bangladesh.
01:56But in general,
01:58Bangladesh and some people in Bangladesh,
02:01are trying to create unrest like this.
02:04But they will not benefit much.
02:07Bharat Bars is doing what India is doing.
02:10I have said this before.
02:12I am saying it again.
02:14It is not possible to say everything in front of the camera.
02:16Wait. You will see everything.
02:18Those who have attacked the S.C.L.A.
02:20Fancy deals have been made with them.
02:23B.S.F. will do its own work.
02:25It used to do the same before.
02:27It is still doing the same.
02:29B.S.F. will not compromise in any way.
02:31And the kind of guidance B.S.F. needs,
02:35is given by the Home Ministry.
02:39You all stay calm.
02:41Those who are in Shimantapurthi,
02:43my house is in Shimantapurthi.
02:45Shimantapurthi district.
02:47You all stay calm.
02:49The situation of Bharat Bars,
02:51if B.S.F. and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are not there,
02:54there is no need to worry.
02:56You have met with B.S.F. officials in Jewelpur.
02:59Before this, you have met another minister.
03:02To communicate with B.S.F. officials in Shimantapurthi...
03:06All of us, the MPs and MPs of the BJP,
03:11we have told them to stay in close connection with B.S.F.
03:17If B.S.F. needs help, we will help.
03:20It is our duty as Indians to do so.
