• last month
00:00cute okay I like it I feel like the paddles could be a little bit bigger so
00:05that you get more push what suits to the lady yeah it does it does the water
00:16could go what okay nice that's smart the previous one wasn't that smart okay now
00:22we have a nice color for your bike wind-powered turbine engine this is
00:27basically an airplane yes I don't think I'll make it too much of a difference to
00:34be honest it'll look cool it'll look fun yes for a kid I think that would be an
00:39awesome little present you know I think it could work on the opposite it could
00:44stop you more it might it might actually yeah and then like I could imagine if
00:48you go too fast it would just break off yeah but let's or maybe you can fly
00:53away as a helicopter or we're ignorant to bike hacks and bike crafts so wait
00:59we should just wait and see okay but we're not gonna do that so we have a
01:07nice little turbine here break it open boom boom boom got some holes heat the
01:15metal up we're gonna bend it you know we were in each other's did you you did as
01:21well were you typing that we're gonna bend it are you thought about this
01:25exactly what happened this we were all just connected by spirit right then yeah
01:29it was crazy I think so okay we got this nice little propeller here it's a baby
01:37not the best thing I think he'll go over it one more time hopefully yeah he did
01:44camera yeah but yeah okay let's see this baby fly you saw I kicked it when you
01:52got up there yeah wait a second can you move the bike he's already it's just
01:58there what is it for why would you do that ah it's start pushing this is so
02:05silly I love it though I think it's awesome I think it's not power yeah you
02:11probably walk faster than that bike no hate but you're not able to use the
02:19pedals exactly you just kind of have to just if the battery is dead you're just
02:27then so are you yes okay yeah yeah destroying for something good or for
02:37something bad but it looks pretty yeah okay the painting job was nice it's
02:42smart I love it okay we break this up what a strong man he can break the metal
02:51just rolling it mm-hmm yes that's all five of the crafters have this power
02:55yeah they also have the power to skip time mm-hmm so I'll show you when he
02:59does it wait you ready yeah now just skip time now just skip time
03:08Wow yep Wow amazing people say superheroes don't exist uh-huh but they
03:14haven't watched five-minute crafts they are super supers I'm is this supposed to
03:21be like a water bike I think so yeah looks cool yeah okay man that nice angle
03:29to get oh it's gonna be some support on the side should be some some barrels or
03:36something we can hold you on the world or it could be like a generator like you
03:42can hook it up to a some electronic device and it charges it when you rotate
03:48okay you know the interesting mind thing you know they had an exhibit where they
03:54basically hooked up a bike to a PS I think it was a ps5 and they had people
03:59ride the bike and then they could play the ps5 for as long as they charged it
04:02ah and they could only play it for like two three seconds before it died because
04:06after like an hour of riding so but you'll always be yeah so we're never
04:15going to be used as batteries unfortunately like we thought we were
04:19or first fortunately whatever you wanted ah a little pedal boat it's cute I like
04:27it I feel like the paddles could be a little bit bigger so that you get more
04:30push I appreciate the aesthetic I like it reminds me of like a studio Ghibli
04:39film like one of those old anime ones okay so we're taking the everything off
04:45this bike why just to destroy it but to make something new something better or
04:51something worse something worse probably given five-minute crafts track record
04:57probably worse oh boy but I could be wrong I hope I'm wrong yeah but there
05:02isn't I mean sometimes you would know always huh you would know right I would
05:11no no right no no right okay right no okay so drilling up these things right
05:19here for what for make it how we have a hydraulic system yeah nice
05:34but is it really that strong about the drill I don't know I don't think it's
05:42gonna be strong enough yeah I think you need to change the battery every five
05:48minutes every five minutes probably yeah but actually they all about five minutes
05:53but if you have a bigger battery if you have like a really good one then I can
05:57see that working pretty well why not just put an engine on it you know at
06:01that point no engine what do you mean to use the
06:04petrol operator no no I heard like an electric motor ah okay yes of course it
06:10could be yeah but it could be expensive that's true that's true okay this is
06:14we're on a budget here five minutes but that's an idea it is just a drill
06:19prediction that is uncomfortable probably but you know also to to create
06:27to put this special motor for the wheel I mean something right no this is not
06:34that easy you can't just put the motor and connect it to the battery you also
06:38need BMS controller there is also the separate batteries there is also the
06:45charger for these batteries complicated complicated better to use the drill use
06:49the drill easy peasy how about don't break your bike that's number one yes
06:53just get the exercise in it's fine let's bear to use your feet okay let's see
07:00this puppy roar broom you know what I can't notice here what breaks ah breaks
07:10are important guys yeah maybe have breaks maybe that's cool all right yeah
07:16nice yeah 8 out of 10 yeah thank you rolling I love it when people agree with
07:24me putting this inside there that's gonna be these bikes with the huge
07:35wells yeah it Wow amazing but we've got a bike frame cut that up what's up what's
07:44up nice okay now it's polished now it's ish eggless so he fully reviewed the
08:02construction yeah this is some hard work this is more than five minutes yes a
08:07little bit but it's a yeah it's a good one maybe six minutes and can you
08:15mention they film some videos and it took six minutes and they like damn we
08:21can't publish it yeah it's not five minutes no I mean most of their videos
08:28oh we told you they are he actually isn't fully making a yeah whole bike
08:46yeah I mean nothing maybe the wheels
08:53okay it looks like a cool bike looks like maybe a little uncomfortable just
08:58because you're gonna have to go low on the handles but it's okay you know it's
09:04little as these bikers who hold it like so yeah those people all have really bad
09:09back problems maybe maybe not real for real oh here's this here's the motor see
09:18you ask the motor they have it here's controller as I mentioned before there
09:25is all brakes hey brakes those are nice it's what we need to always gonna have
09:31some brakes okay stick chair let's destroy some plastic chair to make why
09:38not yeah to make another plastic chair that's what they do yes yep why he
09:47ah that's looks pretty cool yeah yeah not bad I want to see it roar okay fully
09:56charged what is the butter by the way but anyway that's pretty cool okay I
10:01love it that's cool yeah so I feel like actually it was higher up it would be
10:08cooler yeah so but I read it as six I would give it a 7.5 oh it fell
