• 2 months ago
जशपुर की सड़कों पर जब यमराज को लोगों ने देखा तो अचरज में पड़ गए. यमराज ने लोगों को रोड सेफ्टी के लिए प्रेरित किया.


00:00If you don't wear a helmet, you will be fined.
00:05Trust the Jaspur police and wear a helmet.
00:08This is for your safety.
00:09See, why are you wearing a police helmet in your life?
00:13Your wife and children will be here, suffering.
00:15And you, if you do your work well, you will go to hell.
00:21On the roads of Jaspur, Ravivar saw an amazing spectacle.
00:25When to save people's lives, Yamraj himself got down on the road.
00:29With a rose in his hand, Yamraj was giving people the message of road safety.
00:34He was telling people to wear helmets while driving.
00:38He was explaining the importance of seatbelts to four-wheeled vehicles.
00:42This picture seemed to tell people the importance of life.
00:48Where is the helmet, kid?
00:52Nothing will happen if you forget.
00:55The day there will be an accident, I will take the car and go.
00:59These two-wheelers will not work.
01:03We have to follow, not for others, not for the police, but for ourselves, for our family.
01:09Kesar Hussain did the work of getting people down on the road and explaining in Yamraj's get-up.
01:16See what he said.
01:18Sir, I have come to the earth to give people this message.
01:22Especially in Jaspur.
01:24If we follow the traffic rules, we will be safe.
01:28And let's not just talk about ourselves.
01:31Because of not following our traffic rules,
01:34people who follow the traffic rules,
01:38such people also get into trouble and lose their lives.
01:43So follow the traffic rules, because it's not just about us.
01:47If something happens to us, then the other members of our family,
01:50who are dependent on us, or a family member,
01:53if they die, it will be very bad.
01:56Because of their little ignorance.
01:58In Jaspur, the increasing number of road accidents is a cause for concern.
02:01In 2024, 343 people died in road accidents.
02:06The SP of Jaspur is also concerned about this.
02:09Wear a helmet, don't drive a drunk car, and wear a seat belt.
02:13Yamraj gave this message here today.
02:16The Jaspur police is giving a rose to the people who are wearing helmets and seat belts.
02:21And those who are not wearing them, are being given a message by Yamraj.
02:25We have made a strategy with the collector.
02:28In this, the SDM and SDOP have been given a task
02:31to identify all the grey areas and black spots in the district.
02:37We are preparing a report on the lack of road engineering.
02:41To keep the citizens of Jaspur safe,
02:44the police and the administration are conducting various campaigns.
02:48It is hoped that this will bring awareness to the traffic rules in the people.
02:52Tarun Sharma, ITV Bharat, Jaspur.
