• 2 months ago
WaaPaKe is a story about resilience, love and transformation. Examined through an Indigenous lens, the stories of reside | dG1fSnRzUzhxU1BkUFk
00:00These children didn't get much love, affection, compassion.
00:14They never had a chance to mature, and that's why they probably faltered as parents.
00:19They're children having children.
00:20It's time for the children of residential school survivors to share their truth.
00:25I was an alcoholic by the age of 19, a drug addict by the age of 26.
00:31It was a real challenge being raised by my mom.
00:33I remember her crying at night.
00:35I became her caretaker too young.
00:38Intergenerational trauma, it's trauma that's carried down from one generation to the next.
00:44If nobody breaks that cycle, it will continue.
00:47I really want the next generation to know what had happened in our past, but also I
00:56want them to be free of this burden.
01:02Wapake means tomorrow, so tomorrow means hope.
01:06It means that we have a future.
01:17For more UN videos visit www.un.org
