• 2 months ago
Cardenales de Lara venció a Navegantes del Magallanes y aseguró en el peor de los escenarios un juego extra 🔥

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Presentado por Buchanan´s

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #ResumendelJuego #Cardenales #Magallanes #RoundRobin #Buchanans #EstamosEnFamilia


00:00The following footage is from our vault of classics, taken ten years ago.
00:31In the regular season, Suizbel came out on the short field.
00:35Hildemar Ovargas with Pérez.
00:39Give me two.
00:42Ramon Martínez was getting closer.
00:46For second, Solarte with Núñez.
00:51Henry Blanco was there.
00:55Guillermo Arcadia was there.
00:56He's going to sit in his chair later.
00:58Ravelo is the leading player of this season in round robin.
01:04For Sior, Gómez with Solarte.
01:06And here's the third out.
01:08The first of the Cardinals is gone.
01:16Tucupita, Marcano to the right.
01:18This one has a shot, Manuel Arnaldo.
01:20The gardener is falling behind.
01:22And Tucupita put it in.
01:37Honrón Maltín Polar,
01:39sponsor of the greats of the LBP 24-25.
01:45Congratulations with energy and full flavor.
01:49Yes, and obviously they're not in first place on average,
01:52but the power has been there.
01:55Castro with class.
01:57Third out.
01:59Well, this shot...
02:00Or the other way around.
02:01One ball, two strikes.
02:02He throws a hook.
02:03Colina, Adan Rivasquez.
02:05He punches.
02:08And delivers the second out.
02:10Simple's punch.
02:11You see that he doesn't punch you this Christmas.
02:15Raspi wins with Simple.
02:20Colina threw.
02:23Pichero broken.
02:24He saw it pass.
02:28Eduardo Pino.
02:29Sobriety, sobriety.
02:30Active, active, pending.
02:33Corki Cernan.
02:34Appears here, appears over there.
02:37He just promoted Ramón Borrego
02:40as coach of the great team.
02:42Flores with Pérez.
02:435-3, third out.
02:46And Zelitas with part of it natural.
02:48This shot went to Suiza.
02:49The ball is in the left corner.
02:50You'll see how Flores goes in.
02:51Corki Cernan will go in until the second.
02:53He has the shot.
02:54The left-back.
02:55And this is a double.
02:59Ravelo connects.
03:00Batazo to the left-back.
03:01This has a hit.
03:02Manuel Hernando.
03:04And Ravelo in foul.
03:07Emphatic Navas.
03:09Well, and Corki has been asking for it since it came out.
03:14As long as this ball is in good territory.
03:18This has a hit.
03:19Manuel Hernando.
03:21And Ravelo put it.
03:23In the street.
03:30With revision included.
03:32Quadrangular of three races.
03:35To the Cardinals of the ARA.
03:37Rangel Ravelo.
03:39With Roc Valtim Polar.
03:45With Roc Valtim Polar.
03:48This ball is a strike.
03:50Hernan Perez connects.
03:51Batazo to the left-back.
03:53He crossed for the second.
03:55The runner, José Rondón, is sending it to the goal.
03:59The shot comes.
04:00It slides.
04:01Touch it.
04:06Enrique, undoubtedly in the last ten years, has been the most consistent.
04:09Let's see if there are two.
04:10In the second there is one.
04:12In the initial.
04:13Double play, the play.
04:15It's the first time he's done it.
04:17You know?
04:18Turn around.
04:19Curve style.
04:20For which.
04:21Interno Harold Castro.
04:22In the right-back.
04:23And if he does it.
04:27Here, of course, the captain.
04:30Towards the right-back.
04:32Gabriel Arias is there.
04:34He already asked for it.
04:35And he also captured it.
04:39The Tigers 2-0.
04:41Towards the opposite side.
04:43Ravelo captures.
04:45And he's going to score comfortably.
04:47So, from the front, José Gómez.
04:50Carlos Rodríguez does the job.
04:53Over and over again.
04:54Impulsive career.
04:58Swisvel came out.
04:59Elevated to the sides of the left.
05:02There is Rangel Ravelo.
05:06Rangel Ravelo.
05:07He has it in his car for the third round.
05:11What do you think?
05:12He's playing with pain.
05:14And he punches.
05:15Rondón, look.
05:16There it is.
05:17Yes, yes.
05:18There is the gesture.
05:19It's obvious that it hurts.
05:20I don't know if...
05:23It's 2-0 for Gabriel Arias.
05:25The great league of the Guardians of Quibelán.
05:27Completely deceived.
05:29And then...
05:30The final, which Lara is approaching.
05:33To the first pitch.
05:34Sánchez connects.
05:35He goes down to the central garden.
05:37Rodríguez captures.
05:38Henry Vázquez quickly returns.
05:40Amaga with the pitch and runs.
05:42And two outs.
05:43And the right wing must be at 40-50%.
05:46Henry Blanco.
05:47Final with Aguaira.
05:48Final with Lara.
05:49And he has the possibility of being this year in his third consecutive final.
05:53Covering a lot of ground.
05:54The central gardener of the Magallanes navigators.
05:58Alternative yellow.
05:59He sings.
06:01Gómez came out of fishing.
06:03And arrived home empty-handed.
06:08Gorkis Hernández had to pass.
06:10At 95.
06:12Delivers the second out.
06:14A wide area.
06:15This pitch seemed to be out.
06:17Just as they sentenced the one from Tucupita.
06:19This pitch from Gorkis seemed to be out.
06:27Jaroel Castro punches.
06:28And continues in a sharp way.
06:31Anthony Pizcaya.
06:33In order.
06:36Renato Núñez.
06:37Solarte came out.
06:39And saw her pass.
06:40Renato Núñez.
06:44Delivering the third out.
06:46And saying right now.
06:47One ball, two strikes.
06:48They warn you at the time of the pass.
06:50Henry Vázquez.
06:52In the second base.
06:55Third out.
06:56And Rivero.
06:57Or Vázquez.
06:58As you prefer.
07:00Retiro de los.
07:03Las que te brindan.
07:05Ajá, y acá.
07:06La pelota va a caer derechita.
07:07Hacia el jardín derecho.
07:08Va rápidamente allí.
07:09Al corte Jaroel Castro.
07:11Y Gabriel Arias.
07:12Le gana el duelo a su compañero de equipo.
07:16Arnaldo Hernández.
07:19Con su casta de grandes liga.
07:22De la liga.
07:24El peligroso Albert Martínez.
07:25Salió Arias.
07:26El disparo de Sánchez.
07:30Out en segunda por la vía 24.
07:34Un gran disparo de Alí Sánchez.
07:40Mira, está pidiendo Magallan en la romple.
07:41Y para dar la significada, dejar las bases limpias.
07:43Dos outs.
07:45Salieron los árbitros.
07:49Y lo celebran como el out para ganar el campeonato.
07:53Qué mal que se meto.
07:57La emoción del béisbol venezolano.
08:00Le vino con este picheo quebrado y flores.
08:05Se lleva el batazo de Albert Martínez.
08:09Y aquí está el tercer out, señoras y señores.
