• 2 months ago
Isang deboto ng Sto. Niño, nangongolekta ng mga imahen nito

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00:00It is deeply rooted in our Filipino culture, the devotion to St. Nino.
00:05And now that the feast of St. Nino is approaching,
00:08let's take a look at the influence of devotion in the whole.
00:13This morning, we will be joined by the collector and devotee of St. Nino
00:17who will share his personal experience
00:20and how it inspired his faith.
00:23So, all welcome Sir Hans Tejada. Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
00:28Good morning.
00:30We want to know, how did your devotion to St. Nino start?
00:34Actually, even though I was raised by my mother,
00:40because I was an only child, but at the same time,
00:44it's a very delicate pregnancy.
00:47So, what my mother does is she puts rosary on her son.
00:50Then ever since I was born, I've been attracted to St. Nino.
00:55My childhood is still normal in a sense that my mother is still fond of robots and toy cars.
01:03But I always carry St. Nino with me wherever I go.
01:09Even if it's not St. Nino, it's other saints like Mama Mary.
01:13Sir Hans, how do you see the devotion to St. Nino as a part of our culture?
01:20Last week, we celebrated the Feast of Jesus of Nazareno.
01:28If you're going to look at the history books,
01:32the first image of Jesus that was brought to the Philippines was St. Nino.
01:38After 100 years, around 1500s, St. Nino was already in the Philippines.
01:44St. Nino de Cebu, St. Nino de Tondo.
01:48After 100 years, we went to St. Nino de Cebu.
01:51It's engraved in our Filipino culture that we're fond of children.
01:56We can relate to children because they're cute, gentle, and innocent.
02:03You can get close to them.
02:05We can't normally do that in a crucified Christ because the atmosphere is very serious.
02:10But when you're a child, you can see that in the crucifixion, in the ati-atihan.
02:14It's very happy and joyful.
02:18There are a lot of Filipinos who love to collect this.
02:22Let's continue your story earlier.
02:25You've mentioned your story of St. Nino from the time of your parents until now.
02:31How important was St. Nino to you in your life,
02:35moving forward from when you were a child until now?
02:39When I was a child, I was bullied.
02:42I felt like I had no one to talk to.
02:46So I talked to St. Nino.
02:48Even if he didn't reply, at least my mother told me to pray.
02:53At least, if you think it's right, that's what will happen.
02:56At the same time, growing up, he actually stopped.
03:01He became weak because I became focused on work.
03:05Being a professional, sometimes you don't have time for yourself.
03:09But in 2020, during the pandemic, I was forced to forget.
03:16You're close to me.
03:18One of my children, I bought this during the pandemic.
03:22In 2020, we were one of the first families to have COVID.
03:26We didn't know what to do.
03:29My father was hospitalized.
03:31We were all stressed.
03:33So I said, I think I need to pray again.
03:36And Jesus gave us our prayers.
03:42He gave me everything I asked for.
03:46I passed the licensure exam.
03:48And the simple prayers that I'm thankful for every day.
03:55You mentioned that your father was sick.
03:59That's when you regained your faith in St. Tonino, right?
04:05Aside from that, were there any personal struggles in your life
04:09that you really needed to approach St. Tonino?
04:13I also had struggles with my faith.
04:16Like, are you real?
04:18I had a moment where I didn't know if what I believed was true.
04:24But at the same time, every time I go home,
04:28I see my children.
04:30It's like a magnet.
04:32Like in Cebu, their song, Batubalani sa Gugma,
04:37it's a magnet of love.
04:38It means that I'm drawn to them every time I see them.
04:42I don't force them, but I'm inspired to pray,
04:47to reflect on what I did, what I did, and what I didn't do.
04:52So it made me a better person in such a way.
04:57And I told myself,
05:00I think it's time for me to go back to the roots
05:03and at the same time, go back to what I used to love.
05:07It seems like your dream will come true
05:10once you reach St. Tonino.
05:13Let's go now with your collection.
05:14As a collector, there are five here.
05:17What's your favorite?
05:19Actually, if you ask a collector,
05:22he doesn't have a favorite.
05:23He has all of them.
05:24But you have your own experience per image.
05:30So if you're going to consider the oldest one,
05:34this one is the oldest one.
05:35I don't have a child yet.
05:36I mean, I think my mother still has it.
05:39It's around 14 years old.
05:41Although it's due for restoration and repair.
05:45But I grew up with my child's pictures.
05:48Every time we celebrate a birthday,
05:51he's with me.
05:53And then,
05:54let's say this is the one during the pandemic.
06:00For me, the reason why St. Tonino is meaningful to me,
06:04it's also a form of prayer.
06:05In a sense that, for example, this one is sleeping.
06:07It's like you think he has no problems in life.
06:09And at the same time, that's also my prayer.
06:12That I will have less anxiety.
06:14Just be calm.
06:16Don't think too much about the problems in life.
06:19The most recent one is these two.
06:22This one is made by Maestro Willy Laiu,
06:25if you're familiar with him.
06:26So now, that's my favorite.
06:30But it's like an apple of my eye.
06:32Because the way he makes it is different.
06:35At the same time, it's also meaningful
06:39because it's my favorite season.
06:41It's Christmas season.
06:43Is there a resemblance to being Filipino?
06:47Actually, it's a rendition of the St. Tonino de Cebu.
06:51If you can see his face,
06:52he's really faithful to the face of St. Tonino de Cebu.
06:55But his clothes are different.
06:57It's like a sailor's hat.
06:59Because it's consistent with the history
07:02that he was brought here from Galeon.
07:04At the same time,
07:06if you can see,
07:08he has a medal.
07:10That's one of the regalias of St. Tonino de Cebu.
07:13If you're going to look deeper into history,
07:15you'll see the influence of the Spanish conquest on us.
07:21Now, because our time has changed,
07:24sometimes you won't see these kinds of houses.
07:28Unlike when we were kids,
07:29if you climb the stairs, you'll see St. Tonino right there.
07:32But because, as Sir Hans said,
07:34his house is full of collections of St. Tonino,
07:37and when he enters the house,
07:39you can see it right away.
07:42Would you suggest to our Catholic viewers this morning
07:47that they should do the same?
07:49Actually, wherever you go,
07:51it's really engraved in Filipino.
07:53The first thing you'll see is St. Tonino.
07:56Of course, it's advisable that you put it in the most prominent place in your home
08:03so that you can see it every time.
08:05Wherever you go, you can see it.
08:09Maybe you have a message for our fellow devotees of St. Tonino.
08:14Of course, number one,
08:16it's important that we don't just focus on the image,
08:22but on what he represents.
08:24Because it's very important that we don't forget that,
08:28just like a child, just like what Jesus Christ said,
08:31you need to be a child so that you can enter the Kingdom of God.
08:35And just remember what kind of characteristics a child has.
08:41Number one, humble.
08:42Number two, happy and playful.
08:46And number three, trustworthy.
08:49I mean, trustful.
08:52So, that's where we'll return to.
08:55We'll trust God, just like what Jesus Christ did when he was a human.
09:01All right.
09:02Thank you so much, Hans, for opening up your faith for us
09:07and for showing us your collection.
09:09Thank you so much.
