• 2 months ago
दिल्ली: राजधानी दिल्ली में 5 फरवरी को विधानसभा चुनाव होने जा रहे हैं। 8 फरवरी को नतीजे आएंगे, इससे पहले आर के पुरम विधानसभा के मुनिरका गांव में बीते कई दिनों से सीवर का गंदा पानी बह रहा है जिससे कि क्षेत्र के लोग परेशान हैं, क्षेत्र के लोगों ने कहा दिल्ली सरकार और स्थानीय विधायक ने 10 साल में कोई काम नहीं किया और इस तरह का हाल पूरे मुनिरका में है जहां गंदा पानी बह रहा है। इससे लोगों को आने-जाने में काफी दिक्कतें हो रही हैं। यहां छोटे बच्चों हो या बूढ़े बुजुर्ग सभी को आने-जाने में दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। इलाके के लोगों का कहना है कि सरकार ने इस समस्या का समाधान करने के लिए कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठाया।

#delhielection #delhiassemblyelection #munirka #aamaadmiparty #aap #bjp #arvindkejriwal


00:00I am very worried. I work six hours a day and my son works one hour a day.
00:05My son works as a seamstress and my daughter-in-law is not doing well.
00:10I have seen this before.
00:13I don't know how to explain it to you.
00:16My daughter-in-law is not doing well.
00:18My eldest daughter-in-law is not doing well.
00:21My son-in-law is also not doing well.
00:24I have to work two nights.
00:26I have to get my daughter-in-law treated.
00:28I have to take care of my son-in-law.
00:30My son-in-law is not doing well.
00:32I have a lot of problems.
00:34I have to call my son-in-law.
00:36I have to ask him how many times the MLA has come.
00:39My son-in-law stays outside his house.
00:41I have to call him.
00:43I have to call my son-in-law.
00:45I have to call my son-in-law.
00:47I have to call my son-in-law.
00:49The MLA will come to ask for votes.
00:51He will come when you make a video.
00:54The MLA will come when you make a video.
00:56Call me and speak to him.
00:59I am calling Jai.
01:03Ask him, his sewer stops.
01:05I have to give Rs 1500 to him.
01:09How can you bring two children?
01:12People bring their kids from school.
01:15I have to go from school.
01:17I have a lot of problems.
01:19It happens every month, 2-4 times a month, every month, every month.
01:23There is no work. If we do something, then why do we have to face problems?
01:27We have to bring so many small children in the lap, all the mud.
01:30This sewer flows every month, every month, 2, 4, 5, 6 months.
01:33Every other day, you understand.
01:35Look at this, brother, small children.
01:37It's been 7-8 days.
01:39It's been 7-8 days.
01:42And there is a lot of problem. Look at the smell in this.
01:46And look at the children coming to school.
01:49Their mother is carrying a bag in her lap.
01:51There is a lot of problem.
01:53The MLA of our village, in 10 years,
01:55has not done anything big.
01:57In 10 years, the sewer line will be installed.
01:59In 10 days, it will be installed.
02:01In 10 years, it won't be installed.
02:03There are 36 streets in the village
02:05where this smell is flowing.
02:07There is a lot of smell, brother.
02:09Look at the children coming in 5-7 minutes.
02:11They are facing a lot of problems.
02:13Is there any smell or disease at home?
02:15It's been more than a week.
02:17We go from there.
02:19It's been a while.
02:21We leave the children at school.
02:23We can't go from here.
02:25If there is a problem,
02:27anyone can see and tell.
02:29How many problems are we facing?
02:31People have difficulty walking.
02:33Clothes get dirty.
02:35My aunt fell 6 times to get out of here.
02:37That's why my nephew used to come and drop her.
02:39Now the old man...
02:41There is a shortage of electricity.
02:43So they take it outside.
02:45I have never seen anyone here
02:47except for elections in 10 years.
02:49Has anyone seen anyone here?
02:53Not even once.
02:55It's been more than a week.
02:57My house is here.
02:59We can't go out.
03:01We are watching you.
03:03Look at the public as well.
03:05We can't go out.
03:07We can't even go to the vegetable shop.
03:09What will happen now?
03:11We haven't been able to do anything for the past 4 days.
03:13There is a lot of filth here.
03:15There is a lot of filth here.
03:17There is a lot of dust.
03:19If you look at it in the morning,
03:21your mind will get dirty.
03:23People are coming and going.
03:25They are taking their diseases home.
03:27They come here to see.
03:29They have come to clean for 2-3 days.
03:31They want a bigger car to clean.
03:33But the government is not giving us a bigger car.
03:35There is no order to enter the drain.
03:37We can't do much about it.
03:39We can't do much about it.
03:41We can only do something about it
03:43when a bigger car comes.
