• 2 months ago


00:00I want to live with you.
00:30But I am yours.
01:01My interpretation is different.
01:03We like it so much that in our generation,
01:05your generation was very wonderful.
01:07No, sir.
01:09I believe that today's generation is more open
01:12and today's generation is more honest.
01:14In our generation, you see,
01:16in the upper generation,
01:17if two people don't get along with each other,
01:19then because of other relationships,
01:20or because of their tired birth relationships,
01:22you are tolerating each other.
01:26Today's generation is such that
01:28after liking each other,
01:29you feel that your thoughts are different.
01:31So, after getting separated,
01:32I have seen so many couples
01:34that after getting separated,
01:35they have become good friends.
01:37They are more clear about
01:39what they want in life,
01:40what they want to give in life,
01:42what they can give and what they can take.
01:44They have that clarity.
01:46We don't need to teach them.
01:47No one has ever been able to teach love,
01:49Mr. Damakesh.
01:50It is a matter of your experience.
01:52From your experience,
01:54how this thing can reach the other person.
01:57Everyone has their own style.
02:00Mr. Kumar has said that
02:02love is unique,
02:03but its presence, its expression,
02:05is unique and unique.
02:07And that is what makes love unique.
02:09Cameraman Mukesh Dhodia
02:11with ETV Bharat Amdabad.
