• 2 months ago


00:00Sir, the way it is told here that there was a fight between a snake and a lion,
00:05so what was the whole matter that there were two serpents and two serpents?
00:09This was not a cobra snake.
00:11Yes, yes.
00:12The cobra snake is different.
00:13This was a snake.
00:14Yes, yes.
00:15And I got it tied up.
00:17I didn't see how the fight happened.
00:19Like the people here are telling that there was a fight.
00:22Now if someone has seen it, he can tell.
00:25I didn't see it.
00:26I only tied it to the dead body.
00:28Sir, a snake is also being told here.
00:30If there is, then tell us.
00:32We will catch it and leave it in a safe place.
00:35The entire job of the forest department is to protect the wild animals.
00:39Yes, to protect.
00:40I am telling you that snakes are very important in our lives.
00:46The venom that comes from the snake,
00:48the venomous gases that circulate in the biomandal,
00:51by absorbing them, collecting them, they have venom.
00:55If these gases go into our breath,
00:57then a person's life will be in danger.
01:00And our existence will end.
01:02This venom,
01:04they extract the venom from the air and collect it near them.
01:07And to give us a good breath,
01:09to stay alive,
01:10a good biomandal will be created.
01:12So until you came here,
01:14you were found dead here?
01:17Sir, what is your name?
01:18My name is Maharaj Singh.
01:19Which department are you from?
01:20Forest Department.
