• 2 months ago


00:00We have made such a big deal out of it that even an ordinary person can fall sick here.
00:06And you will be scared to hear this, that the breath you breathe in the air here,
00:11and you don't breathe it in an ordinary place,
00:14you breathe it in the capital of India,
00:17the capital of which was discussed 10 years ago in the world.
00:22If you breathe it in the air here,
00:25then every doctor says that every resident of Delhi loses 6 to 8 years of age.
00:32The kind of poison these two governments have lost in our air.
00:36So not only will we give you a guarantee of 25 lakhs,
00:39not only will we build a new hospital,
00:42but if we get your blessing,
00:45this leader is sitting in front of you, whom you will send away,
00:49he will give you such air that you will see greenery in Delhi again.
00:55He will give you the air in Delhi again,
00:57with whose breath you will be able to become healthy.
01:00In Delhi, I promise every citizen of this place that we are going to bring a ship of development.
01:07It will sit with you in today's need.
01:10But remember, in 5 to 10 years, we will bring such a Delhi again,
01:15that every person here will say,
01:18wow, I wish we had not lost those 10 years,
01:21and if we had given these 10 years to the Congress of Delhi,
01:25then today Delhi would have reached the level that was a dream for us.
01:29I will not say much, I want to appeal to the people here,
01:33you gave us blessings for 15 years,
01:36you gave blessings to our MPs for 15 years,
01:40in that blessing, this government stood up in front of you.
01:44Wherever you needed service, we stood up.
01:48Wherever you needed mercy, our government gave you mercy.
01:52But we never did one thing in front of you.
01:56I promise you, if someone tells me that we did that work,
02:01then I will apologize in front of you.
02:03Neither the government of Congress then, nor the Congress,
02:07would have ever given you a false excuse,
02:10or would have ever lied.
02:12The work that we could not do,
02:14we bowed our heads and said that we are not able to do the work.
02:17And the work that we did,
02:19we did it with folded hands, with humility,
02:21that we did it for your service.
02:23We did not say in arrogance that we are doing this work for you.
02:26Because when Congress elects,
02:29then for 5 years, it takes out a share of that vote.
02:32And when it comes to you to vote again,
02:35then it says how we will build Delhi in front of you for the next 5 years.
02:40The same Congress, in the next 5 years,
02:43will never spread false rumors in front of you,
02:45nor will it make false promises,
02:47nor will it give false excuses.
02:49You will never see our Chief Minister crying
02:53that the Indian government does not allow us to work.
02:56The government that has been elected by 2 crore Delhiites,
03:00it does not need blessings.
03:03It needs courage, bravery and strength,
03:06which you will give us.
03:08Our Chief Ministers have worked for 15 years,
03:11and will work for 5 years.
03:13If you want a crying Chief Minister,
03:16then you can elect anyone.
03:18Someone who will serve you,
03:20someone who will work for you,
03:23someone who will stand by you,
03:25someone who will wipe your tears,
03:27someone who will bring a smile to your face,
03:29someone who will bring a smile on the faces of our mothers,
03:32someone who will build the future of our youth.
03:35If you want such a Chief Minister,
03:37then press the button on the 5th of next month,
03:40and see how the people sitting in front of you,
03:43today they are on the stage,
03:46tomorrow they will be serving you,
03:48roaming in your streets,
03:50with the hope that you will be blessed,
03:52you will be loved,
03:54and in the end you will get your vote.
03:56Thank you very much.
03:58Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.
04:00Thank you very much, Mr. Sandeep Dixit.
04:03Now I would like to invite the senior leader of Delhi,
04:06the senior leader of Congress,
04:09the resident of the poor,
04:11Bhai Udit Raj,
04:14he should come and meet us,
04:17Udit Raj,
04:19but with a request.
04:21Udit Raj has so much to say,
04:24that when he speaks,
04:27he speaks like a thinker,
04:31it is time for Rahulji to come,
04:33please summarize what you have to say.
04:36Thank you,
04:38Mr. Harishankar Gupta,
04:40esteemed audience,
04:42Mr. Devendra Yadav,
04:44Mr. Prabhari,
04:46Mr. Kajal Nijamuddin,
04:48esteemed audience,
04:52I will finish in 2-4 minutes,
