• 2 months ago
Nature Coast Marine Group hosts a What's Under the Wharf school holiday event at Narooma boat wharf
00:00So I've got a purple and a red sea urchin here, they're both quite small, these ones
00:05will get up like a lot bigger, and they're native and they just sort of graze on the
00:10bottom and keep the bottom healthy, they can get to a little problem, we've got some big
00:16purple sea urchins that are creating urchin barrens, but they're not these species, and
00:23they're all native but they can become over abundant and then start to wipe out kelp forests
00:27and that, but yeah these ones are good, we have a fishery for these ones, so yeah you
00:32can collect them and eat the roe that's on the inside, and yeah, they're great for the
00:36reef, it's interesting.
00:48Hey Jake, big conker eel down under us, right here, conker eel, right here.
00:53Yeah well we're fighting all sorts, we've brought up an octopus, there's been unibranchs,
00:57there's sea hares, and there was a brittle star just before, yeah lots of little bits
01:04of, just there's so much, there's over 250 species under the water just here, just in
01:11this one little spot, just in this one little spot, yeah we've done a lot of citizen science
01:14here, and they have logged all of them, so that's including seagrass as well as all your
01:18little critters and your fish, and there's black rock cod under here which are like very
01:22endangered as well, there's little seahorses down the other end, which are really beautiful
01:27we don't touch them, because they're pretty, you know, delicate, exactly, so yeah, but
01:32we've just got to try and bring up what we can, and show people and teach them a little
01:36bit more about what lives under here.
01:38Fantastic, alright, that's great, thanks very much.
01:40So this is how they protect themselves, and then if we turn them upside down, they're
01:46closely related to starfish, so they've also got lots of plates.
01:50But yeah, usually they'll just move on eventually, go hmm, okay I've had enough.
01:55Where did you get that octopus from?
01:57Yeah the guys just brought it in for me, so.
01:59We found one the other day down on the back beach.
02:05That was a big one.
02:06Once or twice a year, what's under the wharf?
02:08So as part of today, we have divers in the water bringing up different creatures, large,
02:13great, wide and small, and we have the community coming out and we're doing a little bit of
02:17education for them, so we have nature coast marine group members here, we have DPI fisheries,
02:22we have local council, we have a wide range of people here to help educate young people
02:27especially, all the things we love, which is the marine environment.
02:30That's great.
02:31And tell me, nature coast marine group, what else do you get involved in around the marina?
02:35Yeah we get involved with local clean-ups of creeks and waterways as one of the activities
02:40we do.
02:41We do movie nights to raise money for the group.
02:44We also act politically as well, lobbying state governments around political issues
02:48relating to fisheries and the marine parks especially.
02:51That's great.
02:52And how would people learn a bit more and get involved?
02:55Please go onto our website, ncmg.org, and you can check out all our information on there.
03:00We also have a Facebook page, or sign up and become a member, or if nothing else, become
03:05a enlistee to our newsletter.
03:08Thanks, Dan.
