• 2 months ago


00:00The Bharatiya Janata Party is a national party, and wherever there is an election,
00:04the workers go from one state to another.
00:07The Delhi-Pradesh Bharatiya Janata Party has made a plan there,
00:11and all the workers who may be from Jharkhand will definitely
00:15talk to our respected Prime Minister, Mr. Karambir, and people will go.
00:20This does not mean that people will go from outside.
00:24Not from outside, we are a national party, and the Bharatiya Janata Party is a family.
00:28Wherever there is an election, we also go from one place to another,
00:30and people from other places come to our place to participate in the elections.
00:33Some people have already been handed over, and some people are going,
00:38and some people have already left, and some people are about to leave.
00:42As and when there is a need there, and the requirement that comes to our respected
00:46Sangathan Mahamantriji that there is a need for such and such workers,
00:52according to that, the respected Sangathan Mahamantriji sends those people to work there.
00:57Which level are these leaders going from?
00:59The leaders who are going from here are of the state level only,
01:03because we are not going to a very large number,
01:05because there are large numbers from neighboring states,
01:09but our state is a little far, so the need,
01:12the kind of utility people have, the same kind of people are being sent from here.
