• 2 months ago
Meet the 12 celebrities taking part in the ultimate game of cat and mouse with the legendary Bear Grylls. They’ll live together, learn survival skills and compete in epic challenges. Lose, and they will face the most primal survival test of them all…being hunted down by Bear Grylls in nature’s deadliest escape room - The Bear Pit. Anyone caught by Bear will face elimination. Who will be the last celebrity standing?


00:00He is gonna be formidable prey
00:10This is the ultimate survival challenge
00:14While celebrities are in the Costa Rican jungle going head-to-head with the legendary Bear Grylls
00:23My god, this is not bone to do why
00:27If you're from the hood, you do not do challenges in Costa Rica. Oh my god
00:33Don't I survive prison. I want to compare that to the wild how much away from Strictly can you get?
00:40little bit of pee
00:44I've done many wild things in my life, but I've never hunted celebrities
00:49Anyone caught by bear
00:52Will be in danger of elimination
00:55Tied up as well. I normally pay extra for that
00:58expect the unexpected
01:06That place is like hell there's a lot of tension in the air
01:10Every time
01:15These celebrities won't come out of this experience the same
01:20You can't judge a book by its cover. Do you come from a housing estate? Yep, me too
01:25I've made mistakes in my life before coming in here. I was about to go to rehab again. I
01:30Am on quite a bit of a journey. I'm here to learn a big lesson and it's from the others. Cheers
01:36It's about overcoming and not falling down
01:48When you put under pressure you rise to it somebody came out of me I didn't know was there
01:57We don't think they knew what they were signing up for no
