• 2 months ago
একদিকে মকর সংক্রান্তিতে গঙ্গাসাগর ও প্রয়াগরাজে ভক্তবৃন্দদের সমাগম । আর অন্যদিকে, উত্তরবঙ্গের এক গভীর জঙ্গলে বনদুর্গার পুজোতে মেতে বাসিন্দারা ।


00:00In the forest of Gobi, there is a small green path in the middle of the forest.
00:15On that path, there is a temple called Banodurga.
00:19Hundreds of people gather around this temple.
00:23This temple is located in the forest of Abhairan, Vaikunthapur, Siliguri.
00:32This temple has been here for 44 years.
00:35This temple has been here for 44 years.
00:38This temple has been here for 44 years.
00:41This temple has been here for 44 years.
00:44This temple is here every year on the 5th of the lunar month.
00:47And every lunar month, the Goddess's blessings are here.
00:50There is a committee of devotees from different places in this area.
01:01There is a committee of devotees from different places in this area.
01:05In the morning, 4-5 devotees have to enter the temple.
01:10In the evening, no devotees can enter the temple.
01:13Only the members of the community can stay here.
01:19This temple has been here for many decades.
01:32This temple has been here for many decades.
01:39This temple has been here for many decades.
01:44This temple has been here every year on the 5th of the lunar month.
01:51This temple has been here every year on the 5th of the lunar month.
01:57This temple has been here for many decades.
02:01This temple has been here for many decades.
02:08What is the reason for this temple to be here?
02:13It is because of the respect for the human beings.
02:20We used to come here every year.
02:23We didn't know that the road was so bad.
02:26We didn't know that the road was so bad.
02:29But now, we have to go back and forth.
02:32We have to go back and forth.
02:35There is water in the river.
02:38We have to wash our feet.
02:40There is water in the river.
02:43We have to wash our feet.
02:46We have to wash our feet.
02:52Initially, this area was known as Thun Thunia village.
02:56Initially, this area was known as Thun Thunia village.
03:00But now this temple is known as Bano Durga.
03:04Now, many people from far and wide have gathered to worship this temple.
03:14This is Bharat, Jalpaiguri.
