• last month


00:13You only
00:54Sir you
00:59Don't don't
01:05Just got
01:07Maximum height 500 meter altitude
01:1760 minute
01:20Day or night
01:24It is our responsibility to surveil this area.
01:27What is the range?
01:29It can go up to 5 km.
01:32So, it is day and night surveillance?
01:35Yes, day and night.
01:37How much does it help?
01:39Because the camera is very good.
01:41Yes, it is good.
01:43Can you see small objects from above?
01:46We can see during the day, but at night it is difficult.
01:52But still, we can see.
01:55Yes, we can see.
02:22I have one of those with 8x zoom capabilities.
02:25This can detect the movement of the enemy
02:28in those of the toughest locations where the normal,
02:31the big size drones cannot operate.
02:33I have with me the troops from the Indian Army
02:36who will throw some light on this.
02:38Sir, how is this important?
02:41No, no.
02:43We have to solve this.
02:45This is a sniper.
02:49No, it is not.
02:51It is an LMG, a light machine.
02:57Sir, how does it operate?
02:59How long does it last?
03:01What is the operation time?
03:03What is the real-time footage?
03:05How far does it go?
03:08This is an Encounter Remote.
03:10Sir, with which remote does it operate?
03:12Building Intervention.
03:15This is made in India.
03:18Is this made in India?
03:31This is a 9mm pistol.
03:34We use it day and night.
03:37It has four devices.
03:39It has a day camera, laser, IR and normal torches.
03:44It has a display.
03:46You can see the feeding activity inside.
03:50It has a 10 megapixel magnification.
03:53You can see 65 degrees to the left and 65 degrees to the right.
04:01You can clear a room day and night.
04:04You can kill the enemy inside.
04:09Inside the building?
04:11Inside the room or inside the building.
04:13You can kill the enemy in any corner.
