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Braveheart II, the surprise sequel to the 1995 classic, will see William Wallace battle the English in the American War of Independence.

It heralds the beginning of a new William Wallace franchise that will see the charismatic Scot battle the English through time.

“I’ve always enjoyed painting my face blue and shouting a lot,”explained director and star Mel Gibson.

“So, I made a decision to revisit the character. You ever see that old show Quantum Leap? We’re doing something similar here, except with kilts and shouting. So, we’ll open with the scenes of Wallace supposedly dying in the first film, but then just as he’s about to die on that table, a mysterious portal opens up and sucks him off.

“As he’s falling through time, mysterious time powers heal him, and then he falls out of the portal in the American War of Independence. He’s obviously a bit confused, but ultimately he comes to understand that this another simple time of ordinary men battling the English. So, he paints his face blue, shouts a lot, and goes to war.”

Gibson is hopeful that this will be the first of many Braveheart sequels.

“Well, Wallace has the ability to move through time. We’ve established that with this new film,” he continued.

“So, I see a number of films in which Wallace emerges in Agincourt, Ireland, Burma, Crimea, India. Anywhere the people have rebelled against England. He battles against them through time.”

Gibson also hinted at the prospect of a William Wallace cinematic universe
