• 2 months ago
💅💕 *Ongles longs, drames et… tomber amoureuse du FRÈRE de ta meilleure amie?!* Cette vidéo est remplie de luttes hilarantes de filles, de rebondissements inattendus et de moments vraiment fous! 😂✨

Des catastrophes d'ongles aux astuces amoureuses discrètes, c’est un tourbillon d'émotions et de rires. Peut-elle gérer les ongles *et* son béguin secret ? Ou bien est-ce une recette pour le chaos ? 🤯💖

🔥 *Ongles longs—on les aime ou on les laisse ?* Faites-le nous savoir dans les commentaires! 💬⬇️

#ProblèmesOnglesLongs #DramePourFilles #BéguinSecret #MomentsDrôles #ÉchecsEntreAmies Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00Cute butt from hell, I'm cute butt from hell
00:03Cute butt from hell, I'm cute butt from hell
00:06Hey! Can I be one?
00:08Huh? Who are you?
00:10I want to do a TikTok with you too!
00:12What? Are you making fun of me?
00:14But why?
00:16Oh! Look at those hair!
00:19And those nails are perfect!
00:21Ready to devour his prey!
00:23But still cute!
00:25Oh! My hair is in a mess!
00:27Look at those dirty things too!
00:29Wow! That was an instant change!
00:31Thank you!
00:33You're welcome! I want nails like that too!
00:37My face looks like it needs a lot of work!
00:40I need a new make-up!
00:42Come here little guy! Don't be impolite like that!
00:47Okay! Let's get to work now!
00:49Stable hands, Emilie! Stable hands!
00:53The Joker is looking for a new girlfriend!
00:55Not bad!
00:59Those nails are ruining everything!
01:02I'll never get there!
01:04Wait a second! I have an idea!
01:07Don't worry! I won't waste my lipstick!
01:10Now I'll need this brush! Let's go!
01:17Done! Does it look like me?
01:20It will soon be the case since I'm going to spread my face in it!
01:27Wow! So beautiful!
01:31Look at those big eyebrows!
01:34I have to do something now!
01:36Let me see!
01:38Ah! Look what we have here!
01:40Help me, magic wand!
01:42Do you believe in magic or does it make your eyebrows?
01:45Oh! It's better!
01:49My kingdom of pettiness!
01:53It's the real Chubby Bunny challenge!
01:56It doesn't work! Let me think!
02:00Adapt, improvise, overcome!
02:06The taste of victory is sweet!
02:08Marshmallows are just as sweet!
02:10I'll have some more! I'll start my diet tomorrow!
02:15I'm also in the mood for a soda!
02:17Let's open it now!
02:19Easier said than done!
02:26Oh no! My nail!
02:28Come here, my friend!
02:30Come see mommy!
02:34No! Don't tell me that...
02:39I lost it forever!
02:42Wait a minute!
02:45I can use this without any problem!
02:49Let's make a small incision here!
02:51Now let's remove this part of the straw!
02:53Now let's open this too!
02:55Be careful, my friend! These things are sharp!
02:58Well, I have the perfect spare nails in hand!
03:01It's a natural result!
03:03Just look!
03:05Wow! The blue nail is like a painless thumb!
03:09And the final touch!
03:11These tips make me look red!
03:13But not in a negative way!
03:15I love red!
03:17No editing magic here!
03:19Wow! Perfect!
03:23Well, I have to find the cutest outfit for the party!
03:26Which is an impossible mission with all these hair on my way!
03:32Here we are!
03:38I'm stronger!
03:40Remove this thing!
03:45But I still have this!
03:48Strange! Let's put it on!
03:53Oops! I'm still stuck!
03:57I'm destroying it!
03:59And guess who's responsible again?
04:04Chewbacca, is that you?
04:08What can I do?
04:10Let's do it quickly and painlessly!
04:13It's the ASMR part of the video!
04:15Increase the volume!
04:17I must be brave now!
04:20I should do it!
04:23One, two, three!
04:25When do I have to go?
04:35It was violent!
04:37I need something else!
04:39I should do it!
04:41It cuts well!
04:43Like fresh cream on a cake!
04:47Next step!
04:49Apply the cream evenly on the whole leg!
04:51The ASMR continues!
04:53But don't fall asleep yet!
04:55I still have a lot of great things to show you!
04:59One, two, three!
05:02Now let's see the result!
05:04I can't wait to remove these hairs!
05:07It works!
05:09The baby's skin is in place!
05:14Now let's do the brain of my ex!
05:16It looks perfect!
05:20Oh, that's what I need!
05:22Something tells me that it's going to go wrong!
05:26I apply it!
05:34That's where all the cream is!
05:38Oops, I didn't mean to do that!
05:40What should I do now?
05:44These yoga classes will finally pay off!
05:46Written and produced by Quentin Tarantino!
05:52A therapeutic massage for my face and feet!
05:56Hey, cameraman, why are you following me here?
05:58Whatever, let me go!
06:02Oh, what a wonderful feeling!
06:04Now it's time to clean up!
06:06The nails won't bother here!
06:10What's going on?
06:12I don't know how to regret it!
06:14And now?
06:16Wait a second!
06:18Don't judge me on that!
06:22Let's go hunting now!
06:24You know my nails, but not my story!
06:28Oh no!
06:30How am I going to pick up this thing now?
06:32There's no way!
06:34It comes off so easily!
06:36It's not going to work either!
06:38This is the most difficult fight of my life!
06:41I'm going to rip it all off!
06:45My nails are perfect!
06:49But I can't say the same thing about my teeth!
06:51Don't tell me!
06:53Come here!
06:55Okay, let's go!
06:57Slowly now!
07:01The nail gods are against me!
07:05I won't give up!
07:07Look at this!
07:09I won't give up!
07:11Look, I'm a cat now!
07:13A very frustrated cat!
07:15I'm trying for the last time!
07:23That's it!
07:25I'm going to become Wolverine this time!
07:27Look at this!
07:29I created a little door!
07:31I'm going to remove it slowly!
07:33Now let's try like this!
07:37Let's give them their shiny pearl white!
07:39It's really not a reverse pattern!
07:45These birds are nasty!
07:47I have to scratch all this!
07:49It's so relaxing and soothing!
07:53Let's wash all this!
07:55I feel revived!
07:57My hair is completely untangled!
07:59As if I had washed them or something like that!
08:01I need more towels!
08:03I like blue!
08:05Let's equip this now!
08:07Wow! Look at this flow!
08:09I produce this water?
08:11I know I hydrate well, but it's ridiculous!
08:13Oh no!
08:15Forget it!
08:17Let's use them all!
08:19Long hair problem, am I right?
08:21Look at this!
08:23Nothing seems to work here!
08:27My brain is erupting!
08:29I need a better plan!
08:33So cute!
08:35Next step!
08:37Let's bring some heat!
08:39Come on Simpson!
08:41I'm your hidden girl!
08:43The color is a little different!
08:45Let's check!
08:49What is this?
08:51I need my hair comb now!
08:53Let's pray for the best!
08:55It doesn't move!
09:03My hair is made of adamantium!
09:05Oh no!
09:07What am I going to do?
09:09Oh no!
09:13My nails can be the saving grace!
09:15The first time they really help me
09:17for something!
09:19Instead of making my life a hell on earth!
09:27I really surpassed myself!
09:30My phone!
09:32Not again!
09:34Come on!
09:36I can let this one slide!
09:40Stupid nails!
09:42So confusing!
09:46My mom will kill me if I don't answer!
09:54Oh no!
09:56My phone!
09:58Please don't give up on me now!
10:02It's all your fault!
10:04It's time to get what you deserve!
10:06I'm fed up!
10:08It's time to act!
10:10Is it working?
10:12I need something bigger!
10:14That's what I'm talking about!
10:18Don't do this at home!
10:20I'm a savage!
10:24It's Deadpool!
10:28It's better like this!
10:30My hands look so pretty!
10:34I feel so weird!
10:36I miss him a lot!
10:38Look at this!
10:42He's going to rule them all!
10:44I know what to do!
10:48Yes, just like that!
10:50You'll see soon!
10:52Let's put some of this magic mixture on the ring
10:54and now let's apply the fake nail
10:56just like that!
10:58If you want, you can put a nail on it!
11:02Do you see that?
11:10Now it's much easier!
11:12Here we go!
11:14Easy peasy!
11:16Hi mom!
11:18Yes, I did my nails!
11:20They look great!
11:26Who is she?
11:28She's so pretty!
11:30I can't be like this!
11:36These nails are killing me!
11:42Look at this!
11:44It's removed!
11:46Now you can do anything!
11:48I can't!
11:52What's this magic trick?
11:54Take this!
11:56Thank you!
11:58It's nothing!
12:00Now let's restore this beauty!
12:04You're great!
12:06Maybe we'll become friends!
12:10What do you mean?
12:18What's going on here?
12:20I'm trying to study why you're making so much noise!
12:23What are you doing in my bedroom?
12:25Get out now!
12:27Look what you did!
12:29You ruined my work!
12:31I'm sorry!
12:33Now you're going to take care of me!
12:35In your dreams!
12:37You ruined my TikTok!
12:39I hate you!
12:41No! Stop!
12:43Get out of my room right now!
12:45You'll pay for this!
12:47I don't care!
12:49Who's that?
12:51My stupid brother Tom!
12:53Let's continue with this TikTok!
12:57How come I've never seen him before?
12:59He's so handsome!
13:03Let's start our TikTok!
13:05Okay, okay!
13:07Ruth, I'll be right back!
13:09I'm going to the bathroom!
13:11So that's where you're hiding!
13:13So handsome!
13:15What a man!
13:17We'd make a perfect couple!
13:19Oh my god!
13:21Okay Casey, you handle it!
13:25Not the plant!
13:29Hi Tom!
13:31It's Casey!
13:33I'm a friend of your sister!
13:35Hi Casey!
13:37It's a pleasure to meet you!
13:39Sorry, I'm a little busy right now!
13:41It's okay!
13:45Not that, of course!
13:47I need to get his attention!
13:51I should try to charm him!
13:53What are you doing, Tom?
13:55It's my school project!
13:57It's very, very important!
14:01it's very interesting!
14:03Come on,
14:05why can't he talk to me?
14:07He smells good!
14:09Maybe he likes smart girls!
14:11Is it physics?
14:13No, it's chemistry!
14:18It's my favorite subject!
14:22Wow! What a beautiful color!
14:26Please, don't touch anything!
14:28I wonder if I should mix it!
14:36It's pretty, isn't it?
14:38I love pink!
14:46What have you done?
14:50My project!
14:52What's going on here, Tom?
14:56Mom, it's not me!
14:58It's Casey!
15:00Hello, Mrs. Smith!
15:02I'm sorry, it's really me!
15:04Okay, my dear daughter,
15:06I'm sure it's nothing,
15:08Mom, it's Tom's fault!
15:10Let's go get you some tea!
15:12I also have some sweets for you!
15:14Thank you!
15:16But, Mom!
15:18Clean all this now!
15:20It's my last warning, young man!
15:24What happened here?
15:30It's time to relax!
15:34where's my towel?
15:36Pink, I'm going for a walk!
15:42That's not Mom's voice!
15:44Casey, what are you doing here?
15:46Give me that, Casey!
15:48Casey, what's wrong with you?
15:50You're right!
15:52What are you doing here?
15:54It's a very private place, you know!
15:56Get out!
15:58Whatever you want!
16:00It's so beautiful!
16:05Can I have a minute?
16:07In private?
16:09Just a little more!
16:17Stay there!
16:19It's going to work!
16:23Ruth, I don't think it's a good idea!
16:25Yes, my brother loves jokes!
16:27Trust me!
16:29Shh! He's coming!
16:31Let's go, Casey!
16:33But I don't want to do it!
16:41Casey, run!
16:45You again?
16:47How dare you?
16:49My clothes, my phone!
16:51You lost your mind!
16:53It's not me!
16:55Sorry, Tom!
16:57I told him it was a bad idea, but...
16:59Is everything okay?
17:01Yes, everything is fine, Mom!
17:03And you?
17:05Where is she?
17:07Where did she go?
17:09I can't believe it!
17:13I can't believe he hates me so much!
17:15But I love him!
17:19Oh, the love of my life!
17:23Oh my God!
17:25Oh my God, look at me!
17:27I have to find something, and fast!
17:31Come on!
17:33Okay, that's it!
17:35You got it, Casey!
17:39Oh my God, not that!
17:41Hi, Casey!
17:43Oh, hi!
17:45I was wondering if you saw my sister.
17:47My mother is looking for her.
17:49Oh no, I didn't see her today.
17:51Okay, whatever.
17:53You know what, Casey?
17:58I really wanted to apologize for yesterday.
18:00I was rude, and I had a lot on my mind.
18:02It's okay.
18:04I'm sorry, and I understand.
18:08Sorry, I'm late for my football practice.
18:10Can we talk later?
18:12Yeah, bye!
18:14Bye, see you soon!
18:20Casey, I'm here!
18:28I'm late!
18:30I can't believe it!
18:32What are they thinking?
18:34I should do a TikTok!
18:36I have to be super pretty
18:38so they faint without seeing me!
18:40Okay, what do I look like?
18:42Oh yeah!
18:44A little bit of that for the camera!
18:48Oh no!
18:50I hope my eyes won't turn all red!
18:54More luck with the mascara!
18:56Seriously? No!
18:58I can't look like that!
19:00I'll never please him!
19:02Okay, I can take care of that!
19:04A little bit of ice will help me!
19:06Oh no!
19:08Could it be worse?
19:12I have to do a TikTok!
19:14Okay, Casey!
19:16Go ahead!
19:18Yes, Casey!
19:20Show him how nice and pretty you are!
19:24Tom, it's for you!
19:30This girl is crazy!
19:32I had a lot of problems because of her!
19:34What are you going to do?
19:36I don't know!
19:38Wait a minute!
19:40Who is this girl?
19:42How are the kids here?
19:44Are they nice?
19:46Why does she look like Casey?
19:48I don't know!
19:50She's the new girl from school!
19:52I have to go, dude!
19:54Yeah, bye!
20:02It hurts!
20:04Where are my glasses?
20:06Come on!
20:08Hey, bro!
20:11What do you want?
20:13I want to talk to you about Casey!
20:15I don't have time for that!
20:17We'll talk later!
20:19Not that again!
20:21Come on!
20:25Well, you know that Casey
20:27really loves you!
20:29Yeah, I knew it!
20:31But she has a lot of problems at school,
20:33at work, at home...
20:35As if everything was wrong
20:37and nothing could make her happy!
20:39I want to go out with you,
20:41would you do it for me?
20:43I'm sorry for Casey,
20:45but I don't have time for that, okay?
20:49Okay, I'll do it!
20:51You're the best brother ever!
20:53See you later!
20:55See you!
20:59Where did she go?
21:01She was right there!
21:05I guess it can't be done!
21:07It's my favorite jacket!
21:09And you know, it's really,
21:11really expensive!
21:13And I think my dad could buy me another one!
21:15She's here!
21:17She's so beautiful!
21:23Hey, Tom!
21:25Yeah, what?
21:27I want more juice!
21:29Do you need anything?
21:31No, thank you!
21:33Okay, I guess!
21:41What is it?
22:36Pajamas Day is
22:38the best day at school!
22:40Look, we both have nightgowns!
22:44Look what I got!
22:48You don't get it, do you?
22:50No, I get it!
22:52Oh, hi!
22:54Who is it?
22:56It's Casey!
22:58Hi, Casey! Nice suit!
23:00Thank you!
23:02I have to bring something more because I'm super, you see?
23:12For you?
23:13Yes, thank you.
23:16I really like your pyjama.
23:18Oh, thank you. Your bedroom dress is super cool.
23:21This old thing?
23:22I don't understand.
23:26How is it possible?
23:28You're so funny.
23:30Oh my God, no!
23:31That's not it!
23:33I'm Tom.
23:35I'm Ami.
23:37Nice to meet you.
23:39So, are you new?
23:41See you after school?
23:42I'm not sure I can.
23:44I have a lot to study, you know.
23:49Okay, see you later.
23:51Yeah, one day, I hope.
23:56We're running together?
24:00I guess it won't bother her if I sit next to her.
24:03Say hello, say hello, say hello.
24:06Wow, one A+.
24:08So she's really smart.
24:10Maybe I should show her that I'm smart too.
24:13I need to get her attention.
24:15Hey, Ami.
24:19Hi, Tom.
24:20I see you got an A+.
24:22Yeah, you too?
24:23I'm not sure, I hope.
24:25I often get good grades.
24:26Actually, I like to learn a lot of things.
24:29I guess you could help me then?
24:31Why not? I'd love to.
24:36Plus, my best student.
24:42I don't think you really need my help.
24:45I thought it was good.
24:47What should I do now?
24:51Maybe I have a plan that could work.
24:55Come on, Tom, you can do it.
25:00Bro, do you want to help me with my final exam?
25:02No, I haven't prepared anything.
25:04Stop it.
25:05You haven't prepared for the exam?
25:08Nicole's smartest student?
25:10Come on, don't lie to me.
25:11No, you should study instead of doing TikToks.
25:15Brothers are supposed to help each other.
25:17You'll never help me.
25:18I'll tell Mom.
25:21You're crazy, you know?
25:25Come on, Tom, think of something.
25:28That's it, I'm doomed to fail.
25:32Come on, let's go.
25:34Please, cheat, cheat, cheat.
25:37Okay, let's see.
25:41I'm done.
25:43Really? Let me check right now.
25:46Let's see.
25:48Professor, I have big problems to study.
25:54What? Are you making fun of me?
25:56That's not possible.
26:03What am I going to do now?
26:05Wait a minute.
26:06I know what I can do.
26:08It's the perfect plan.
26:09Come on.
26:11Thank you very much.
26:14Here you go, buddy.
26:15Go home proud.
26:16Wow, what a terrible exam.
26:19Here you go, Professor.
26:22What's wrong, Tom?
26:25I guess you did well.
26:27Well, if that's the case,
26:29would you like me to help you a little?
26:32Of course.
26:34Great, so I can help you study math.
26:38If you want.
26:40Give me a second.
26:45I hope you like it.
26:47I think it's perfect.
26:49What's going on?
26:51Where is everyone?
26:54I couldn't wait,
26:55so I decided to make an appointment right now.
27:00Tom is with Amy now?
27:03An appointment?
27:06A date?
27:07I can't believe it.
27:11Forget it.
27:12Try this one and this one.
27:13They are great.
27:15Well, I'd rather eat a marshmallow.
27:20Oh no, I'm sorry.
27:22Don't worry.
27:23Everything's fine.
27:24Everything's fine, okay?
27:25No, it's not.
27:26I'm horrible.
27:27I'm wasting my time.
27:28Please, stay.
27:29No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
27:30I have to go now.
27:31Don't go, please.
27:32I'm sorry.
27:33I'm sorry.
27:34Everything's fine.
27:35Maybe it would have been better without the glass of wine.
27:41I can't believe how stupid I am.
27:44What did I do?
27:47He'll never look at me again.
27:52What's going on?
27:55Hi, Amy.
27:56Do you like Tom?
27:58Well, Tom was my little friend.
28:00What don't you understand, Amy?
28:05I... I just...
28:06Don't pretend.
28:07I know you're jealous of me.
28:10What do you want?
28:12Here, take it.
28:13And leave him alone.
28:14No, I don't need it.
28:17What do you mean by no?
28:19Maybe you want my phone?
28:21No, Casey.
28:22Really, I don't want anything at all.
28:24Do you want my most beautiful dresses?
28:27My water.
28:29Casey, stop trying to hit me.
28:32You're mean to me.
28:34I can't run after you like that.
28:37No, wait.
28:38I'm not dressed.
28:39It's not ready yet.
28:42What's all this mess?
28:49No, it's mine.
28:54Amy, where are you?
28:58Amy, listen to me.
29:00I know you didn't do it.
29:02Amy, I know you didn't do it.
29:04Stop touching me.
29:05Listen, please.
29:06My sister did it.
29:07I have a video.
29:12I don't know.
29:14I can't believe what's going on.
29:17And no one believes me.
29:19You don't understand.
29:21I didn't know what to do.
29:23Amy, I know you didn't do it.
29:25And it's the most important thing.
29:27But I didn't know what to do.
29:29Amy, I love you.
29:35You love me?
29:38I'm serious.
29:39You don't see?
29:45Amy, can you forgive me?
29:47Yes, Tom.
29:50Yes, I love you too.
29:52Give me your hand.
29:54Come on, let's go.
29:55You and me.
30:00I got you.
