• last month


00:00We ruled for 24 years, we were in the opposition for 22 years.
00:04In 1978, in that house, which was named after Venkatesh Swami,
00:09we built our office there.
00:13I think they gave us four prime ministers to look after.
00:18They taught us a lot.
00:20We saw that office celebrating people with drums and drums.
00:25They taught us both sadness and happiness.
00:30That office gave a lot to this Congress and this country.
00:35We are moving towards Indira Bhavan with a positive mind.
00:40See, buildings change, that was our destiny.
00:44And there were a lot of political conflicts.
00:47And no one had fallen to the extent that BJP did.
00:52So it's okay, we are taking it positively.
00:54That destiny has sent us here today.
00:56That 24th Akbar has given us four prime ministers.
00:59So we will definitely work to think beyond that.
01:03And today we are welcoming Indira Bhavan with a lot of strength.
01:09We are welcoming the party.
01:11And definitely, because Congress is such a party,
01:14which is not building, but has the passion to work for the country.
01:21With that passion, we have reached Indira Bhavan today.
01:51Sir, MHA has given an approval to ED for the prosecution of Arvind Kejriwal in the liquor scam.
02:20How do you see this matter, sir?
02:22See, I don't want to say anything on it.
02:25But I think so the permissions come a bit too late.
02:29They must also have a look at a similar scam that has occurred in Punjab.
02:36The liquor scam done by the AAP government in Punjab is on a larger scale than Delhi.
02:42I'm surprised why the Home Ministry of the ED has not acted against officials and the ministers of the AAP government in Punjab.
02:50It's a continuation of what the excise scam has taken place in Delhi.
02:54It's a much bigger scam because the state is bigger.
02:57The revenue returns are bigger over there.
03:00So what I feel is it's good if these people are involved.
03:05Because they always took the name of Anna Hazare.
03:09Bapu Anna Hazare has also said,
03:12The least I could ever consider was that Arvind Kejriwal would take money out of excise.
03:19So I feel this is the right step they have taken.
03:22But they should continue and proceed against the ministers and the officials of the AAP government in Punjab.
03:31Sir, in fact, the law and order situation in Delhi has also been under question.
03:35Because yesterday the Delhi police has done a press conference in which they have said that the bomb threats which are being received in Delhi, that is related to an NGO.
03:45And BJP is alleging that this NGO is related to the Aam Aadmi Party.
03:48How do you see this matter?
03:49This is a very serious matter.
03:51Bomb threats are being given to...
03:54You must understand, these Aam Aadmi guys, basically a number of guys are linked to the urban exiles.
04:05Even one of their MLAs from Delhi, he had gone all the way to Punjab.
04:12And there was a segregated case against that MLA.
04:16They have denied a ticket to him.
04:19The courts in Punjab have already given him, I think, three years of imprisonment for desecrating the Holy Quran.
04:28So these people are involved even in Punjab in these kind of actions.
04:33So I feel as the Home Ministry is concerned about the law and order, if any of these guys are involved, they must take action immediately against them.
04:49Finally, after so many years, the new Congress office has been closed.
04:55Your thoughts on that?
04:57My thoughts are that the world moves on.
