• 2 months ago
Opposition leader Peter Dutton visited the fire-affected communities of Halls Gap and Pomonal to see the effects of the 2024 Grampians National Park bushfire.
00:00Opposition leader Peter Dutton visited the fire-affected communities of Halls Gap and Pomona today
00:05to see first-hand the devastation of the Grampians National Park bushfire.
00:09Mr Dutton visited the Halls Gap Zoo to engage in conversation with owners Mark and Lisa Truick
00:15who shared their experiences of the slow recovery process following the devastating blaze.
00:20So last, at least the February one was February, which is one of our quietest months.
00:24So the heat was small compared to this one. This hits massive.
00:29I've got to say the meetings that we've had this morning have been pretty confronting
00:32and all Australians watch their television screens in horror when they saw these bushfires raging just across here.
00:40And when you think of the impact on lives, on livestock, on businesses, it's been devastating.
00:49And the camera's moved on and so we're watching something different on our television screens now
00:55but the devastation is still here to be dealt with.
00:57And I would just say to every Australian if you're thinking about a holiday at the moment,
01:01if you're thinking about where to book for the Australia Day weekend or for Easter,
01:05if you're thinking about where you go over a mid-year break
01:10or if you want to book at the end of the year and pay your deposit now,
01:13please think about Halls Gap and think about the Grampians and the businesses here.
01:18They really need your support. They need your help.
01:21And many of them at the moment are on their knees.
