सकट चौथ व्रत जनवरी में कब ? सकट चौथ व्रत 17 जनवरी 2025 को किया जाएगा. इस दिन शुक्रवार भी है, जो माता लक्ष्मी का दिन है. गणपति जी मां लक्ष्मी के दत्तक पुत्र हैं, इनकी आराधना से धन लक्ष्मी भी प्रसन्न होती हैं. इस दिन चंद्रमा रात 09.09 मिनट पर निकलेगा.
When is Sakat Chauth fast in January? Sakat Chauth Vrat will be observed on 17th January 2025. This day is also Friday, which is the day of Goddess Lakshmi. Ganapati Ji is the adopted son of Goddess Lakshmi, Dhan Lakshmi is also pleased by worshipping him. On this day, the moon will rise at 09.09 pm.
#sakatchauth2025date #sakatchauth17january2025 #sakatchauthkab #sakatchauthnews #sanatandharma #hindu #hindunewstoday #januaryfestival2025 #sakatchauthmuhurat2025
When is Sakat Chauth fast in January? Sakat Chauth Vrat will be observed on 17th January 2025. This day is also Friday, which is the day of Goddess Lakshmi. Ganapati Ji is the adopted son of Goddess Lakshmi, Dhan Lakshmi is also pleased by worshipping him. On this day, the moon will rise at 09.09 pm.
#sakatchauth2025date #sakatchauth17january2025 #sakatchauthkab #sakatchauthnews #sanatandharma #hindu #hindunewstoday #januaryfestival2025 #sakatchauthmuhurat2025