• 2 months ago


00:50of our country we are now fighting the BJP, the RSS, the Indian state itself.
00:57What is your comment on this?
00:58What can I say?
00:59If the leader of the opposition, who belongs to a political party, which claims to have
01:07contributed to India's freedom struggle and which has produced several prime ministers,
01:15if that party has deteriorated to a point that they are now fighting the Indian state,
01:20I can understand you can have a problem with the BJP because, you know, the BJP has eclipsed
01:26you as the largest political party.
01:28It has been in power for the last 10 years, has won an election for the third time.
01:33But then fighting the RS, RS is a cultural organization.
01:37And that cultural organization prides itself in placing the nation first.
01:43And the Constitution and the Indian state are, I think, parts of the same, you know,
01:50the philosophy, the being, that's what defines India as a country.
01:54How can he fight the Indian state?
01:56I don't know what this is.
01:58Either it's a temporary loss of, you know, derailment of the mental coordinates or it's
02:06the Soros toolkit.
02:08But how can any Indian, let alone an elected member of parliament, say that he's against
02:13the Indian state?
02:14I mean, there are people who are against viewpoints against political parties.
02:20You can even be against the RSS.
02:22So I say, I mean, the little I know about the RSS, the more I find out about what the
02:27RSS has done for India, for our – you know, in terms of an earthquake, in terms of emergency
02:33floods, droughts, the RSS believes in Samaj Seva.
02:38And the more I know, the more I respect them.
02:41But I can understand, you can have a different point of view, but you cannot be against the
02:46Indian state.
02:47So I think the young, several times relaunched leader, young at the age of 54, I think needs
02:55to do some serious introspection and to see whether he even meant what he did.
03:00I'm not trying to give him a way out.
03:02But I think there is going to be hell to pay for any political leader who says, I'm against
03:06the Indian state.
03:08Last time I heard about people being in the Indian state were those who believed in Marxist-Leninist
03:13approaches, the Naxalites.
03:15They wanted to overthrow the Indian state.
03:17But for a politically – political party leader of opposition who is an elected member
03:22of parliament, and he says we have to fight the Indian state, God help him.
03:28And, sir, how do you see the way he made remarks again, the RSS Mohan Bhagwajji –
03:33No, that shows that complete mental equilibrium has now become a disequilibrium.
03:42What Bhagwajji said, which is now on public record, is that in our freedom-seeking, 1947
03:51was political freedom, which means after 190 years of colonial domination, we were out
03:57– we came into – you know, became an independent country.
04:01But the Ram Mandir building, after 500 years, that speaks to a lot of cultural and religious
04:11and, if I may say, spiritual ethos, so it's a perfectly sensible statement.
04:15And he can't understand that.
04:17Is the Congress Party against that sentiment?
04:22Is the Congress Party against – and which sentiment is the Congress Party going?
04:26Then all those people who say that these guys are doing a particular kind of appeasement
04:30politic, I mean, I think that they'll be totally right.
04:33So I think on both counts, I think Bhagwajji absolutely categorically said, sir, this completes
04:40our freedom-seeking, political freedom.
04:44And now you have a sense, after 500 years, you know, there is a homecoming for Ram Lalla.
04:51So I think the – on both the statements, I mean, these are interconnected, because
04:56he said, one, he took exception to Bhagwajji's statement.
