• 2 months ago
ഹിന്ദു എന്നോ മുസ്‌ലീം എന്നോ ബുദ്ധനെന്നോ ക്രൈസ്‌തവരെന്നോ ഒന്നുമില്ല. മനുഷ്യർ മാത്രം...


00:00Who said that there is no one?
00:20It's us, isn't it?
00:21Recently, we saw a Facebook post of Dr. Shah Hamid.
00:26This post was sent to a care home named Kannur Hope by an ITV Bharat reporter.
00:32Let's start with the content of the post.
00:34The post reads as follows.
00:36After waiting for three days in the mortuary,
00:39Sridharettan was brought to Hope for public viewing.
00:42The search went on from a man who had no one to his brother's son.
00:48Still, he was not interested in meeting anyone or taking part in the last rites.
00:53I went there with the best flowers that I could get.
00:58It was the last time I saw him.
01:00That man will not call me for no reason anymore.
01:03When he calls, he says,
01:05It's a relief to hear your voice.
01:08So, no matter how busy you are,
01:10Don't stop taking my calls.
01:12I won't call you anymore.
01:14Two or three years ago,
01:15When I asked for details to nominate me as a nominee in an insurance policy,
01:22Sridharettan did something wrong.
01:24Why do we need that money?
01:26It is a policy that you get free because you have an account in the bank.
01:29Let them know that I also have a person, sir.
01:31My nominee is you.
01:33When I remember that today,
01:35He should know that day itself.
01:37There will be no connection in searching for you.
01:39He came to the cemetery.
01:41To light a fire in a casket that looks like a box made to burn.
01:46A person there asked who their right was.
01:49Two or three people answered.
01:51There is no one.
01:53No one will come.
01:55I walked forward saying that I am there.
01:57Hope's Jaymohan and Priyesh also joined me.
02:01For the first time in my life,
02:03I walked forward with a fire in my hand to light.
02:08The Wants of Justice
02:15He was forced to go on a trip for the sake of a person who was alone.
02:21He was also forced to donate his travel advance.
02:24And also for the sake of public opinion.
02:27To get in touch with the public.
02:29He was also forced to go to the police station.
02:31He was also forced to consult the police station outside.
02:33There, without giving any place to caste or religion,
02:38by asking who is the rightful owner of this land,
02:43Mr. Shah Rukhsar and the people of our three religions came together.
02:48People from Hindu, Christian, Muslim communities.
02:51Mr. Shah Rukhsar came first, and then the Christian community was represented.
02:55I came.
02:56Since the Hindu community was represented,
02:59Mr. Priyeshwar, who came under the leadership of Dr. Shahul Hameed, came first.
03:05With prayers, this is the inner workings of Dr. Shahul Hameed.
03:10Pilatara, which is not too far from Pariyarath, where Kannur Medical College is located.
03:16The card called hope also passed inside.
03:19Some are cancer patients, some are those who do not know when life will end.
03:24Those who use the most expensive medicine in the world.
03:27When I got there, my heart was a little shaken.
03:30Dr. K.S. Jayamohan and the organization are joining each family with a smile.
03:35The first step is to look for relatives if the death of the residents is confirmed.
03:40Will look for all ways.
03:42After death, he will be kept in the next mortuary for three days.
03:46In the presence of police officers, actions.
03:49Sometimes relatives come.
03:52Sometimes I don't even look back when I find relatives.
03:55Shahul Hameed shared the memories of such a person.
