• 2 months ago


01:17it's going to be
01:21Just like you have to model is a election commission of India kit up say the limit assembly election announced
01:29The model code of conduct the limit
01:34Delhi police
01:36Palace a he election key most edit a theory karate a or dub say MCC
01:42Implement who I have the limit as per direction of the election commission of India
01:48Don't get directives. Hey, this an edition. Let's get manager
01:52Delhi police key zero tolerance policy here
01:55So that you have a free fair impartial or peaceful election conduct was a key
02:01KCV per car car back up at or not. Oh, so be the antisocial element kick it off. I don't need car. Why such a sake
02:09It's came under a Joe. I'm are a summit in charge major
02:13Genoa TIA is mayhem
02:15Action against bootleggers illegal shrapnel BK now on key inter-border smuggling
02:21Doosra arm set pick our way. Oh, thank you. Kiko illicit firearms
02:26car use yeah, unka pre-oak
02:29KCB in Samina Hosek a
02:32Tisra key. I'm are a licensed arms. I will Jamaa Hosek a
02:37Jota key Joe B. How many NBW's hey?
02:40Unko, I'm properly execute Karan
02:43was pick our way curry
02:45to is
02:47Referent per southern zone day, but a chakam key. I would have added a kushy or a
02:52Yaki, please lay a company that's a MCC implement who I am
02:5746 cases
02:59Delhi excise act ministry key is the 48 local Kriptar Kia Gaya or Kareem Barahadar voters. I'm a leaker key
03:08Sees key. I'm Kaskar. Yeah interstate border say to supply
03:12Delhi Marathi
03:13Mapa yes, he's key
03:15Is Kayla, Bhaamne arms at the end of the illegal firearms car sit on jackass. I
03:21Kareem gara gara 11 cases is he a company I'm a rishad key. It's been Barah logo Kriptar Kia Gaya or Kareem art
03:30Continent pistols or gara knife. I'm a recover key
03:35It's Kayla bar drugs, but we have Mara a focus area at that key
03:39KCB tariqa say drugs were gara is to run a BK
03:42To hamleh Kareem is may be skis
03:46Rishad Kia Gaya or
03:51Barak vice twenty two point eight kg ganja or
03:55Kareem arts ogram heroine. I'm a recover key
03:59Is Kayla preventive actions
04:01Takis antisocial element get new history to her habitual offenders. I'm okay. Kala palace a car why he was a key or a
04:09Samaj make
04:10Shantika Mahal Ray I'm a Kareem Ponce. Oh, she's had a logo co-preventive action meditation on K Club bound down key car
04:18Why initiate key gaya?
04:21Excise act a 40 a or 40 be drinking in public place or creating nuisance after drinking is key and that humming Kareem
04:28Baja so logo
04:30K Kala car why key gaya or
04:33Johan DP a deli police act K and the verification or preventive action hotel
04:39Kareem garrison logo was key under got humming a verification or preventive action a gaya or
04:45hum vehicle checking a Doran suspicious vehicle key
04:50Seize curtain impound curtain humming a coffee maker. He
04:54Kassada say jada vehicles core impound key is he's key a gaya or spay legally car why
