• 2 months ago
El numerólogo Alejando Ayún narró diversas prácticas que cualquier persona puede realizar para atraer la buena fortuna y buenas vibras en sus vidas.
00:00It's good precisely because the energy is going to be in a connection of transformation and opening to everything we want to achieve.
00:07And therefore, the candles, for example, is like giving a signal to the universe, here I am.
00:12That actually represents a candle, as if saying, here I am, this represents me in front of such a dark situation.
00:20It's like turning on a light in the middle of the darkness.
00:23Then the candle is conjured, for example, a candle like this.
00:27A common and ordinary candle.
00:29This is a common and ordinary candle. Conjuring implies taking it and intending for what I want this to work.
00:34The white is for something very universal in relation to the other.
00:37For example, I want someone to get well, I want someone to find love, I want someone to find work.
00:42It is always in relation to someone else and it is conjured like this.
00:47I wish that or I want that. Never ask, because it is not the same to ask than to wish.
00:54It is not the same.
00:55One has to wish.
00:57Wish that I get well, wish that everything works.
01:00Always forming the force.
01:02This is a gesture of force, of possession, of security.
01:06And after that, I take this pavilion, which is the little table here, and I light it here.
01:11Never here.
01:12First I light it here.
01:15Because this is like imagining that it is something that has water.
01:18And if you obviously, to stick it, do this, what would happen?
01:21You spill what you are asking for.
01:23Years, years of mistakes.
01:25You spill everything and you don't get it.
01:27That's why I didn't do it.
01:29You put it here and you put it in this hand.
01:32The things you ask for the most are, well, to know about the future, to solve issues such as sentimental,
01:36to know how things are in economic terms, but particularly, for example, Karen,
01:40regarding the sentimental issue, romance, love.
01:44I imagine it is a recurring question.
01:46What is the ritual that you, or not the ritual, but what you do to be able to attract, for example, love to someone who needs it?
01:51I always teach something super simple and that is in everyone's hands, which is the bottle of champagne.
01:58Oh, sorry.
02:00Don't tell me you want to get drunk, because if you don't, you don't need knowledge about that.
02:03You have to throw it away.
02:04You have to throw it away.
02:05You have to throw it away?
02:06Oh, no, let's change the topic.
02:08Because if it is knowledge, frankly, I already knew it.
02:11Drunk in your marriage, love will be born.
02:13You empty the bottle, of course, serving a glass.
02:18But we need the petals of seven red roses.
02:23Because it represents our passion.
02:24Why seven?
02:25They are seven spiritual lines.
02:29So you need to open seven doors.
02:30Look, in fact, here are seven of them too.
02:33The rainbow is seven colors, so nothing is why it is.
02:36Sorry, seven is like the opposite face of thirteen?
02:39No, seven is a perfect number.
02:41It is a perfect number.
02:43It is square with a triangle.
02:44Therefore, it is the energy with, let's say, the concrete.
02:48So it is a perfect union.
02:49But let's go back to the ritual of love.
02:51So the petals of those seven roses, we are going to put them inside the sparkling bottle.
02:56And we are going to let it rest the day of the perfect eclipse because it will be all in its fullness,
03:01that it rests all day.
03:03With the lid open?
03:05During the night you are going to bathe normally and you are going to turn the content of the sparkling bottle with the petals.
03:13From the top down.
03:16It is important to gather all the petals that fall and throw them in running water.
03:21Running water.
03:22Why? Because if I throw them in the garbage, I am stagnating the energy.
03:25I would like, because once they told me about the little red bracelets that I used a lot last year, I needed them.
03:31And when they broke, it was because they had already done their job.
03:34They made their glue.
03:35And you had to put them in running water.
03:37And I said, but where?
03:38And someone told me ...
03:39The pot?
03:40No kidding.
03:41The pot is running water.
03:43Yes, excuse me.
03:44Why throw it after doing something in the pot?
03:47But it's running water and that's in your year.
03:51It is for what? For the energy to run.
03:53Karen, I follow you.
03:55You throw all this stuff in the body and what happens then?
03:59Pick up the petals that are going to fall out of the bottles,
04:02and you're going to pick it up and throw it in the bathroom.
04:05A water that goes and does not return.
04:08Because that's what we need.
04:09That everything that is blocking is gone.
04:12And the important thing is that you keep that in the body.
04:15Do not rinse later.
04:16Now, what is even better?
04:18That it will not only work in the affective aspect.
04:22Because when you work in communication, when you work in sales, you need to have charisma.
04:27Of course.
04:28Charisma, energy.
04:29And how much time ...
04:30That will enhance you in all aspects.
04:31Because you sent me with petals and I spent champagne a whole week.
04:35But you told me to bathe on Sundays.
04:38What's the problem?
04:39The next day you bathe normally.
04:41They call you to do jobs.
04:44Ties of I want to get that person.
04:48Well, the truth is that they are always asking us all that and they ask us that kind of thing.
04:55But in my case, I always tell them, you know what happens?
04:58Ties always end badly.
05:01As she said.
05:03What is bad in life.
05:04Of course.
05:05Because what happens is that everything has to do with the universe.
05:08It's like I steal energy from the universe, I have it for a while and then it ends with nothing.
05:13No partner, no money, no job, no health.
05:17Then the ties, no.
05:19It's always good when you're going to do a ritual.
05:22It's true.
05:23You know what?
05:24Really try to have what Alejandro was talking about.
05:29You have to feel and visualize things.
05:32For example, if you want health, you can do a ritual for health.
05:36How is that?
05:37Because one talks about love and money and everything.
05:39And health is also important.
05:41For example, they need a white piece of paper like this and they put the name,
05:46the date of birth of the person who is sick or the person who wants to regain health or something like that.
05:52So on the piece of paper they write the name.
05:56You have to have a green bag like the one I have here.
05:59A green bag.
06:00You, a green gender, you sew it and make a bag.
06:04Green for the color of hope.
06:06Green for the color of hope, of health.
06:09There is always an archangel who is super important to ask, if you want to ask,
06:15to accompany them, to protect them, to help them improve their health.
06:19Archangel Rafael.
06:20So green is the color of health.
06:23When you have to visualize health, you visualize a green color.
06:27And that is the color that is going to make you feel that you are healing.
06:30Or if someone is sick, maybe covering it with green braids will help?
06:35Think that one can play with those colors, visualize that, but attract health, actually.
06:42Can I make a quotation?
06:44You saw that he does well for that too.
06:46No, if people tell him that he is sick.
06:49It sounds kind of complex, but do you realize that when you are cold,
06:53and you feel that the cold is healing, it is when they say, it has matured.
06:57Do you realize?
06:59And the braid, what color is it?
07:01Do you realize?
07:03It's a little disgusting, but didactic.
07:05I was laughing because I had to put a didactic example so that they understand what that color is for.
07:13As I was telling you, you need to have these eucalyptus seeds,
07:17which the grandmothers used to use a lot.
07:20And some beans.
07:22Some beans.
07:24We know them as porotos in Chile, but beans.
07:28Then they put everything, the name of the person, the date of birth, the seeds, the beans.
07:33They put everything in this bag.
07:36We are going to make it very easy.
07:37A seed fell.
07:38Oh no, a poroto.
07:39There it is.
07:40Then they put the paper, they put all the, let's say, what they need, the elements,
07:47and tie it with a ribbon, also green.
07:49Also green.
07:50They tie it up and give it a few turns.
07:53This has to be veiled, as Alejandro said, with some candles.
07:57The candles are white, which is purity.
08:00Then they put this amulet, a protection, so that the person gets better.
08:06Then they veil it for one night, for example, all night, and the next day they take this,
08:11they put it under the pillow of the person who is sick.
08:14Until the next day.
08:15In a clinic, in a hospital, in the house.
08:18You say, in a way, to veil.
08:21If one, for example, is Catholic.
08:23Can you do that in front of an image of Christ, of the Virgin, of people who are Buddhists?
08:27So this is not excluding the faith we have.
08:31The important thing is that you feel faith.
08:34That will help the person who is sick, or who is living a very serious illness,
08:39to recover health, or for the one who feels a little weak.
08:43All night, under the pillow, and something should start to happen the next day.
08:47Yes, and have it while the person gets better.
08:50Until he gets better.
08:51That will be his protection, it will help him a lot.
08:54I think it is important and responsible to say that diseases are generally cured with medication.
08:58Yes, we know.
08:59It's a help.
09:00This is a compliment for the people who believe.
