• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

Desideri della Sapienza, per la misurazione dell’ipertensione attenti a effetto camice bianco

Forte l’impatto del virus respiratorio sinciziale sulla qualità di vita delle famiglie. Lo studio

Mele della Soi, ‘occhiali strumento sicuro per correggere miopia’

A seguire lo Speciale Salus Tv dal titolo: Minelli della Lum, colon irritabile e sibo conseguenze di un microbiota intestinale alterato


00:00In this video, we are going to show you how to use the SalusTv app to get the most out of your health.
00:12Desires of wisdom for the measurement of hypertension, watch out for the white shirt effect.
00:18Strong impact of the respiratory and syncytial virus on the quality of life of families, the study.
00:23Soi apple, safe tool to correct myopia.
00:27Follow the SalusTv special by the title Minelli dell'alume, irritable colon and SIBO, consequences of an altered intestinal microbiota.
00:41Over the years, in the collective imagination, it seems almost normal that the blood pressure also increases,
00:46a pathology that suffers in Italy about 18 million people.
00:49Moreover, the prevalence of this disease is very high.
