• il y a 2 mois
Film d'action réalisé par Adrian Avila.
Avec Michael Paré (Director Storm), Paul Logan (Captian Jensen), Christina Rose (Celeste Daniels), Luke Stratte-McClure (Jeffery), Patrick Labyorteaux (Dr. Kirby), Vincent Duvall (General Bennett), Naiia Lajoie (Talia), Wilma Cespedes Rivera (Sergeant Sanchez), Stroud Ryan (Trooper Bateman), Johnnie Rodriguez (Trooper Landon), Nate Blair (Trooper Butler), Jose Luis Cordoba (Trooper Avila).

Synopsis :
Un vaisseau spatial sans aucun équipage atterrit sur Terre avec, à son bord, des échantillons provenant de Proxima b, une planète située dans le système Alpha du Centaure. Les scientifiques analysent ces spécimens et réalisent qu'ils sont vivants... .

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00:00Shuttle from Proxima B, you are cleared for landing.
00:05Is that what I think it is?
00:07Biosamples from Proxima B.
00:11Life, where I can check it's chemical identity.
00:16Whatever it was, it started expanding.
00:18The sample's grown to ten times its size.
00:21We need to lock this whole level down.
00:24Got something here.
00:27We don't know what it's capable of.
00:33We have to let my dad know they escaped.
00:36I'm sending the alert team immediately.
00:39You have about five minutes until I get through that door.
00:42Watch out!
00:43We're not going to make it!
00:45Prepare for antigravity matrix failure.
00:48The biology of these creatures is rapidly developing.
00:51Fall back!
00:52They're eating my dad.
00:55Stop the xenobot warriors before they reach Los Angeles.
01:00If we could disrupt their communications, we can stop them.
01:03Target reached!
01:05Holy cow!
01:10Shoot them!
01:17Jeffrey, they're in your suit!
01:25Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada