• 2 months ago
00:00Then there is lack of road marking and straight line edges, which are shy ways, which is actually helpful for guided movements.
00:09Then there are some unexpected, there are some wrong set movements of people in cycle trams, Sanatana cycle trams, main travel ways, which is also creating a risk for having a wheelchair.
00:19Wrong movement of vehicles from places of pedestrian trams, large intersection areas causing long and uncomfortable walking distances.
00:28Fourth point is vehicle objects.
00:35Round of applause please.
00:58Shri Harman Siddhu from Araise Hindu.
01:11Harpreet ji from Avoid Accident Education.
01:40Mr. Avtaar.
01:47Akshit Gal from.
01:55So, thank you very much.
02:01Akshit Gal from.
02:08So, friends, I think we had a very fruitful session today.
02:14I would like to thank all the participants from the NGOs and road safety experts who spared time from their busy schedule to come and be a part of this exercise.
02:26I thank also the representatives of departments of Municipal Corporation, Architecture Department.
02:34We will compile them in the form of a booklet and share with you all also.
02:44Sir, please tell us about today's workshop.
02:46What is the initiative and what are the benefits of it?
02:48And what are the parts of it?
02:50See, the objective of today's workshop was that we had selected five black spots.
02:55The definition of black spot is where there are many accidents and five congestion points in Chandigarh.
03:01We had consulted five traffic experts and we had representatives from all the departments of Chandigarh.
03:10Engineering Department, Architecture Department, Municipal Corporation and Traffic Police.
03:15All together, five teams analysed five black spots and five congestion points.
03:21We had a field visit.
03:23We had a discussion for two hours.
03:25After the whole day's exercise, what are the possible solutions?
03:29Short-term solutions were identified and long-term solutions were identified.
03:33We have compiled the recommendations of today's brainstorming.
03:39We will be sharing with our sister departments.
03:41And whatever action is required, then it will be taken on those lines.
03:44Sir, there are many things that have been said.
03:46Underground should be built where there are many underpasses.
03:51Is this a possibility in Chandigarh?
03:53Because it is a heritage setting.
03:55I think as far as my knowledge goes, underpasses should not be in conflict with the heritage status.
04:01It can be above the heritage status.
04:03I don't think there should be any problem with the underpass.
04:06The Architecture Department will be more conversant to comment on this.
04:10Right now, when people enter Chandigarh from Jirakpur, they are seeing more traffic.
04:18Is there a reason or solution for this?
04:21Because there is a lot of traffic.
04:23There is a to and fro movement.
04:25There is an intercity to and fro movement.
04:28For them, we have done this exercise.
04:30Can we find solutions to ease it out?
04:35We have identified solutions and we are working on them.
04:58For more information, visit www.fema.gov
