• hace 2 meses
In viral body cam footage, the Hooters waitress is seen calling a police officer "daddy" and asking for a kiss during a DUI stop. She has no choice but to accept comparisons to viral stars like Hailey Welch.


00:00Just across the street?
00:02I have to pee really bad
00:04Ok, well you are going to have to hang out unfortunately
00:06There is no places to eat right now
00:10Where is across the street?
00:16Golfgate, Tipsy Turvy
00:20Tipsy Turvy
00:22Tipsy Turvy, is that a bar
00:24Excuse me, down at Golfgate?
00:26Sorry, we are drinking a fizzy drink
00:28What were you drinking?
00:30A Celsius
00:32Fizzy drink?
00:36And it's a Celsius?
00:40You swear?
00:44Pinky? Hey, why don't we get out of the road?
00:46You were drinking a fizzy drink
00:48Come on
00:50You were drinking a fizzy drink
00:56Yes, I just want to counter you
00:58Counter me?
01:00I think you are trying to counter you
01:02Hey, you were drinking a fizzy drink
01:04You were drinking a fizzy drink
01:08Are you going to try me?
01:10A fizzy drink as in a Celsius
01:12Because I need energy
01:14Energy? Yeah
01:16Me too bro
01:18I just got off work
01:20Do you work at Hooters?
01:22Yes, I do
01:24I went to Hooters
01:26And then I went to
01:28Do you work at the Hooters down in
01:30I do
01:32Call me Red Flag
01:34You what?
01:36Red Flag, call me
01:38What's your first name?
01:42My name is Nick
01:44And I'm going to be honest
01:46It seems like
01:48You are
01:50Under the influence of something
01:52Oh my god
01:54Now, unfortunately
01:56In situations like this
02:00We are going to investigate
02:02A DUI
02:04Would you be willing to participate?
02:08You don't want to participate?
02:10No, I'm literally
02:12Drinking and I'm not going to drive
02:14I'm not going to drive
02:16But you were already driving
02:18I was not
02:20No, I wasn't
02:22No, I was not
02:24I mean, we stopped you in the middle of the road
02:26No, you didn't
02:28No, you did not
02:30Look at the cars
02:32No, you did not
02:34Where do you think you are right now?
02:36I am in Gulfgate
02:38You're miles from Gulfgate
02:40You did not stop me
02:42In front of Gulfgate
02:44You're correct
02:46That's what I'm saying
02:48Hey, that's not fair
02:50You did not stop me
02:52In front of Gulfgate
02:58I am investigating a DUI
03:04I would like if you would participate
03:06In a couple standard
03:08Field sobriety exercises
03:10To determine if you're able to drive home
03:12I'm not going to drive home
03:14Well, in that case
03:16We could at least pull the car over
03:18But if you would be willing to participate in those exercises
03:20Do you want me to call AAA?
03:24Like, I have to pee
03:26I know
03:28But right now you're not going to be able to pee
03:30I'm sorry, you're not going to be able to
03:32Right this second
03:34Can I go inside?
03:36Right there, please
03:38This is a church
03:40I don't want to pee in front of them
03:42You're not going to be able to pee right now
03:46I don't want to pee in front of anybody
03:52I don't want to pee in front of everybody
03:54You're not going to be able to pee right now
03:56There's nowhere to pee, unfortunately
04:00Would you be willing to participate
04:02In those exercises?
04:06And why is that?
04:10Well, if you don't participate in those exercises
04:12I have to make my determination
04:14Those guys
04:16Reckless driving
04:18You're not going to arrest them
04:20Well, I'm dealing with you right now, unfortunately
04:30I know this is not good news, Sofia
04:32But you are going to jail tonight
04:34For DUI, okay?
04:40Is there anybody
04:42That can come pick up your car?
04:46I'm trying to see if anybody can pick it up
04:50I cannot
04:52I don't want your car to get towed
04:54I don't want you to have to pay for that
04:56Is there anybody that can come pick up your car for you?
05:04It's pointless money
05:06That you'll have to spend to get your car out
05:10Can you
05:12Call somebody that can come pick it up?
05:14That won't be
05:16Extremely far away
05:18You know what?
05:20I should be hanging out
05:22With better dudes
05:24I should not be hanging out
05:26With nice dudes
05:30Is there somebody in your phone that we can call
05:32To come pick up your car?
05:34Yeah, his name is Connor Giselle
05:36He's one of the bad guys
05:38That you should be hanging out with
05:40Alright, listen
05:44I'm saying, do you trust this person with your car?
05:46Is what I'm trying to get at
05:48Yes, I do
05:50He's going to grab your phone and we're going to see if we can call him
05:52Is he sober?
05:56Will you just
05:58Hold on, stay right there
06:04Are you a friend of my grandmother?
06:08Yeah, you are
06:10Connor G?
06:12Yeah, that's him
06:14Can I call Connor?
06:16Accept, accept, accept
06:18Hey Connor
06:20Hey, put it on speaker
06:22Hold on, you're going to yell too much
06:26Connor, this is officer Bernier
06:28I'm here with the Sarasota Police Department
06:30Bro, fuck you bro
06:32I'm here with Sofia
06:34And we're downtown Sarasota
06:36And she's going to be going to jail for a DUI
06:38She's wondering if you can come pick up her car for her
06:40Oh my god
06:42Give it to me
06:50What's my badge number?
06:54Connor, give it to him
06:58Connor, give it to him
07:06Yeah, who is this?
07:08Is this someone also downtown?
07:18Okay, so
07:28So, I mean
07:30No, I mean
07:32She's going to jail
07:34I mean, we can park the car here
07:36But we can't leave the keys with it
07:38Because we can't sit here and watch it, unfortunately
07:44Do you have his number?
07:50Do you guys like all know each other or something?
07:58And do you know Sofia well?
08:04And what's your name again?
08:10Sofia, can Kayla come grab the keys and take your Jeep?
08:14Why don't you call
08:16Let me call
08:18Call Sienna
08:20How about that?
08:22Call Sienna
08:24Call Sienna
08:28Yeah, that's fine
08:30I'm not doing it
08:32So, I'm going to call Evan real quick and see if that's okay
