• 2 months ago


00:00In Rajdhani Delhi, the election has been announced and all the candidates from different parties have started their nomination after the announcement was made on 10th January.
00:10One of the candidates from the Right to Recall Party, Anima Ojha ji is here to talk to us.
00:17Anima ji has entered her nomination from the Lakshminagar Legislative Assembly.
00:20Let's find out what issues she has, what is her party's aim and what issues she wants to bring to the people.
00:30So, you have entered your nomination from Lakshminagar.
00:33What is your party's aim? When did you form your party?
00:36Our party has been registered in the Election Commission in 2019.
00:42Before this, it was in the form of a movement or a group for a long time.
00:46This has been going on since 1999.
00:49Our party has passed many laws.
00:52Our aim is to bring all those laws to the people, to the people.
00:57So that when the people themselves like those laws, they themselves will protest to implement them.
01:02Or they will support us in any way.
01:04They will ask the government for it.
01:07So, you have just entered your nomination from Lakshminagar.
01:10So, what are the issues of Lakshminagar? Which issues will you bring to the people?
01:15The first issue of our manifesto is the right to recall over the Chief Minister.
01:21It means that the law on the return of votes should be implemented on the Chief Minister of Delhi.
01:25When the return of votes is implemented, every voter will get a passbook.
01:30And if he wants, he can go to the Patwari office and vote against the Chief Minister.
01:38And everyone will be able to see the votes on the internet.
01:44And if 10 lakh voters vote against the Chief Minister,
01:49that is, more than 10 lakh votes are against the Chief Minister,
01:55or 10 lakh, 9 lakh, I am saying approximately,
01:59then the Chief Minister may have to resign.
02:02And then whichever candidate the voters have elected,
02:10he can be made the Chief Minister.
02:12And we are proposing this law to the District Police Commissioner and the District Education Officer.
02:21Who are the founders of your party and how many seats are there in Delhi to fight the elections?
02:27The founder of our party is Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta.
02:30He lives in Gujarat.
02:31He is a computer engineer, a software engineer.
02:33And now in Delhi, we have 30 seats in the final.
02:38And there may be some more seats.
02:40So, the preparations are going on for the remaining seats?
02:44Yes, the negotiations are going on.
02:46So, how long will the negotiations take place?
02:49It will be announced in a day or two.
02:53So, you have just inaugurated from Lakshminagar.
02:55So, how long have you been involved in the party and since when are you taking it forward?
03:00I have been involved with this party since 2013-14.
03:04At that time, it was not a party, it was a group, i.e. a right to recall group.
03:07And it was a group made up of these proposed laws
03:12and we were trying to bring these issues to the people as much as possible.
03:17After that, this party was formed in 2019.
03:20So, the party also fought the Lok Sabha elections in 2019?
03:23Yes, it fought. It fought on 18 seats.
03:26Did it fight in Delhi and outside as well or in Delhi?
03:28Yes, it fought outside as well.
03:29I mean, we are in all India.
03:34Is there a state office somewhere in Delhi?
03:36No, there is no state office.
03:38No, there is no state office.
03:43There is an office, an EVM office,
03:46where we give a demo against EVM black glass.
03:50So, is your party against EVM or in support of EVM?
03:54No, it is against EVM.
03:56Since the time EVM has been black glass,
03:58the glass of EVM used to be white, i.e. transparent.
04:01And now the glass of EVM has turned black.
04:04So, we cannot see behind the black glass,
04:06because of which it is possible to change the votes behind it.
04:09That is why our party and our party has also made a demo machine,
04:15which is not a demo machine of the election commission.
04:18Our party has made it.
04:20Our founder has made it.
04:21And we show that demo to the voters and tell them that
04:24it is possible to steal votes.
04:26It is not that it is being stolen,
04:28but it is possible that it can be done.
04:31So, what does your party want?
04:33That the black glass should be removed and the EVM should be brought,
04:35or the ballot paper should be brought?
04:37No, the ballot paper should be brought.
04:38Otherwise, there will be some other way.
04:40So, what is the use?
04:41It is better that the ballot paper should be brought.
04:43There is no problem in the ballot paper responsibility.
04:45It should be brought.
04:46That was already there.
04:47But EVM has been used for a long time in other countries as well.
04:50And the ballot paper was a very long process in counting.
04:53That problem used to come.
04:54This makes the counting faster.
04:55So, the new technology should not be used?
04:58No, the new technology should be used.
05:01But it should not be in such a way that there is a possibility of theft in it.
05:04If there is a possibility of theft,
05:06then there is no use of that new technology.
05:08In fact, it will be harmful.
05:10It is better that the ballot paper should be brought.
05:13Even now, in America, people vote with the help of ballot paper.
05:16It is not that we are asking for the ballot paper only in India.
05:19In many other countries, people vote with the help of ballot paper.
05:23What is the local issue of the Lakshminagar Legislative Assembly for you?
05:29The local issue of the Lakshminagar Legislative Assembly,
05:31like air pollution, water pollution,
05:34these are all local issues.
05:36The street dogs are open, they keep roaming around.
05:40If I win the elections,
05:43then I will try to control all this.
05:47How long have you been living in Lakshminagar?
05:49Are you a resident of Delhi or somewhere else?
05:51No, I am not a resident of Delhi.
05:53My birthplace is near Patna, Ojabiga village.
05:56But I have been living in Delhi for a long time.
06:01So, the party gave you the responsibility to fight the elections.
06:04Are you fighting because the party told you to?
06:06Or was it your own effort?
06:09No, I do what the party tells me to do.
06:11If the party tells me to fight the elections, then I will do it.
06:15Otherwise, I can't fight the elections.
06:17I can fulfill other responsibilities as well.
