• 2 months ago
विदेशातील अनेक पक्षी अमरावती शहरासह जिल्ह्यातील पाणवठ्यावर आलेली आहेत. या पक्षी स्थलांतरणाची कारणे आणि सध्याचे पक्षी निरीक्षण याबाबत जाणून घ्या सविस्तर माहिती.


00:00In the winter, in search of food, various species of birds from Europe and Central Asia are seen on the beaches of Vidarbha.
00:20In the months of November, December and January, the number of birds coming from abroad is more,
00:27observing these birds, studying them, taking advantage of this evening, bird lovers are taking advantage of it.
00:36Every year in winter, we get a lot of birds from abroad.
00:40In this, all the rivers in Vidarbha and Maharashtra are flooded.
00:44Currently, a large number of birds from abroad have arrived in Amravati district.
00:48In this, if we see, every year around October, November, December, birds from abroad arrive in winter.
00:56And they stay with us until February, March.
00:59Currently, in Amravati district, common pochad, tufted pochad, malar, pintail, along with that, many small birds have also migrated.
01:08Some are panpakshi, some are ranpakshi.
01:10In this, we get to see different species of birds.
01:13Approximately, these birds come to us from Europe, Central Asia, Mongolia, Eurasia and Ladakh.
01:20The migration of these birds is very important.
01:23In environmental balance, birds play an important role.
01:26In that respect, there is a sense of happiness among the current bird lovers.
01:30Along with that, many bird lovers will go to the banks of many rivers and see the migration of these birds.
01:37But the question is being raised on the complete existence of these birds.
01:42Because in the last 10 years, my observation is that the number of migration of birds has decreased significantly.
01:53In short, in this respect, the pollution of water is affecting the existence of water resources.
02:01In many rivers and lakes, the amount of water pollution has increased.
02:05Along with that, we get to see a lot of development in many rivers and lakes.
02:12Therefore, we get to see a trend among bird lovers that we got up on the basis of the same birds that come to us from abroad to save lives.
02:25It is very important to take care that these foreign birds, which have been protecting themselves for a long time, will never be a threat to our environment in the future.
02:41Shashank Laure, ETV Bharat Amravati
